Minutes mutines - Pascal Kaeser








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Pascal Kaeser Minutes mutines page 1 Pascal Kaeser Minutes mutines 2010 Pascal Kaeser, Genève
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TULELAKE BASIN JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICTRegular Meeting Board of Trustees Thursday January 27, 2011 District Conference Room Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER & FLAG SALUTE  Mr. Boyd called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. others present were Mr.  Hernandez, Mr. Misso, Mr. Orr and Mr. Wright. II. APPROVE AGENDA President Mr. Jeff Boyd requested that a motion be made to approve the order of the agenda, Mr. Orr made this motion and Mr. Misso seconded the motion with all members present voting in favor. III. REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD  A. Election of Officers: President and Clerk  Mr. Orr made a motion to elect Mr. Boyd as president of the board, Mr. Wright  seconded this motion and the vote was 4 Ayes with Mr. Boyd abstaining from the  vote.  Mr. Misso made a motion to elect Mr. Orr to the position of clerk, Mr. Hernandez  seconded this motion and the vote was 4 Ayes with Mr. Orr abstaining from the  vote. IV. COMMUNITY RELATIONS / PUBLIC COMMENT  A. School Board Recognition Month Mr. Steve Walker Parent/CoSchool Site Council President voiced a community concern that some children are not being pushed to their full potential, he stated that he thinks that NCLB has tied our hands in some respects but he feels that it is important to keep th pushing our kids. At this time there are no 6 graders who are at accelerated levels th coming over this year. From the time school starts until 9:30 every morning the 6 graders are being taught math, during that time there are several students who are reading because they have finished their assignment and homework, the teacher is still teaching the lesson. In the not so distant future this may have devastating effects on test scores, scholarships, COS classes, etc. He feels that we are sending the wrong message to the kids that it is okay to just get done go sit in the corner and do what you want. He believes that there should be an option for these kids and their parents. He asked the board to look into this. Mr. Walker also thanked the board for their service!
Mrs. Patricia Reeder Superintendent assured Mr. Walker that this concern is being st looked into and there are changes in the works. On February 1 Critical Thinking classes will be tested and redone so that there will be proficient and advanced classes with things like robotics and other types of activities for the students. nd Mrs. Bev Byrne 2 Grade Teacher at Newell Elementary spoke to the board regarding the letter that she put in the suggestion box. This is not a problem just at the Elementary School but also at Newell. We always have taught to the top and now we can’t because the kids are coming in so low, the kids are just lower plus they have the second language issue, no Summer School, not much of a homework component in TASSEL, a combination of things. It is very important that we send our students to TES reading and she is afraid that might not be the case this year. In order to be a better reader you have to read, and have someone listen to you and help. She feels that it is important to have more in class aide time and a possible solution to this would be not to bring in more staff but to realign the staff at NES to allow more in class help. We have some excellent programs at Newell but we need more. Mrs. Patricia Reeder asked how many students in Mrs. Byrnes class go to the TASSEL program, and how many teachers from Newell work in the TASSEL program. Mr. Venancio Hernandez Board Member asked what culture kids are we talking about? Are Hispanics lower? nd Mrs. Byrne Teacher 2 grade stated she has both Hispanic and White students who are low and of course the Hispanic kids have the language issue. Mrs. Reeder responded that we currently have an 87% Free & Reduced lunch rate, which means that 87% of our students are socieconomically disadvantaged. Mrs. Wright Teacher/TASSEL Coordinator responded that TASELL has started doing more phonics and other programs to help with reading in the afterschool program. Mr. Orr Board Member asked if we have ever asked for volunteers to come in and read with the students. Mrs. Byrne stated that they are working on getting volunteers. Mr. Baley Parent/Community Member stated the Klamath County has the Smart Reader Program and that some of the employees who work with him participate in this. They go to the schools at a specific time and volunteer their time to assist with reading. Mrs. Palmer Kindergarten Teacher at Newell Elementary stated that most children at Newell are Hispanic, we have more kids that do not speak English and it is really difficult to work with the students who do not speak English and still get to the ones who have attended preschool and are at a higher level. Out of her class of 20 – 17 are attending the Extended Day Program/TASSEL afterschool program and 15 went to PreSchool.
