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The Qur'an Lesson 7: •Human Nature •Life of the Prophet: The Medinan Period
  • thy lord
  • stories about the military expeditions of muḥammad
  • allah willeth a people
  • practice self-restraint
  • human nature
  • allah
  • man
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Soc Choice Welfare (1998) 15: 481±488
When is Condorcet's Jury Theorem valid? 1 2 Daniel Berend , Jacob Paroush 1 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel 2 Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel
Received: 23 January 1997/Accepted: 8 March 1997
Abstract.Existing proofs of Condorcet's Jury Theorem formulate only suf-®cient conditions for its validity. This paper provides necessary and sucient conditions for Condorcet's Jury Theorem. The framework of the analysis is the case of heterogeneous decisional competence, but the independence as-sumption is maintained.
1. Introduction
After the discovery of Condorcet's writings by Black (1958), the Condorcet's Essay has been recognized and appreciated as an important origin of social choice (see Urken 1991). Being an enthusiastic supporter of the democratic regime, Condorcet believed that a group of individuals facing a binary choice and utilizing a simple majority rule would be likely to make the correct choice. Moreover, this likelihood would tend to complete certainty as the number of members of the group tends to in®nity (see Baker 1976). A Condorcet's Jury Theorem (hereafter CJT) is a formulation of a sucient condition (or conditions) that substantiates this belief. The simplest version of CJT suggests the condition 1 that each member of the group has a competencep>to decide correctly 2 and individuals vote independently, in the statistical sense. For a discussion of CJT see Miller (1986), Grofman and Feld (1988) and Young (1988, 1995). Recently, there have been several attempts to generalize the popular version of CJT. Berg (1993a,b) and Ladha (1992, 1995) relax the indepen-dence assumption and allow for correlated votes. Grofman et al. (1983), Owen et al. (1989) and Paroush (1998) consider distribution-free team members' competence levels. Austen-Smith et al. (1996) analyze the case of insincere voting, and Louis et al. (1996) extend the dichotomous setup to a
D. Berend, J. Paroush
polychotomous one. The common denominator of all these studies is that they formulate only sucient conditions for the above Condorcet's belief. In contrast, this paper presents a CJT with necessary and sucient conditions. We adopt the dichotomous choice model with independent and sincere voting, but without any restrictions on the distribution of the decisional competence of the team members. Within this framework we prove that (in p1 all practical cases) limn!1pÿ n 1is a necessary and sucient n 2 condition for lim herepi an of the team n!1pn1, wns the arithmetic me members' decisional abilities andpnis the likelihood that the entire team (withnmembers) would reach the correct decision while utilizing a simple majority rule. This result is signi®cant especially on the background of the example presented in Paroush (1997) showing that we do not necessarily 1 have limn!1pn1 even ifpn>for alln. 2 Section 2 presents the generalized CJT, Sect. 3 ± the proof (along with a few more results), and in Sect. 4 we provide some examples.
