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23 septembre 2011
Poids de l'ouvrage
7 Mo
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Publié le
23 septembre 2011
Poids de l'ouvrage
7 Mo
ublb ed the supply ofnf newew and renovated housus sing betwwe eeen 2002 a2a2ndnnd 2007, and d increased housu ingng loans s by
ds s in urban multi-apartment t bubildingngs now use e safe,fe clean, andnd d af ordable g gas- -baseed heatingsg soluoltions, up THE WORLD BANK
tedd d frommm mmicrcroof nanncec pr roograrams dururining the last 12 years. || In BELARUS , aalmolmmo ostst 7700 0 scshoooolsls anaand health ANNUAL REPORT 2011 aan d the e inteerner ationa al airprport cutvt vt ehiehiclecle-operating costs by 62p2 p peer cent and almost doudo o bble d road usu agegge e
ararararyyyyyyyyy scscscscchhohohhoohool gl girlirls is in an a reremmoteve villillageage ofof eaeasteeeernrnrn rnrn Bhutan to continue thheireireireireireir edededeedededededeedededduuuucau tion withithithithththhinin ddadadadadadayyyyyyyys os os os os os o oooftf tftftff tff tftff tftf fff t tttthhehehhe hhehe hehhe hehe heee 2200220020020020022000000999999 999
YEAR IN REVIEWddu urinr g 1997 7–20200505. | In BOTSWANA, HIV/V/ /AAIDS p prreventnt tioiono mmo veedd forwwardd wwiti h ahalmllmomost sst t 44343 3 percent otto ooff
liti eracy rateae amon ng 8-year-ar oldlds to 76 6p6 percent t inin 202 09, ann inicreasea of f 111 perce ent nt oveveverr 2 2007. . | InInn BURBURKIKINKI A FAAF FASO O , 9,994 p44p pere centen of f OuOagagadoudggougo ’s popopulaululalatioti onn—1n— ,4848 80,00,000 0 peop ple—now hw aveve access to safe water.
miminmi innorso.. | In CAAMBODBO IA, the primary compm letiononn rate reea achech d 85.6 6 perrce ent nt in 200008–0–09, 99,up u from l less than 5050 perp rcecnt otto nly y f vvee yeears ago o. | In CACAMMEROERR ONO N, 1, .66 milmilion peoplle benenefe ted ddirectly from impim roved
, aan intntegra ated f nnanancicial managememenent system im mplememented i inn 1 59 ccentraraal goveveernmrnentnt t aggenencn ies s fafccilitattaateedd tit mmely y by udgdg get ete t exeecutu ionon; 177878 8 governmenme nt a agenciecics were supporttedd by ay a performa ancnce-ba-bab sedse monitoring
od od odod d ddamdamdd age in DeDe ececececemmmmberberberer 202020200008. | In COCOLLOMBOMBIAA , 1.7 .7 mmmmmilmi lion f faamiamiamiamiamimiliellielielielies bs bs bs bs bsbbeneeneeneeeeneeneftftffff t t t ted ed eed d frfrfrfrfrfrfrooooooom m tm tmtmm thehehhhe e FaFaFaFaFaFammmmmmiliiliililiiliiliiliilil asasas s eneeen AcAcAccccióiónón ccocc ndinndin tiotional l cacacash shhh hhhhh trtrattratrtratrttransfnsfnsfnsfnsfsf ffffeerer er er r prprprprpprpprprprprprprprooooooggram in 2n 20080 , uuuuuuuupp fppfp p fpp fpppppp fp rrorororoom 340,00,0 000 00 fafamaamaa ilies in n 20202004. | | InIIn CÔCÔTCÔ E D’IVOIRE ,
andandandnd 2225,0,000 00 touristss inn 202012 0. || In DJI I BBOUBO TI, , 71 percentnntt ofo stsudentsn no ow cwcoompom lete primmary schhooho ool wllwwiththoutut repeaptting a a gradede e, u,u uup spsp shharpyply frroom 52 perpe ceenent itnn 2 200303–04–0 . | In the DOM MINIINN CCAN REPUBLIC, | In t tthe he ARAB REPUPUUBLIB C OFF E EEGYPT , the volumeum of f momrtgage lendingn inc creased froom 300000 million n Eggy yptip an anpoupooouunds ttoo 4.2b2 b billl ioion Egypt tian pop unds in j jusustu f ve yeears as a resusult t of morortgtgtgt aagge sector reforms,
