SafeDeposits Scotland - New Scheme to Protect Landlords and Tenants to Gift Surpluses to Charity








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SafeDeposits Scotland - New Scheme to Protect Landlords and Tenants to Gift Surpluses to Charity PR Newswire GLASGOW, Scotland, June 11, 2012 GLASGOW, Scotland, June 11, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- The Scottish Government has granted a licence to SafeDeposits Scotland to run nda tenancy deposit scheme in Scotland. From 2 July 2012 landlords in receipt of a tenancy deposit will have to transfer the deposit to a licensed operator, such as SafeDeposits Scotland, to ensure they are securely held and that any dispute about their eventual return is resolved quickly by an independent party Chaired by Sir Andrew Cubie CBE, SafeDeposits Scotland is unique among scheme providers in that it is a partnership of Scottish landlord, agent and tenant organisations, backed by an experienced provider already operating in England. Unlike other operators, SafeDeposits Scotland is a n o t - f o r - p r o f i t o r g a n i s a t i o n and any s u r p l u s e s generated will be gift aided to its sister charity, SafeDeposits Scotland Trust. This charity will be a grant-giving charity designed to promote education, training and best practice in the private rented sector in Scotland. Malcolm Lindo, Managing Director of SafeDeposits Scotland, said: "We are delighted to have received our licence to operate a tenancy deposit scheme in ndScotland. We now have our sights on the next milestone, 2 July 2012, when we will be able to receive landlords' property details and start protecting deposits.
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SafeDeposits Scotland - New Scheme to
Protect Landlords and Tenants to Gift
Surpluses to Charity
PR Newswire
GLASGOW, Scotland, June 11, 2012
GLASGOW, Scotland
June 11, 2012
/PRNewswire/ --
The Scottish Government has granted a licence to SafeDeposits Scotland to run
a tenancy deposit scheme in
. From 2
July 2012
landlords in receipt
of a tenancy deposit will have to transfer the deposit to a licensed operator,
such as SafeDeposits Scotland, to ensure they are securely held and that any
dispute about their eventual return is resolved quickly by an independent party
Chaired by Sir Andrew Cubie CBE, SafeDeposits Scotland is unique among
scheme providers in that it is a partnership of Scottish landlord, agent and
tenant organisations, backed by an experienced provider already operating in
Unlike other operators, SafeDeposits Scotland is a
and any
generated will be gift aided to its sister
charity, SafeDeposits Scotland Trust. This charity will be a grant-giving charity
designed to promote education, training and best practice in the private rented
sector in Scotland.
Malcolm Lindo, Managing Director of SafeDeposits Scotland, said: "We are
delighted to have received our licence to operate a tenancy deposit scheme in
. We now have our sights on the next milestone, 2
July 2012
, when
we will be able to receive landlords' property details and start protecting
Sarah Speirs, director, RICS Scotland, commented, "RICS Scotland welcomes
the news that SafeDeposits Scotland has been granted a licence by the Scottish
Government. As a professional organisation with a royal charter to act in the
best interests of the public, RICS consider that stronger regulation of the
private rented sector is to be welcomed and that this Tenancy Deposit Scheme
will prove clarity, transparency and fairness to both tenants and landlords who
access it."
Ian Potter, Operations Manager at ARLA, said, "We decided to become involved
due to the fact that we were involved with The Dispute Service in
wanted to demonstrate the same level of support for our Scottish members as
we had done in
. We believe SafeDeposits will use all the
experience garnered over the last 5 years, and in particular the last 2 years, to
operate an effective scheme for the agents, landlords and tenants in the
Private Rented Sector."
John Ferguson, Director of Development and Programmes, Scottish Council for
Voluntary Organisations, said, "Most landlords and tenants act fairly but where
unscrupulous behaviour exists SafeDeposits will put a stop to it. Better still, the
Safe Deposits Scotland Trust will put any surpluses to public good by promoting
education, training and best practice in
private rented sector. It
really is a win-win all around."
Robin Parker, President, NUS Scotland, said, "Tenants, including many students,
have waited a long time for a scheme that will protect their tenancy deposits
from the small minority of landlords that unfairly deduct or withhold their
deposits. Safe Deposits Scotland will therefore not only be good for tenants, but
also reward the good landlords and, in time, raise money for good causes in
- a win, win I'm sure all will agree."
Bob Doris MSP, Convenor of the Cross Party Group on Housing, said: "I am
delighted that the first providers of tenancy deposit schemes as licensed by the
Scottish Government are now gearing up to take on their duties from this July.
It is commendable that this service will afford greater protection for tenants. It
will also be achieved without any additional cost to either tenant or landlord, as
well as creating an independent dispute resolution system when needed. It is
expected that when there is no dispute between tenant and landlord that
deposits will be returned within 5 working days. I believe this has the prospect
of being an excellent service."
Steve Harriott: Director of SafeDeposits and Chief Executive of The Dispute
Service, said, "We are delighted that SafeDeposits has now been granted its
licence. It's the only not for profit tenancy deposit scheme in
and is
controlled by directors with the interests of Scottish landlords and tenants at
heart. We fully expect it to be a great success."
Notes to editors:
1. SafeDeposits Scotland is a not-for-profit company, limited by guarantee, with
its members being:
Scottish Association of Landlords
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
National Federation of Property Professionals
Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
National Union of Students Scotland
The Dispute Service Ltd
2. In
March 2011
, the Tenancy Deposit Schemes (
) Regulations 2011
came into force, and from 2
July 2012
landlords in receipt of a tenancy
deposit will have to transfer the deposit to a licenced operator, one of which
is SafeDeposits Scotland. At the end of the tenancy, if the tenant
disputes any deductions proposed by the landlord, the landlord must provide
documentary evidence showing why a deduction is justified.
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