>> Now we want to arm you with information about the agency, the programs, the mechanics, how do you use these programs to your benefit and how you can strategically use them in your marketing strategies. NIH is the world's foremost center for biomedical and behavioral science research and the foundation that supports US efforts to fight disease. It's important to note, just about 5-6 years ago the NIH mission definition expanded to embrace the behavioral science component—the National Institutes of Mental Health, the National Institutes on Drug Abuse—and the NIH's mission is to discover new knowledge, to improve the health care and health care delivery to everyone in this country and across the globe. We are one of many, what's called, "Operating Divisions" under the Department of Health and Human Services. At another department, they might call them bureaus or agencies. Here at the HHS, we call them Operating Divisions. Here's your first acronym, OPDIV, so if you hear someone talk about "this OPDIV," we're an OPDIV at NIH, some of our sister OPDIV's are the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration—the centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, the centers for Medicare and Medicaid out there in Baltimore, and on and on. Diane mentioned, we are comprised of 27 institutes and centers. That acronym you'll hear tossed around across the campus, that's how we refer to our main facility in Bethesda, as the "campus." IC's , for example—the National Cancer ...