ooooloololol fefededidid ng progra am, andnd student ntenrn ollmenmeent itincrnceaseae edd byb almmosto t 111,0,00000 s0s studeents.s Co ondditdi ional cash tran nsfs er pprooggrarama s h helpeded 100,,000 f famimmi ilies as s of 2010. | In ERITRERERA , 31,556 56 orphahans were plpl llacacacaceed with families
GOSLAL V RE EPUBLICIIC OFO F MACEDCEDONIONA , real l estat te ceadaadd str re c cooveragage more thhan ann doudblble edfdd f rooomm 433 pe erce entn iinn 20200 05 to 9o9 9 percentnt in 2009, and tddt he annual l number offrf r egistered transactionionii s is is is increased by
r coommmommmon cn hildhood diseasa es s inin i 2009, 9,, up upu from 7 78 p8ercent ini 220004004. | In GGHA ANA, t, he e impirovovoedd pprroovisiion n of mam ternal annd child health care e rreduced undder f ve mortality rrates to 80 per 1,000 live bibirtrthhhhssss in 2008,
s ws wweereree assessed for structuralalalalal l dadadadadadamagmag ge iee ie i in tnn tn tnt he hehe hhe he wwakwakwakwak ke oe oe oeeooff tf thehhe he earearearearthqtthquauauakuake.e | Inn HOHONDURUR RRRASAASASASAS, t, t, t, t thehehehhe nunnunnunumumberber oofof chchchchhhhildildrerenn ennroolledled inin ththe ge gradrade ce corrorrespespspspspspondondinging toto their age incrc eas sedededed by 19 percent, and schoo ol al assissisisisstas nce
ewawatater treatatment capacity of ututilii tietis duri ing 20000–0–077. 7. | In INDIN IAA , ovveer r 988 percent of India’s chilhi dren n now have ae ccess s to a primmary school withinn 1 kilometer of their homes; 5 mmil lion children remain out ofof scsccchhoohh l,
tionn w was sig gnif cantly strengtheneeded by the estabta lishment t of o thehe An ntiti-t Corrup ptionn Commom ission, the Anti-Corr ruptionoon Court, t the Jududicial Commission, ththeh Poolicice Ce ommission, andd the e PProsecutorial Commission i in 2n 000000007.
as impi rovro edd whentn the ffr rst pro bono o laawwyers assssociattion was createteed bd yyty the Jor rdandad Center f for r Legal Aid in coordiinanation with the Joordan n Bar Associat tioon; it provides citizens witth a syyysstem of ‘one-stop-shops’ forr lel gagalgaga
agagaa ndada a wwas reduceed by more than 20 p ppere cent t frf omm 1999 to 2007 7.. | InI KKENYYA, 32,000 0 ppoorr orphphans andd vulnlnerable chhildren havee betb ter living coonditit onons because of cash th ransfers to their households. | InIn theee e
ntryy’s road d traransnspor rtt network rk improroved sincee 199 96, with travel speedsds ri ising f from 35 kilomometers/s/ /hhour to 80/kilolomet terse/ho/ ur. | In LATVIAV , 90 percent t of f 5-year-olds and 98 percent ofo 6-year-olds havev been enrnroollel d ddd
wawawawwwas is imprmmprooveoved,d, aloaloalong ng witwith 28 kilomet eters of f ththththththe potable water ne etwtwwwwoork rkk andaand 3633 kilomomometeters s of the seweragege netwoooorkrk,, frfromom 2002 0 to 2o 200008. | In LESOT TTHOO, therhe ee was a 10 per rcentagagegg point increase in the mmodeodernnnn
iiilitaatatet d odr r repairreed during the last st severaraall y ears. | In LITHUANIAIAA ,, the reehhaababilitaation anda extension of more than 2 kilometers s of breakwaters, froomm 11999 to 2002 7, has impr roved tthe competitiveness, safettyy, andand dd
