Medicinal herbs and bee products in the development of natural ...








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Medicinal herbs and bee products in the development of natural cosmetics Dr. Mourtzinos Ioannis Thessaloniki September 2011
  • complex formation during extraction
  • green products
  • practice herbs extracts
  • extraction parameters
  • natural product
  • depth knowledge of the natural
  • extraction
  • knowledge
  • development
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FatimaCollegeofHealthSciencesCOURSE OUTLINE
1121FCHHumanBiology1Academic Organization: School of Nursing Faculty: Fatima College of Health Sciences Credit Hours: 3 Course Level: Under raduate Cam us Location Instruction Mode: Abu Dhabi Al Ain – UAE on cam us Convenor/s: Mr. Firas Qatouni (AlAin) Ms Nahida Salamah (Abu Dhabi) This document was last updated: 06 April 2009 Course approved by Academic & Assessment Committee BRIEFCOURSEDESCRIPTIONThis course focuses on the structure and function of the normal human body. In addition students will participate in activities that promote an understanding of the application of this knowledge. Emphasis is on the development of both knowledge and understanding of a broad range of core concepts such as anatomical organization along with chemical and physical processes. The course will emphasize the relevance of such knowledge to the maintenance of health of the human adult. Students will be expected to use their reading to extend their depth of understanding, participate in laboratory activities and demonstrate ability to utilize resources in the exploration of course content. PREREQUISITESNIL SECTIONATEACHING,LEARNINGANDASSESSMENTCOURSEAIMSHealth professional practice in a range of health disciplines. The disciplines are underpinned and informed by knowledge and understanding of anatomy and physiology. The principal aim of this course is for students to develop introductory knowledge and understanding of normal anatomy and physiology of the adult human body. This course addresses the generic graduate skills enhancing the student's ability to work autonomously and in teams, communicate effectively, problem solve and make critical evaluations as well as develop professional responsibility.
LEARNINGOUTCOMESStudents are expected to: develop a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the basic Students are expected to develop a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the normal structures and functions of the human body. The Core Concepts for this course are as follow: Introductory principles and terminology involved in anatomy and physiology. Students will also study structure and function of the following : Tissues o Integumentary system o Skeletal system o Muscular system o Cardiac system o Vascular system o Hematological system o Lymphatic system o Oncompletionofthiscoursestudentswillbeableto: 1.Demonstrate effective use of medical terminology 2.Demonstrate the ability to identify and label major human anatomical structures. 3.Demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of gross human anatomy and physiology 4.Demonstrate the ability to describe fundamental concepts associated with physiology of the human body. 5.Demonstrate the ability to apply this knowledge to day‐to‐day activities. CONTENT,ORGANIZATIONANDTEACHINGSTRATEGIESTeaching methods will include a combination of face‐to‐face strategies: interactive lectures, laboratories and/or tutorials. Students are also encouraged to utilize a range of materials including designated self‐ directed activities and worksheets. The teaching methods have been designed to facilitate the development of a strong knowledge base in anatomy and physiology. Students will gain skills in team work and problem solving in the laboratory setting. ContentSummaryWeekly lectures and laboratories and/or tutorials will be held and student attendance is mandatory.