2. The generalized CJT
Consider a team ofnvoters (jurors, decision makers) facing a binary choice. One of the alternatives is assumed to be objectively correct, but the team's members may have dierent abilities (competences) to identify this alterna-tive. Denote the competence of theith member of the team, namely his probability to decide correctly, bypi;i1;2;. . .;n. Throughout the paper we assume the voters to be independent. Intuitively, if thepi's are ``signi®-1 cantly'' larger than , a decision rule based on the simple majority rule will 2 ``most likely'' lead to the right choice. Moreover, one would like to arrive at the same conclusion when assuming only that the average correctness probability n X 1 pnpi n i1 1 is signi®cantly larger than . In the following we shall make these intuitive 2 statements more precise. Denote byPnthe probability of making the right decision using the majority rule. More precisely, as the simple majority rule is de®ned only for an odd numbernof individuals, we de®nePnas the n probability that (strictly) more than of the individuals will advocate the 2 right decision. Our main concern here is clarifying under what conditions the probability Pnbecomes close to 1 asnbecomes larger and larger. More formally, we 1 assume that we have an in®nite seqof probabilities, representing uencepi i1 an in®nite collection of decision makers. The question is whether the prob-ability of making correct decisions when using the majority rule, taking into account the opinions of more and more of those decision makers, converges to 1: Pn ÿ !1:1n!1
Condorcet's Jury Theorem
Obviously, the validity of (1) amounts to CJT. As mentioned already, (1) is 1 known in the homogeneous case, where all thepi's are identical, ifpip>. 2 Moreover, the same is basically known also in the heterogeneous case, where re not necessarily identical, as long c verges to a number thepias's a pnon 1 strictly greater than (cf. Boland et al. 1989; Boland 1989; Owen et al. 1989). 2 The main contribution of this paper is showing that (1) may hold even in 1 1 situations wherepn!ÿ(and in particularpÿ! . On the other hand, we n 2 2 n!1n!1 1 1 show that the conditionp>, or evenpn>for eachn, is not sucient to n 2 2 imply (1). The formulation of the most general CJT, being cumbersome, will be postponed to the next section. Here we shall state it under an additional assumption, which actually holds in any practical situation. To this end, let 1 us introduce the following de®nition. A sequencepiof probabilities is i1 reasonably balancedif for somed;e>0 the inequality #f1in:d<pi<1ÿdg>en2holds for all suciently largen(where#Sdenotes the cardinality of a ®nite setS). For the correctness probabilities of the team members to satisfy this condition means, roughly speaking, that some positive proportion of them consists of people who are neither ``extremely smart''pi1nor ``extremely stupid''pi0.
Theorem 1.If the sequencepiis reasonably balanced,then(1)is valid if and only if P n n piÿ i1 2 pÿ! 1: n n!1 Evidently, it is hard to imagine an unreasonably balanced sequence of probabilities in practice, so that Theorem 1 may be viewed as giving the ``real'' condition for CJT. In fact, Theorem 1 is a corollary of an even more general CJT (Theorem 2 in the sequel), to be stated and proved in the next section.
3. An even more general CJT
We ®rst formulate and prove the most general CJT for independent voters. Theorem 2.(1)is valid if and only if at least one of the following two conditions holds: 1) P n n piÿ i1 2 pPÿ! 1;3n n!1 piqi i1 whereqi1ÿpi. 2)For every suciently largen
n #fi:1in;pi1g> : 2
D. Berend, J. Paroush
1 Proof.In both parts of the proof we shall utilize the sequenceXiof i1 random variables de®ned by 1;theith individual chooses correctly, Xi0;otherwise. P n ThenXXiis the number of individuals voting correctly, and: i1 n n X X EX pi;VX piqi: i1i1 We start the proof with the suciency part. Obviously, the second condition of the theorem implies (1). To prove the suciency of the ®rst condition we note that from Chebychev's Inequality it follows readily that  !  n n X X n n 1ÿPn P X<P Xÿpipiÿ 2 2 i1i1 P n VXpiqi i1 ÿ!0; ÿ  ÿ  P2Pn2 n n n n!1 piÿpiÿ i1 2i1 2 and consequently Pn ÿ !1: n!1 To prove the necessity of the conditions, we distinguish between two cases. Suppose ®rst that n X piqi 1:5i1 We claim that (3) is satis®ed. In fact, from (5) it follows that the sequence Xisatis®es Lindeberg's condition, and therefore the central limit theorem. (See, for instance, Feller (1971), Theorem VIII.4.3.) Suppose (3) does not hold. Then, for a suitable constantC, we have P n n piÿ i1 2 pP<C n piqi i1 for in®nitely many integersn. Hence, denoting byUthe normal distribution function, we obtain for an arbitrary ®xede>0 and suciently large suchn:  !  ! n n n X X X n n Pn P Xi>PXiÿpi>ÿpi 2 2 i1i1i1  ! P P n n n X i1iÿpi ÿi1pi 2 PpP>Pp1ÿUÿC e: n n piqipiqi i1i1 The right hand side may be made less than 1, which contradicts (1).
