Free 12 x 8 Shed Plan









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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

This 8 × 12-ft. shed features a simple gable roof, double doors, and side and rear windows for natural lighting. With full-height walls and doors, there's ample room for storing large items or creating a comfortable work space. An optional wood ramp helps in moving lawn mowers and other heavy equipment.
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21 juillet 2017

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Fr ee12 x 8Shed Plan
With Illustrations, Blueprints& Step By Step Details

Br oughtTo You By:

MyShedPl ans

Click Here To Download 12 ,0 0 0Shed Plans >>

1 2 ’x 8’ Basic She d

This 8 ×1 2 - ft .shed featur esa simple gable roof, double doors, and
side and rear window sfor natur allight ing.Wit hfull- heightw allsand
door s,t her e'sam pler oomfor stor inglar geit em sor creat inga
com for t ablew or kspace. An optional wood ram phelps in mov ing
law nm ow er sand other heavy equipment .

The shed's simple constr uct ionm ak esit especially adaptable for
differ entuses. For exam ple,y oucan easily fram ein additional
w indow s—t ouse the shed as a wor k shopor pott ingshed—or omit
all of the window sand devot et hespace entir elyt osecur est or age.

The finish mat er ialsfor the basic shed also are tr uet oit snam e:
asphalt roof shingles, plyw oodsiding, and simple tr imdet ailsar e
appr opr iat elypr act icalfor this classic outbuilding design. You can
pur chasepr ehungdoor sor build your own using the proj ectplans.

eBay am m o1980

M a t e r ia ls
D e scr ip t ion Qu a n t it y /Siz e
Fou n d a t ion
Dr ainage
m at er ial1 . 4cu. yd.

Sk ids3 @12'- 0"
Floor Fra m in g

Rim joist s

j oist s

sheat hing

2 @12 '- 0"

10 @8'- 0"

3 sheets, 4 ×

Joist clip
angles 20
W a llFr a m in g
Bot t om2 @12'- 0" ,1
plat es@ 8'- 0 "
4 @12'- 0" ,4
Top plates @8 '- 0 "
St uds4 0@ 92 5/ 8"
2 @10'- 0'',2
Header s@ 6'- 0 "
Header 1@ 9'- 0 " ,1 @
spacer s6 '- 0 "
Ga b leFr a m in gW a ll
Top plates 2@ 8'- 0 "
St uds2 @8 '- 0 "
a m in gRoof Fr
Raft er s2 2@ 6'- 0"
Met al
anchor s—
r aft er s10, wit hnails
Raft ert ies3 @8'- 0 "
Ridge board 1@ 14'- 0"
Look out s1 @8 '- 0 "
1 @8 '- 0 " ,2 @
Subfascia 10 '- 0 ''
Soffit nailers 3@ 8'-0 "
Ex t e r iorFin ish e s
Ply w ood10 sheets @ 4
siding ×9 '

M a t e r ia l

Com pact ible
gr av el
4 ×4 tr eat ed
t im ber s

2 ×6 pressur
et r eat ed
2 ×6 pressur
et r eat ed
3 /4 "t ongue-
&gr oov eex t . - gr ade
ply w ood
3 "× 3" ×3 "×
16- gauge
galv anized

2 ×4

2 ×4
2 ×4

2 ×6
1 /2 "ply w ood—5 "
w ide

2 ×4
2 ×4

2 ×6

Sim psonH1
2 ×4
2 ×8
2 ×6

2 ×6
2 ×2

5/ 8"t ex t ur e1- 11
ply w oodsiding,

eBay am m o1980

Z- flashing
Wall &
cor nert r im
Ply w ood
soffit s

Soffit vent s
( door / w indow
t r im )
Roof in g
sheat hing
1 5 #building
Met aldr ip
Roof ven t s
( opt ional)
D oor

Fr am e

St ops
m at er ial
Z- br ace
Const r uct ion
adhesiv e

Ex t er iort r im
I nt er iort r im
( opt ional)
St r aphinges
ow sW in d

Fr am es
St ops

2 pieces @8
ft .

10 @10' - 0"
8 @8 '- 0 "
2 sheets @ 4 ×
8 '

4 @4 ×1 2 "

8 linear ft.

6 sheets @ 4 ×

1 5 0sq. ft.

1 5 0sq. ft.
2 @14'- 0" ,4
@ 6'- 0 "

2 units

2 @8 '- 0 " ,1 @
6 '- 0 "
2 @8 '- 0 " ,1 @
6 '- 0 "

12 @8'- 0"
4 @6 '- 0 "

1 tube
2 @8 '- 0 " ,1 @
6 '- 0 "
2 @8 '- 0 " ,1 @
6 '- 0 "
6, wit hscr ew s

5 @6'- 0 "
1 @3 '- 0 "
1 0@ 6'- 0"

gr oov es8 "o. c.

Galv anized—18

1 ×4 S4S cedar
1 ×8 S4S cedar
3 /8" cedar or fir
ply w ood
Louv erw it hbug
scr een

Galv anized—18

1 /2" ext . - gr ade
ply w ood
250# persquar e
( m in. )

Galv anizedm et al

3 /4 ×4 1/ 4"
( act ual)S4S

1 ×2 S4S cedar
1 ×6 T&G V-j oint
S4S cedar
1 ×6 S4S cedar

1 ×4 S4S cedar

1 ×2 S4S cedar
Ex t er iorh inges

3 /4 ×4 1/ 4"
( act ual)S4S cedar

2 ×4 S4S cedar
1 ×2 S4S cedar

eBay am m o1980

Glazing tape 30 linear ft.
3 pieces—field
Glass measur e
m unt ins
( opt ional)3 @8 '- 0 "
Ex t er iort r im5 @8 '- 0"
I nt er iort r im
( opt ional)5 @8 '- 0 "
Ra m pt ion a l)( Op


St r inger s

Deck ing
Fa st e n e r s
16d comm on
10d comm on
galv anized
casing nails
8 dcom m on
8d box nails
galv anized
box nails
galv anized
finish nails
galv anized
box nails
7/ 8"
galv anized
r oofingnails
1 1/2" joist
hanger nails
1 1/4" wood
scr ew s
3 1/2" deck
scr ew s
3" deck
scr ew s

2 @6 '- 0 "

1 @8 '- 0 "

7 @6 '- 0 "

16 lbs.

1 lb.

1 lb.

1 /2 lb.
3 lbs.

1 1/2 lbs.

7 lbs.

1 /4 lb.

2 lbs

8 0nails

70 screw s

12 screw s

50 screw s

Glazing tape
1 /4 "clear ,
t em per ed

1 ×1 S4S cedar
1 ×4 S4S cedar

1 ×2 S4S cedar

2 ×8 pressur
et r eat ed
2 ×8 pressur
et r eat ed
2 ×4 pressur
et r eat ed

eBay am m o1980

2 1/2" deck
scr ew s
1 1/4" deck
scr ew s
lat excaulk

40 screw s

30 screw s

1 tube

eBay am m o1980

eBay am m o1980

eBay am m o1980

eBay am m o1980

eBay am m o1980

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