CONTENTSUMMARYThe content will be addressed in the following order. The tutorials will augment the lecture material and address similar content. Readings will be provided prior to each week to assist students learning. TeachinObjectivesweeks1,2IntroductionOrientation : Teaching plan Assessment details Introducion Define Biology,Anatomy and Physiology, and explain how they are related. Explain the biological levels of organization List organs of the major body systems: 1.Skin and Integumentary 2.Skeletal 3.Muscular 4.Nervous 5.Endocrine 6.Cardiovascular 7.Lymphatic 8.Digestive 9.Respiratory 10.Urinary 11.Reproductive System Explain briefly the function(s) of each body system Define homeostasis, and explain its importance to survival. Describe anatomical position, relative positions, 9 abdominal regions. Describe the location of the major body cavities. List the organs located in each major body cavity. (Self directed learning) Laboratory Activity (Use models if available) Identify major body organs 3TissuesList the four major tissue types, and provide examples of where each is located in the body. Name the types of epithelium, and give examples of their locations. Discuss briefly the general functions of the epithelial tissues . List the types of connective tissues within the body. Discuss the general functions of connective tissues. Distinguish among the three types of muscle tissues in terms of structure, function and control. Briefly describe a nerve cell, with the general function of the nervous tissue. Describe the four major types of membranes and give examples for each as located in the body. (Self study) 4IntegumentarySystemDescribe the structure and function of the two layers of skin, Describe the structure of the SC layer, List the two major functions of the subcutaneous layer,
List the factors that influence the color of the skin, structure of the accessoryDescribe briefly the function and structures of the skin, List six functions of the skin, Describe how the skin helps to regulate temperature, SkeletalSystemFirstexam:will include part of the Skeletal System Students are expected to review bone cell structure (self study). Discuss the major functions of skeletal system, Classify bones according to structure, Briefly describe the structure of a long bone, Locate and identify the bones that comprise the skull, vertebral column, thoracic cage, pectoral girdle, upper limb, pelvic girdle, and lower limb, List three classes of joints, describe their characteristics, and name an example of each, List six types of synovial joints, and describe the actions of each. (Self study/Tutorial) Describe the types of movements that occur at synovial joints, LaboratoryActivity:On a skeleton model students are expected to locate and identify different types of bones and joints. MuscularsystemIdentify the three types of muscle tissue Describe the structure of a skeletal muscle Explain the major events of skeletal muscle fiber contraction. Describe the origin and insertion of the skeletal muscle Describe the locations and actions of the major skeletal muscles of each body region CardiacSystemStructureoftheHeartDescribe the three layers of the heart, Name the four chambers of the heart, Name the valves and explain their function, Trace the pathway of blood through the myocardium, Name the components of the heart's conduction system and describe the pathway of impulses through this system, LaboratoryIdentify the layers of the heart Identify four chambers and valves of the heart FunctionsoftheHeartCompare between the function of the right heart and left heart, Define systole, diastole, stroke volume and cardiac cycle, Explain what produces the two main heart sounds, Define bradycardia & tachycardia, (Self study) MathematicsUtilize (TPR) charts to record heart rate. Beats per minute, 1/2 minute, per 15 seconds. SecondExam:will include the material after the first exam up to the end of the Cardiac System.VascularSystemStructureIdentify blood vessels : Arteries, Veins and Capillaries,
12,13 14 & 15
Differentiate between arteries and veins in terms of structure, FunctionDiscuss the physiology of the arteries, veins and capillaries,LaboratoryActivityIdentify the major arteries and veins Listen to apical pulse and find and feel two peripheral pulses PhysiologyWhat is the mechanism of venous return, MathematicsBlood pressure Define systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
HematologicalSystemList the components of the blood, Differentiate between red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in terms of structure and life span Discuss the physiology of red blood, white blood cells and platelets, Blood groups, LaboratoryActivityIdentify red blood and white blood cells List the types of white blood cells Look at abnormal red blood cells; slides, film, web How does oxygen adhere to red blood cells, O2CO2transport, Describe red blood cell lifecycle (production to death), What is the mechanism to stop minor bleeding from injury to small blood vessels. LymphaticSystemList the three functions of the lymphatic system, Identify the major lymphatic pathways. Describe the composition of lymph and how it is formed and transported through the lymphatic vessels, Explain how the lymphatic capillaries differ from the blood capillaries, Name the two main lymphatic ducts and describe the area drained by each, Describe the location and function of lymph nodes, tonsils, the thymus gland and the spleen, REVISION
TEXTSANDSUPPORTINGMATERIALSPrescribedTextsThe required text for this course is provided to students in the first semester. nd Herlihy,Maebius(2003),Thehumanbodyinhealthandillness,2 .edn.,Saunders.References:th Shier,Butler&Lewis(2006),Hole'sessentialofhumananatomyandphysiology,9edn.,HigherEducation:Boston.Biggs,Hagins(2004),Biology,TheDynamicsoflife,McGrawHillAdditional books and other resources can been found in the library. ASSESSMENTItemAssessmentTaskLengthWeightingRelevantLearningDueDateandTimeOutcomes
Short answer and multi‐ choice exam
Short answer and multi‐ choice exam
1 Hour
1 Hour
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
weeks 8
week 12
3.Short answer and multi‐ 2 Hours 50% 1, 2, 3, 4 Central Exam Week choice exam RationaleforAssessmentThe progressive testing of knowledge relating to anatomy and physiology of the adult human provides students will multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery of the content. Each exam will contain multi‐choice and short answer questions in order to test knowledge and application of material covered in the course. ReturnofAssessmentItemsAssessment items will be available for review or collection during the Course Convener’s student consultation time. Students may only collect their own exams or assignments. NotificationofAvailabilityofFeedbackonAssessmentStudents may make an appointment to discuss feedback on assessment items within two weeks of the return of the item.
