2 Day Diet : Diet Part Time But Full Time Results , livre ebook









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The 2-Day Diet is a breakthrough plan and a dieter's dream come true. Diet for just 2 days a week and lose more pounds, more inches, more body fat, and more belly fat than you would on conventional pounds-off plans! And it's based on the latest scientific research. In this guide, 2 Day Diet : Diet Part Time But Full Time Results -The Ultimate 5:2 Step by Step Cheat Sheet on How To Lose Weight & Sustain It Now Revealed, we will document a quick and easy way to implement this diet with easy to use cheat sheets and ultimate mistakes to avoid. The best guide for someone who is busy and wants to get the whole gist of this diet and implement the 2 day diet in the next one hour!
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27 août 2013

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2-Day Diet:
Diet Part Time but Full Time Results

The Ultimate 5:2 Step by Step
Cheat Sheet On How to Lose Weight & Sustain It Now Revealed!
Table of Contents

Introduction - The 2 Day Diet Program
Chapter 1 The 2 Day Diet Weight Loss Basics and Principles
On Health Power
Exercise Power
Chapter 2 The 2-Day Diet Plan in Action
The 2 –Day Diet
The 2-Day Workout
Chapter 3 Keeping It Off After the 2 Day Diet
Chapter 4 Top 7 Mistakes
Ultimate Cheat Sheet and Checklist for 2-Day Diet
Introduction - The 2 Day Diet Program

The 2-Day Diet is a breakthrough program for losing weight. It only requires you to go into a diet two times per week, and yet you can lose pounds than can even double that from your everyday diet. .

With this program, you will be able to: Lose more pounds with only two days-a-week of diet and exercise Lose weight without necessarily having to count your calorie intake Get permanent weight loss results with healthy plan Enjoy flexibility with no rigid schedule to follow to lose weight Get rid of your excess weight easily with quick diet recipes

The chance of succeeding is greater since you would not have to do it every single day
Chapter 1 The 2 Day Diet Weight Loss Basics and Principles

The 2-Day Diet observes the following basics and principles for weight loss: You do not need to diet full time or 24/7 in order to gain your desired weight loss results. With a full-time diet, you only subject your body to unnecessary stress and pressure resulting to the following: unhealthy weight loss, feeling of food deprivation, fear and resistance leading to failure to achieve your weight loss goals.
Weight loss is more effective when you are in control of your diet plan. Most diet plans control you rather than you taking charge of your own diet.

This is why most people following these plans develop fear, resistance, and even animosity that they drop out of the program even before they can get their weight loss results. They feel like their programs are becoming an ordeal instead of helping them reach their weight loss goals.

In letting you control your diet, you are more likely to succeed with your weight loss results. For one thing, with only two days of dieting, and you get to choose when, you are voluntarily subjecting yourself to the plan. There is no force to make you fear the diet and resist it consequently.
Weight loss program in order to increase success rate should be user-friendly. The 2-Day Diet believes that dieting should be as easy as possible to the person following the program. Weight loss should be a rewarding journey, and not an ordeal that people will dread it.

Therefore, the diet plan must be clear with its goals and instructions. It has to be flexible empowering the person to get rid of excess weight based on one’s needs, preferences, and schedule. It should not dictate what to do or force the person to strict and rigid rules; instead, it should motivate, inspire, and guide the person to reach one’s weight loss goals.

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