- cours magistral
- exposé
- cours - matière potentielle : about the sun
- cours - matière potentielle : the three editions
- expression écrite
- exposé - matière potentielle : from the same list
- cours magistral - matière potentielle : for publication
- expression écrite - matière potentielle : into an electronic format
1Isaac Newton: His Science and Religion Stephen D. Snobelen NEWTON IN HISTORY AND HISTORIOGRAPHY The creation of a myth “In the eighteenth century and since, Newton came to be thought of as the first and greatest of the modern age of scientists, a rationalist, one who taught us to think on the lines of cold and untinctured reason”. Thus wrote the British economist John Maynard Keynes in the early 1940s in a paper he had prepared for the tercentenary of Newton's birth.
- argument from design
- principia
- prophetic rules
- publication of the philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica
- natural theology
- planets
- natural philosophy
- belief
- rules