Condorcet's Jury Theorem
We may assume consequently that
1 X piqiV<1: i1
It will be convenient to split this case into two subcases, depending on the cardinality of the set   1 Ei:pi<1: 2
1 IfEis ®nite, de®ne a sequencegby: i i1 1;pi1, gi 0;otherwise. Then: Y Y ;i1;2; PfXigi. . .g qiqi: i2E pi<1=2 Now the ®rst term on the right hand side is non-zero due to the ®niteness of E, while the second is non-zero since X X pipi2qi2V<1: pi<1=2pi<1=2 Consequently, if (4) is not satis®ed for a certainn, then
Pn 1ÿPfXg;g;i1;2;. i ii1;2;. . .;ng 1ÿPfXii. .g<1; and therefore (4) must hold from some place on. It remains to deal with the case whereEis in®nite. Suppose (3) is not satis®ed. Then for in®nitely many integersnwe have n X n piÿ<C;62 i1 whereCis an appropriate constant. Takei1;i2;. . .;ir2Ewith ÿp  0 r>2 2VC. DenoteE fi1;i2;. . .;irg. Ifn>max1jrijsatis®es (6) then:  !  ! n n X X n n 1ÿPn P Xi P Xi1Xi2    Xir0;Xi2 2 i1i1  ! r Y X n qijP Xi:72 0 j1 1in;i62E
486 D. Berend, J. Paroush  !  ! X X X n n P Xi PXiÿpiÿ  pi 2 2 0 0 0 1in;i62E1in;i62E1in;i62E  ! X X n PXiÿpi  ÿpi 2 0 0 1in;i62E1in;i62E 8P 0p 1in;i62E iqi 1ÿ   2 P n ÿ0pi 2 1in;i62E
V1 1ÿ : 2V2 Clearly, (7) and (8) are incompatible with (1), which concludes the proof of the last case.( As we shall see subsequently (Example 1 in the next section), condition 1 in Theorem 2 is not necessary for CJT to hold in general. However, it is necessary under ``most'' circumstances. In fact, going carefully over the proof of Theorem 2, one ®nds that the following is true.
1 Theorem 3.If in®nitely many of the probabilitiespibelong to the interval i1 1 ;1,then condition1in Theorem2 is necessary and sucient for (1)to be 2 valid. Now we can conclude the proof of Theorem 1. In fact, on the one hand we always have n X n piqi; 4 i1
so that the suciency part of Theorem 1 follows from Theorem 2. On the other hand, sincepiis reasonably balanced, we obtain n X p ppiqid e1ÿen i1 (whered;e>0 are as in (2)). Theorem 2 and its proof now yield easily the necessity part of Theorem 1 as well.
4. Examples
An immediate consequence of Theorem 2 is the following main result of Paroush (1998). 1 Corollary.Ifpi efor eachi,wheree>0is ®xed,then(1)is valid. 2 In fact, we have
Condorcet's Jury Theorem 487 P n n p i1iÿne ep2 pPqqnÿ! 1; nÿ  ÿ ÿ  ÿ  n!1 1 1 1 1 piqi i1neÿeeÿe 2 2 2 2 which implies the corollary. 1 However, the probabilities may be quite closer to than required in the 2 1 corollary, and even converge to with the same conclusion still holding. 2 1 1 1 Example 1.Letpi hfor suciently largei. Ifh<then for an appro-2i2 priateCand suciently largen P P n n1 n hC1 piÿ i1 2i1iÿh pP>p>nÿ! 1; 2 n n n!1 piqi i1 4 so that (3) holds. The following example shows that (3) is not necessary for (1) to hold. Example 2.Supposep160;1 is arbitrary,p2p3p41;p2iÿ10 for i3 andp2i1 fori3. Then, with probability 1, the majority rule will lead to the correct decision for everyn3. However, the expression Pn n piÿ 2 i1 pPnassumes only two values asnvaries, and in particular does not piqi i1 diverge to1.
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