References Revues avec Comite de Lecture








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1 STATISTIQUE-2006 References Revues avec Comite de Lecture Annee 2006. [1] German Aneiros-Perez and Philippe Vieu. Semi-functional partial lin- ear regression. Statist. Probab. Lett., 76(11):1102–1110, 2006. [2] Anestis Antoniadis and Jeremie Bigot. Poisson inverse problems. Ann. Statist., 34(5):2132–2158, 2006. [3] Jean-Marc Azaıs, Elisabeth Gassiat, and Cecile Mercadier. Asymptotic distribution and local power of the log-likelihood ratio test for mixtures: bounded and unbounded cases. Bernoulli, 12(5):775–799, 2006. [4] Bernard Bercu and Clementine Prieur. Spectral properties of chaotic processes. Stoch. Dyn., 6(3):355–371, 2006. [5] P. Berthet and C. El-Nouty. Almost sure asymptotic behaviour of the shorth estimators. Math. Methods Statist., 14(4):379–403 (2006), 2005. [6] P. Besse and C. Le Gall. Application and reliability of change-point analyses for detecting a defective stage in integrated circuit manufac- turing. Comm. Statist. Simulation Comput., 35(2):479–496, 2006. [7] P.

  • nonparametric functional

  • functional random variable

  • spatial point

  • survival model

  • multitype linear

  • asymptotic theory

  • iemes journees de statistique

  • references revues avec comite de lecture

  • regression model

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1 STATISTIQUE-2006 References RevuesavecComit´edeLecture Anne´e2006.
[1]Germ´anAneiros-Pe´rezandPhilippeVieu.Semi-functionalpartiallin-ear regression.Statist. Probab. Lett., 76(11):1102–1110, 2006. [2]AnestisAntoniadisandJ´eremieBigot.Poissoninverseproblems.Ann. Statist., 34(5):2132–2158, 2006. ´ [3]Jean-MarcAza¨ıs,ElisabethGassiat,andCe´cileMercadier.Asymptotic distribution and local power of the log-likelihood ratio test for mixtures: bounded and unbounded cases.Bernoulli, 12(5):775–799, 2006. [4]BernardBercuandCle´mentinePrieur.Spectralpropertiesofchaotic processes.Stoch. Dyn., 6(3):355–371, 2006. [5] P.Berthet and C. El-Nouty.Almost sure asymptotic behaviour of the shorth estimators.Math. Methods Statist., 14(4):379–403 (2006), 2005. [6] P.Besse and C. Le Gall.Application and reliability of change-point analyses for detecting a defective stage in integrated circuit manufac-turing.Comm. Statist. Simulation Comput., 35(2):479–496, 2006. [7] P.Besse and N. Raimbault.Comparisons of split-linear fitting of wind curves.Journal of Data Science, 4(4):497–509, 2006. [8]Je´r´emieBigot.Landmark-basedregistrationofcurvesviathecontin-uous wavelet transform.J. Comput. Graph. Statist., 15(3):542–564, 2006. [9] AlainBoudou. Approximationof the principal components analysis of a stationary function.Statist. Probab. Lett., 76(6):571–578, 2006. [10] AlainBoudou and Sylvie Viguier-Pla.On proximity between PCA in the frequency domain and usual PCA.Statistics, 40(5):447–464, 2006.
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