Mrs. Jana Rupert Parent/Community Member spoke of problems with sportsmanship and ethics in our basketball program. She stated that we have a Code of Ethics and Sportsmanship and it is the duty of the school board, superintendent, athletic director, coaches and parents to support this policy. She stated that coaches are receiving technical’s, “what are we teaching our kids” technical’s are called on the players and they continue to play, the bench is getting technical’s. So frustrating and so embarrassing when kids laugh about the technicals. We need to teach our kids to respect the officials. I want to see the unsportsmanship behavior dealt with. Mr. Jeff Boyd School Board President asked if there is a policy about this in our handbook. Miss Angie Callas Athletic Director stated no, there is no policy in our Athletic Handbook. Mrs. Jana Rupert Parent asked if we have received letters from officials regarding the behavior of coaches. Mrs. Patricia Reeder Superintendent responded that we have not received any letters from officials. Mr. Jim King Teacher/Girls Basketball Coach stated that he agrees with Mrs. Rupert we have a Code of Ethics and it needs to be followed. He also thanked the board members for showing up at the games. Mrs. Dee Dee Herman Parent/ Community member stated that the Girls Basketball Coaches sportsmanship in Alturas was an embarrassment to us. She stated that “she overheard the coaches yelling at the girl’s during halftime and that when she attempted to enter the locker room Mr. Kehoe physically forced her out the door. She felt that she has a right to protect our kids.” Mr. Jim King Teacher/Girls Basketball Coach stated the in response to Mrs. Herman’s comments if you asked Coach Kehoe or Coach Kirby or the girls nothing like that ever happened. This he feels is “an out and out lie” and he strongly opposes these statements. th Mr. Dan Lindsay 4 grade Teacher read a letter to the board from Mr. Kevin Spencer TBTA President, as he was not able to attend the meeting. This letter was urging that the music program continue. Mr. Dave Misso Board Member stated that he concurs with this letter from Mr. Spencer. Mr. Randall Baley Parent /Community Member recognized the board members for School Board Recognition Month and stated that he wishes that every parent had a chance to participate and become aware of the work that goes on. He stated that technicals called during the game teach something, they allow you to check into the cause/they are there for a purpose. He also stated that we need to concentrate on the positive things that are going on such as a full gym, raffles, YMCA players at half time and it is important to support, support, support we are all in this together. He stated that he agrees with requests to keep the music program. He feels that we should see if coaches would continue to coach without the stipends, and feels that many would because if you are into coaching for the money you are in the wrong place. In closing he stated “keep the music program & Good Luck to the board.”
Mr. Jim King Parent/Teacher stated that art/music programs meet the AG requirements for Fine Arts in college application process. While attending the last music concert it actually sounded like music! He supports the music program. Mr. Dave Misso Board Member stated that he was not aware that the board has discussed the music program. Mr. Roy Wright Board Member stated that we just have to be careful, we have some hard decisions to make ahead with the budget and it will all be a balancing act. Mr. Jeff Boyd Board President stated that he appreciates the participation and different view points that everyone brings to the meetings. We sometime have no one in the audience so it is nice to have people here to participate in the process. V. REPORTS  A. Mrs. Thompson presented the Financial Reports to the board.  1. Cash Balances Report  2. Edward Jones Investment Statement  3. Consolidated Application Part II  4. Business Activity Calendar  5. ALSCO – Mrs. Thompson presented to the board a new proposal from  ALSCO our linen service provider. In an effort to cut costs she had been  researching ways to reduce the monthly fees for this service including  discontinuing the service and laundering linens at each site. However  after a visit from the Health Department we were informed that linens  used in the kitchen must be laundered separately from other linens used  at each site which would require two separate laundry areas at each site.  ALSCO presented a new proposal that significantly reduced the monthly  amount for this service. It was the consensus of the board that we accept  the new proposal and continue with services from ALSCO.  6. Mrs. Velador presented the Bills Listings No. 20 – 23 B. Mrs. Jones was out of town on school business so Mrs. Reeder presented  the Elementary School Reports to the board.  1. TES  2. NES  3. Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)  4. School Accountability Report Cards (SARC) Mrs. Patricia Reeder spoke about the current structure for classes at the  elementary school, self contained classrooms. She and Mrs. Jones are looking to  change some things and are trying to address the issues discussed at this  meeting regarding teaching to the potential of our children. Mr. Jim King Parent/Teacher stated that he wanted to commend the district on  the excellent educational opportunities in the district. He also added that he  thought we should explore opportunities such as the after school science club,  etc. that we have had in the past. Perhaps by asking “How can you help the  school district?” (Volunteers) On a positive note as well he wants to report that  the Girl’s Basketball Team is working hard, they are a talented group and they  are playing at a competitive level.
