De Re Belief and Cumming's Puzzle








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  • leçon - matière potentielle : definite descriptions
  • leçon - matière potentielle : because menendez
  • leçon - matière potentielle : the same sentence
  • exposé
  • leçon - matière potentielle : determiner phrases
De Re Belief and Cumming's Puzzle James R. Shaw Draft, please don't cite Cumming (2008) uses a puzzle about belief ascription to argue against a Millian semantics for names, and in favor of a semantics on which names are assigned denotations relative to a shiftable variable assignment. I argue that a generalization of Cumming's puzzle reveals that its solution shouldn't appeal to the influence of any shiftable parameters on overt referring expressions.
  • world parameter
  • product of substitution
  • definite descriptions
  • intensional context
  • shiftable parameter of the index
  • special challenge to the millian
  • identity
  • belief
  • strategy
  • time
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American Academy of Sleep Medicine Education Committee Question Bank Category: PolysomnographicTechnology/Methodology Submitted by Lee K. Brown MD 1. Whichone of the following types of artifacts indicates an electrical, as opposed to mechanical, cause of interference in an EEG signal?  A.Electrode popping  B.Negative sharp wave whenever air conditioner cycles on  C.Sinusoidal movement of baseline in synchronization with breathing  D.Increased noise whenever patient sleeps in left lateral decubitus position  E.Negative sharp wave in synchronization with breathing Correct answer: B Reference: TynerFS, Knott JR, Mayer WB Jr.Fundamentals of EEG Technology, Volume 1: Basic Concepts and Methods.Raven Press:New York, 1983. 2. Thenumbers in the “International 10-20” system of electrode placement refer to:  A.The number of electrodes that can be placed  B.The electrical potentials, in microvolts, that the system is designed to measure  C.The angles between adjacent electrodes, in degrees  D.The diameters of the different types of electrodes  E.The distance along various anatomical planes, in percent of the total length Correct answer: E Reference: TynerFS, Knott JR, Mayer WB Jr.Fundamentals of EEG Technology, Volume 1: Basic Concepts and Methods.Raven Press:New York, 1983. 3. Whensetting up a digital (computerized) polysomnographic system, the sampling rate for a given signal should be no less than what percent of the highest frequency of interest?  A.200%  B.100%  C.50%  D.300%  E.It doesn’t matter, the computer will compensate for the sampling rate Correct answer:A
Reference: BaileyJJ, Berson AS, Garson A Jr. et al.Recommendations for standardization and specifications in automated electrocardiography: bandwidth and digital signal processing. Circulation 1990; 81:730-739. 4. Whendiscussing EEG waveforms, a negative wave is defined as one that goes in the upward direction. Thereason for this convention is:  A.The definition was developed by an Australian physiologist  B.Electronic amplifiers for collecting EEG activity initially used vacuum tubes  C.Polygraphic pen-based recorders initially used electromagnets to control the pens  D.Polygraphic pen-based recorders initially depended on gravity to move the pens down  E.Electronic amplifiers for collecting EEG activity initially used galvanometers Correct answer: B Reference: TynerFS, Knott JR, Mayer WB Jr.Fundamentals of EEG Technology, Volume 1: Basic Concepts and Methods.Raven Press:New York, 1983. 5. Theamount of 60 Hz electrical current induced in a patient by a malfunctioning polysomnograph apparatus that can induce ventricular fibrillation is approximately:  A.300 microAmperes  B.1 milliAmpere  C.10 milliAmperes  D.50 milliAmperes  E.200 milliAmperes Correct answer:E Reference: TynerFS, Knott JR, Mayer WB Jr.Fundamentals of EEG Technology, Volume 1: Basic Concepts and Methods.Raven Press:New York, 1983. Submitted by James A. Rowley, MD, Wayne State University 6. Commonmode rejection refers to: A. methodof processing input signals such that negative signals are deflected upward B. methodof processing input signals such that signals with identical voltages are eliminated C. methodof processing input signals such that positive signals are deflected upward D. methodof processing slow moving potentials such as respiratory signals Correct Answer: B Reference: Butkov, N. Atlas of Clinical Polysomnography. Synapse Media:Ashland, OR, 1996. 7. Sensitivitycan be associated with which of the following statements? A. sensitivity= pen deflection/voltage B. voltage= sensitivity/pen deflection C. sensitivity= voltage/pen deflection
Correct Answer: C Reference: Tyner FS, Knott JR, Mayer WB Jr.Fundamentals of EEG Technology, Volume 1: Basic Concepts and Methods.Raven Press:New York, 1983. 8. Whichof the following is a cause of 60 cycle interference?  A.proper patient grounding  B.sweat  C.electrode impedance imbalance  D.improper electrode position Correct Answer: B Reference: Butkov, N. Atlas of Clinical Polysomnography. Synapse Media:Ashland, OR, 1996. 9. Whichof the following is a cause of ECG artifact? (METH) A. obesity  B.short inter-electrode distance  C.placement of electrodes on bone  D.electrode position parallel to the electrical orientation of the heartCorrect Answer: A Reference: Butkov, N. Atlas of Clinical Polysomnography. Synapse Media:Ashland, OR, 1996. 10. The time constant is defined as the time in seconds it takes for a square wave to decay to  ofits initial amplitude.  A.75%  B.63%  C.50% D. 37%  E.20% Correct Answer: D Reference: Butkov, N. Atlas of Clinical Polysomnography. Synapse Media:Ashland, OR, 1996. 11. The purpose of the low frequency filter is:  A.Attenuate input signals which are faster than the selected frequency range  B.Attenuate input signals which are slower than the selected frequency range  C.Attenuate 60 Hz signals Correct Answer: B Reference: Butkov, N. Atlas of Clinical Polysomnography. Synapse Media:Ashland, OR, 1996.
12. What will the pen deflection be if the sensitivity is 10µv/cm and the input voltage is 75µv? A. 75mm B. 10mm C. 75cm D. 10cm Answer: A Reference: Tyner FS, Knott JR, Mayer WB Jr.Fundamentals of EEG Technology, Volume 1: Basic Concepts and Methods.Raven Press:New York, 1983. 13. DC amplifiers are advantageous for measuring which of the following signals?  A.ECG saturationB. Oxygen  C.Chin EMG  D.EEG  E.Leg EMG Answer: B Reference: Butkov, N. Atlas of Clinical Polysomnography. Synapse Media:Ashland, OR, 1996. 14. Which of the following is a cause of slow artifact?  A.placement of the electrode over an artery B. sweat signals  D.teeth grinding Answer: B Reference: Butkov, N. Atlas of Clinical Polysomnography. Synapse Media:Ashland, OR, 1996. 15. Which of the following is an appropriate filter settings for the EEG?  A.High filter: 10 HzLow Filter: 100 Hz  B.High filter: 10 HzLow Filter: 30 Hz  C.High filter: 0.3 HzLow Filter: 100 Hz  D.High filter: 0.3 HzLow Filter: 30 Hz  E.High filter: 1 HzLow Filter: 30 Hz Answer: D Reference: Butkov, N. Atlas of Clinical Polysomnography. Synapse Media:Ashland, OR, 1996.
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