CS-AS Day In The Life/Job Description - Google Docs








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  • cours - matière potentielle : groups
  • cours - matière potentielle : plans
IHC Camp Counselors At Indian Head Camp we hire exceptional individuals who are prepared to ‘do it all'. Our working ethos revolves around the mind set: ‘What can I do to make someone else's job easier?' Therefore, despite the fact that you may be hired as a Cabin Specialist, or an Activity Specialist, first an foremost you are a Camp Counselor. In most scenarios your job description is identical; you live in a cabin with kids, you have equal responsibility, and you are working and striving for the same goals.
  • softball basketball dance disc golf fitness flag football games golf gymnastics
  • cabin specialist
  • creative arts arts
  • rest hour
  • lunch lunch
  • cabin
  • kids
  • camp
  • activity
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Algebra 1 West Aurora School District State Goal 6 – Number SenseSTATE GOAL 6 – Demonstrate and apply a knowledge and sense of numbers,  includingnumeration and operations (addition, subtraction,  multiplication,division), patterns, ratios, and proportions. Concepts: Needto Know About Number Sense Number Forms Equivalent of Operations Order  NumberSentences/Word Problems  RationalNumbers o ƒand MultiStep Single ƒ Ratiosand Proportions  Percents Skills:Be Able to Do Represent(Equivalent Number Forms)Apply(Knowledge and Rules of Order of Operation) Setup(Single and MultiStep Problems Involving Ratios, Proportions, Percents, etc with Rational Numbers) Evaluate(Single and MultiStep Problems Involving Ratios, Proportions, Percents, etc with Rational Numbers) Solve(Single and MultiStep Problems Involving Ratios, Proportions, Percents, etc with Rational Numbers) Topics or Contexts:Equivalent number forms include the following:  fraction/decimal/percent,radical/rational exponents,  exponential,absolute value, scientific notation.  Problemsinvolving ratios and proportions may include the following:  quantitycomparisons, rate of change, unit rate.  Percentproblems would be dealing with: sales tax, tips, interest,  discount,markup, quantity comparisons, commission, compound  interest. Allproblems need to include students judging reasonableness of  solutions.  Variouslessons in textbooks  Problemsolving activities involving reallife situations (Problems of  theWeek).  ACT/WorkKeysWorksheets – LearnaTest – Coach Software
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