GRADUATESKILLSConveners are encouraged to make reference to graduate skills development within the subsections Content, Organization and Teaching Strategies and Assessment. Conveners are required to summarize in the following table how this course contributes to the development of all or some of these graduate skills. Select appropriate boxes. GraduateSkills
Effective communication (written, oral and interpersonal) X X Information literacy X X X Problem solving X X X Critical evaluation X X X Work autonomously / in teams X X Creativity and innovation X X Ethical behavior in social / professional / work environments Responsible, effective citizenship TEACHINGTEAMCourseConvenorsConvenorDetailsCam us Convenor Mr. Firas Qatouni (AlAin)  Ms Nahida Salamah (Abu Dhabi) Email Phone Sunday ‐ Thursday: 0700 ‐ 0300 pm Office Hours COURSECOMMUNICATIONSStudents may contact the convener and teaching staff during scheduled student consultation times. Alternatively, another time may be organized to suit both parties. Email and phone contact are other alternative means of contact. Students are expected to regularly check the course’s announcements notice board at least weekly, as this will be the primary means for communication other than classes. SECTIONBǦADDITIONALCOURSEINFORMATIONPlease refer to FCHS policy manual for additional information. Important Policies: FCHS Assessment Policy
Assessment and academic misconduct policy. AcademicmisconductPlagiarismPlagiarism is taking someone’s thoughts, ideas or work and claiming it as your own. It is an offence against the Moral Rights section of the Copyright Act to use material from any source without indicating the true author or creator of the content. Taking material from the Internet is very easily detected, and could result in disciplinary action. You must sign the Declaration on the Assignment Cover sheet before submission. FCHS has very clear policies in relation to plagiarism see the ‘Assessment and academic misconduct policy’ which can be found in the Policy Library. The School may also undertake a random audit of student’s work using plagiarism‐checking software. Therefore in addition to a paper copy, students can be required to submit an electronic copy (on a floppy disc) of written assignments. Discs should only contain the final copy of the work submitted. Students are advised to retain an electronic copy of all their written assignments for this purpose. A percentage of assessments submitted may be selected for ‘Referencing and Source Audit’ where an audit of references cited and the originality of the work be conducted. If selected you must provide an electronic copy of your assignment, and a hard and/or electronic copy of all references cited in your assignment to the Examiner for inspection. SECTIONC–KEYCOLLEGEINFORMATIONACADEMICMISCONDUCTStudents must conduct their studies at the College honestly, ethically and in accordance with accepted standards of academic conduct. Any form of academic conduct that is contrary to these standards is academic misconduct, for which the FCHS may penalize a student. Specifically it is academic misconduct for a student to: present copied, falsified or improperly obtained data as if it were the result of laboratory work, fieldtrips or other investigatory work; include in the student's individual work material that is the result of significant assistance from another person if that assistance was unacceptable according to the instructions or guidelines for that work; assist another student in the presentation of that student's individual work in a way that is unacceptable according to the instructions or guidelines for that work; cheat; (Cheating is dishonest conduct in assessment);Plagiarize (Plagiarism is knowingly presenting the work or property of another person as if it were their own. Visit the FCHS Policy on Academic Misconductfor further details. PLAGIARISMDETECTIONSOFTWAREThe FCHS is piloting the use of plagiarism detection software. Students should be aware that your Course Convenor may use this software to check submitted assignments. If this course is included in the pilot your Course Convenor will provide more detailed information about how the detection software will be used. KEYSTUDENTǦRELATEDPOLICIESAll FCHS policy documents are accessible to students via the College’s Policy Library: Policies you may find helpful are in the Student Handbook, which is mentioned below: Student CharterAdmissions
Admission PolicyAdmission RequirementsStudent AdministrationStudent RecordsRules and RegulationsOn Campus Behaviour and Academic PerformanceProcess of dealing with misconductPrivacy and ConfidentialityCOLLEGESUPPORTRESOURCESThe FCHS provides many facilities and support services to assist students in their studies. Links to information about College support resources available to students are included below for easy reference: Student Welfare Officer Student counselor Web based resources Additional academic skill training including; computing skills; library skills; and academic skills. The study skills resources on the website include self‐help\tasks focusing on critical thinking, exam skills, note taking, preparing presentations, referencing, writing, proof reading, and time management.
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