, t ttherh e wasas a 12 percentagege pop int dde cline in the poverty headcoununtn , f from 52 percecent nin 2005 t to 40 p0p er rceentnt in 20000808. | In MALAYSIA, 33 primar ryy sschoolss,, 26 seeccondary schhools, 4 4447 teacher’s quarters, and aboaboutuutu
Mayy 2 010010. | In MAURITIUSIU , une eemmployment declined from 9.5 pper cent in 2005 too 7.2 percentnt ini 20008 as ara ra esues suult ltl of othetthe government’s reform progra am, mm, and the unemployment t rate feor women decreased signif ccantantntntly
99,0 000 0 in poor and very poor coommunititiesiee fromoom 2006 to 2009. | InI MOLDOVA , mother-to-child d tra ansnsm iss sionioi of HIV infection dececreased by almomost 90 percent—fr f om 20 0 pererccent in 2002 to 1.7 percent inn 202020007.0
ns ininn 2002222002. 2. | In MORMO OCCO , t,t hehe mmobmmmm ileleeee phphp ononen market grew toooo 7.3 million usersers inin 202 03, up frfromm less thananan 111111 7777,0000000000 inin 19988, when compomp pppeetieetitiotion an a a aaaandnd regguulau totoorry reform werreie intrntntntrntrt oduoducced. | In NAM MIBIA , acceccccecc ss ss to
1818 H Street NW rur raal rooao ds were constructed or rr ehabilita atted dduring the last two yye ars, through h a commm uninity-driven operatio onn. | In NICICI C AARAGUA, 335 m5micro eoo nnterpr rises s employing n apppproxoximately 4 4000 ppeople wewere estabababl lishshedede to
A , 3.4 mmillilion benef ciaries frromo the agricrirultural sector were abble to increasese their income by a appproximatelely 63 percer nt between 2004 and 2 20009 through access to better e equipmement. | In the ORGANANIANININNN SASASATTTION N
et twtween 202002 and 2008,8, aand ad d 10 percent increase in the transitit on rate to s secondary educat tioion n for undersersses rrved areas. | In PAAKISSSTAN, loocal hlh ydropower genereratia onn inincincrreased from about t 35 perpercececennnt tt tt to4o 4o 46 p6 p perccent
a h heealth servvic es packagee i n 2 20100 . | In PAPUA NEW GUU IINEA ,, rehabilitat tion of the Port o of Raba aulu, fof llowin ng thhe eruptipt on in nn 199 94,4, allowed international carggo o to be e shipped again directly ly lyly ly ly ttot andand ffrom the po ort
susupply schemes and the proviision of 23,000 latrines betwwe een 199 97 and 20020 7. | In PERU , more thhan 15,000 kilometers s sof o rural roooadds were rehabilitated bebetwwe een 199 95 a5and 2006. | InI the PHIP LIPLIPIPPINES, about
e innnnfected wd withith HIH V r reeceivveed ad annti-retroviral treatment in 2020202008, upp frfrom m 25 percent in 2006. | In RRRRWANDA, 750,000 people n nnowowowowoowow hhave access to a reliablablabl llllllllleee eee ee ee eee eee ee eeeeeeee ee ee e eellleclllllelleee trical supply, with e eeeelecleclecleclectritricitcityy ly oadoa shheedde ing reduced
bby y 20008. | In SENEGAL, t, he gross primar a y school enenr oll lment rtr ate was 84 percent in 2008, up from 67 percent in 2002 2. . | In SERBIA, public f nanc ciaial mam nagement was s stsrengththened by thehe introrodduuction of a
In SSIE ERRA LEONENE, 7 70000,000 people gained accessss too impr roved health and sanitation f ffaaciac lities, and 148 health faci ilitieies wer