C. D. E. F.
Miss Angie Callas presented the Athletic Report to the board. Student Board Member Rosanna Chavolla was not present for thismeeting.
Mrs. Heather Wright presented the Tulelake Continuation High School Report to the board. 1. TCHS Report Mrs. Patricia Reeder presented the Tulelake High School Report to the board. 1. Waiver 2. School Accountability Report Cards (SARC) 3. Contracts/Variable Credit Report – Heather th 4. Spelling Bee February 9 th 5. AVID College Tour – Fundraiser Dinner February 5
Mrs. Patricia Reeder also reported that Mr. Tim Bowen presented the AG requirements to the staff during the Monday Staff Meeting. Mr. Jeff Boyd commended Mr. Bowen on the great job he is doingassisting our students with preparation for college applications.
Mrs. Patricia Reeder presented the District Reports to the board. 1. Attendance 2. Bus Drivers Record Inspection 3. School Improvement – Alternate Governance Committee It was the consensus of the board that we hire Mr. Alan Hopkins to provide training for the (School Improvement – Alternate Governance Committee). Mrs. Reeder also requested one board member be part of the Alternate Governance Committee which meets once per month, Mr. Orr volunteered to serve on this committee. 4. Hiring Process – Mrs. Patricia Reeder spoke to the board about the process for interviewing and selecting a new Superintendent. The posting th for this position closes on February 4 . It was decided that interviews th would be held on February 16 and consist of a panel interview made up of staff, parents and community members which will provide information only to the board. The board will then interview on that same day and make a decision as to which candidate will be offered the position.
The meeting with TEACH to discuss the Honker contract will be held on rd February 23 at 2:00 p.m. in the Honker.
Mrs. Patricia Reeder requested one Board Member to serve on the Perry Hawkins Scholarship committee; Mr. Dave Misso volunteered to serve on this committee.
BOARD TIME Mr. Venancio Hernandez thanked those who voted for him and stated that he hopes we serve the community. Mr. Dave Misso reported that Modoc County finally has an audit for the years 2007/2008, and 2008/2009 at the cost of one million dollars. He has been attending the basket ball games and loving them.
Mr. Roy Wright had no comments.
Mr. Dan Orr reported that he met with the teachers at both TES & NES this week, their comments included requests to spread the aide time out at Newell, they would like to have Elsa at NES a couple of mornings each week, the soccer fields are a mess at TES and the scooter boards appear to be gouging the floors in the TES Gym, the janitor will be stripping the wax over spring break to see if it just gouging the wax layers or the floor itself. He also attempted to meet with the THS staff but encountered Homecoming activities and decided to visit another time. Mr. Orr inquired about news from the WASC Committee; we have not heard anything yet.
Mr. Jeff Boyd also visited the sites and received similar comments from the teachers regarding the music program – they want to keep it. The teachers enjoyed the visits and he will try harder to keep them up. He also commented to Angie that while attending a game recently at another school he noticed that they had IPADS to records stats and print out reports and thought that was a neat deal and maybe if we could find money somewhere they would be nice to have.
CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made by Mr. Wright to approve the Consent Agenda this was seconded by Mr. Misso and all members voted in favor.
ACTION ITEMS Mr. Wright requested that Action Item A. Consider/Approve Graduation Waiver be pulled for discussion in Closed Session.
A motion was made by Mr. Orr to approve Action Item B. Consider/Accept Application from Leticia Rascon for Assistant Track Coach, this was seconded by Mr. Wright and the vote was as follows: 5 Ayes/ 0 Noes
COMMUNICATION/CORRESPONDENCE A. Suggestion Box Items B. Letter from Modoc County Office of Education Regarding First Interim Financial Report C. Letter from Modoc County Office of Education Regarding Project for Completion of  Monica Thompson’s CBO Academy.
X. DISCUSSION ITEMS  These are items that are discussed in open session and the public is encouraged to participate. Items may be discussed at one or more board meetings, until  Consensus has been reached by the Board on the direction given to the Superintendent on any particular item.  A. 2011/2012 School Calendar – It has been requested by the Certificated Staff that the President’s Day holidays be combined into a 4 day weekend next year as previously agreed upon rather than two 3 day weekends. The board agreed with this and this will be moved to an Action Item at the next meeting.  B. Purchase of Refrigeration Unit for Tulelake Elementary School – Mr. Misso stated that he was approached by a community member with a complaint about the noise that was coming from the Refrigeration Trailer being used at TES while the freezer unit was being repaired, the trailer was moved to the back of the school in response to this complaint. He also wanted to state that he feels that we were negligent in accepting only one bid for the repair of the freezer unit and that he contacted a business in Chico that said they could also provide the services. He feels that we should use people who are local and in the state where we pay taxes.  Mrs. Reeder responded that research had been completed before accepting the bid; we went with a vendor that we use frequently and have confidence in. The repairs will be completed by Monday and while the unit was down the maintenance staff did a thorough cleaning and built new shelves for the freezer to assist the cafeteria staff in keeping supplies organized. XI. ITEMS FOR FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS A. Items from the Board Calendar  B. Next Board Meeting – February 24, 2011 Mr. Wright made a motion to go into Closed Session at 10:45 p.m., Mr. Misso seconded this motion and all members voted in favor. XII. CLOSED SESSION  A. Negotiations  No  B. Litigation  No  C. Students  Yes  D. Personnel – Yes Mr. Misso made a motion to come out of Closed Session at 12:25 p.m., Mr. Wright seconded this motion and all members voted in favor. XIII. CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS  Mr. Misso made a motion to approve Action Item VIII. A Consider/Approve Graduation Waiver, this was seconded by Mr. Orr and all members voted in favor. XIV. ADJOURNMENT  Mr. Hernandez made a motion to adjourn at 12:26 a.m., Mr. Wright seconded  this motion and all members voted in favor.
SUMMARY OF ACTIONS TAKEN AT THIS MEETING:  1. Approve the Minutes of the December 1, 2010 Regular Meeting  2. Resolution No. 1101 Declare first Week of March “Week of the School Administrator 3.Resolution No. 1102 Accept Audit Certification Financial Report  4. Approve Carl Perkins Program Waiver  5.Approve Additions to the Classified Substitute List – Duran, LaHue, Trejo, Todd, Wedmore  6. Letter of Resignation from Cody Libolt  7. Accept Letter of Resignation from Cody Libolt  8. Adopt Revisions to Board Policies and Administrative Regulations:AR1312.4, E1312.4  BP4020, AR4112.4, 4212.4, 4312.4, AR4117.11, 4317.11, AR4117.14, 4317.14, BP 5113.1, AR 5113.1  BP5118, AR 5118, E 5118, BP5141.21, AR 5141.21, BP 5141.3, AR 5141.3, BP 5141.31, AR 5141.31  9. Approve Graduation Waiver  10. Consider/Accept Application from Leticia Rascon for Assistant Track Coach
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