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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

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INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC: Romantic Era Test _____________________________________________________________________ 1. The Erlking (a song by Schubert) uses as a text a poem by a.
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  • robert schumann
  • prominent use of chromatic harmony
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Master programme in fine arts Information about the application process 2012/2013 Application deadline: March 1, 2012
Information and time plan for the application to the Master programme in fine arts 2012/2013 The application to Royal Institute of Art (Kungl. Konsthögskolan (KKH)) is made online at On the digital application form you create an account, fill in your personal data and submit documentation of 6-8 work samples and a text of approximately one page. The text should be written in English and give a description of your artistic direction and focus and can also reflect on the submitted work samples. The text in English can also be complemented with a Swedish version. You need to have good knowledge of English to be able to follow the programme . Entry requirement and selection Entry requirement: To be admitted onto the programme you need to have completed a Bachelor’s degree in fine arts (180 ECTS credits) or equivalent knowledge. Selection: The selection is made by an admission board consisting of supervising professors in fine arts, an external board member,junior/senior lecturers and students. The admission is based on your work samples, an interview and the text. Please note! Do not submit your degree certificate with your application. KKH will contact those applicants who have been chosen after the selection. Time plan March 1, 2012Last day for the digital application at  Theapplication should include: Documentation of 6-8 work samples (for example paintings, drawings, photographs, graphic art, objects, sculptures, videos etc. – regarding longer films/video works, a short synopsis/trailer should also be handed in). For each separate work sample documentation can include a maximum of 5 pictures, for example overview pictures, close-ups, sketches and possibly a written description. Information about the measurements, material, running time and production year should be included. Preferred file formats for films are MOV, MP4 (MPEG4) or AVI, max 45MB/min, but at the most 2GB/film,JPG for pictures and MP3 for sound (2 channel stereo is used during the admission but 7.1 channel sound is possible).A link to a home-page is not accepted. A text of approximately one page. The text should be in English and give a description of your artistic direction and focus. In addition it may contain reflections on the submitted work samples. The text in English can also be complemented with a Swedish version. March 27, 2012Call to attend an interview and to hand in originals of the work samples KKH will call all the applicants that have made it to the second round in the application process to an interview. Interviewswill take place April 18-19 at KKH or, if necessary, by phone. The applicants concerned will be notified about the time for the interview by e-mail and through their account at KKH will offer all the applicants who have passed to the second round in the application process to hand in the originals of the work samples documented in the application. The original works can either be handed
April 10, 2012
in at the time of the interview or on April 10 when the original works from the Bachelor applications are handed in. The original works can also be sent by post and should have arrived at KKH April 10 latest. Handing in original works For those who choose not to bring their original works at the time of the interview, there is an opportunity to do so Tuesday April 10 at 9.00-16.00 at Kungl. Konsthögskolan, Flaggmansvägen 1, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm. If you send the work samples by post, please mark the envelope(s) with “Mastersapplication” and send them to: (for economy packages)(for other packages)
Kungl. KonsthögskolanKungl. Konsthögskolan Box 16 315Flaggmansvägen 1 S - 103 26 StockholmS - 111 49 Stockholm Sweden Sweden Please note! Handing in work samples can only be made on the above stated date and time. Work samples sent by post must arrive at KKH April 10 latest. The following should be fulfilled: A maximum of 6 work samples documented in the application in optional techniques (for example painting, drawing, photography, printmaking, sculpture, electronic media etc.) Two-dimensional works must not be larger than 100x150 cm. A guideline for three-dimensional works is that they should be able to be handled by one person. Paintings should be mounted, dry and not smear. Drawings, paper copies and printouts should be mounted on cardboard or be kept in a portfolio. The works should be mounted before they are handed in. The works cannot be assembled after they are submitted. Each work sample should be marked with the applicant´s name, address, telephone number and the number of objects handed in. Please note: You should repack your work samples in KKH´s own cardboard boxes on site. You have no option to arrange the work samples yourself. Therefore it is important to attach clear instructions for how the work samples should be presented. KKH is not responsible for submitted works and do not provide an insurance. The applicants are encouraged to sign their own insurance.
April 25, 2012Conditional admission decision Applicants who have been conditionally admitted to the programme will be notified via mail. The admission decision is conditional, since the requirement has to be confirmed. The applicants concerned will be contacted and asked to send in their degree certificate or equivalent. The applicants who are on the waiting list will also be notified via mail. The applicants who are not admitted will be notified via e-mail and on their accounts at A list of persons admitted and on the waiting-list is also posted on KKH´s notice board at Flaggmansvägen 1, Skeppsholmen. You can also call +46-8-614 40 00 for information. May 2, 2012Collecting work samples  Collectingwork samples: The handed in original work samples are to be collected at 9.00 – 16.00 at Kungl. Konsthögskolan, Flaggmansvägen 1, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm. Bring the receipt from when the work samples were handed in or an ID. If you are unable to collect, a representative should bring also the receipt or the applicant´s ID. No collecting of work samples can be made before May 2. If applying to another art school during April 10 – May 2, you will have to submit other work samples to them.  Returningwork samples: If you are prevented from collecting your work samples, KKH can return them by post against a charge. The charge should be paid into KKH´s postal giro account (within Sweden: 59 89 1-2, from abroad: IBAN: SE29 9500 0099 6034 0059 8912, BIC: NDEASESS) and have reached KKH at the latest May 2. Mark the address slip “return work samples master” +name and address. Only parcels of maximum 10 kg and maximum 100x150 cm will be returned. The cost for this service is within Sweden SEK 200, within Europe SEK 400, to the rest of the world SEK 600.  Forquestions regarding the return of the work samples, please contact Peter Jansson on phone number +46-70-750 40 14. June 1, 2012Work samples that have not been collected are destroyed and thrown  away June 15, 2012A confirmation is required whether the studyplace is taken up or not August 10, 2012Documents verifying the entry requirement should be received by KKH Pleasenote!ThisonlyappliesforthosewhohavebeenaskedonApril25tosend in these documents.August 17, 2012Final admission decision after entry requirement has been checked A final admission decision is sent via mail.
According to the Personal Data Act (1998:204) and the ordinance (1993:1153) concerning the report on studies at universities and university colleges the applications will be digitally processed in an automated data bank.KKH is, as a higher education institution, also a public authority that is under the jurisdiction of the principle of public access to official records. This means that what is registered in our computer system is to be regarded as public material and can according to the principle of public access to official records be handed out as long as it is not deemed to be classified information. KKH does not, however, systematically hand out information to third parties.For questions, please contact KKH on phone number +46-8-614 40 00.
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