Cours, Chapitre de Mathématiques de niveau Seconde








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Dnl en 2de: vocabulaire du calcul algébrique en anglais.
Cours, Chapitre en Mathématiques (2012) pour Seconde
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1 761



Poids de l'ouvrage

1 Mo

Section Européenne DNL mathématiquesGet cozy with numbers
Mathematical topic: Operations, Order of operations. Vocabulary: “Sum”,“Product”, “difference”, “4 more”, “4 times more”…
Useful words ·1, 2, 3, 4… are 0,whole numbers whereas%3; 1.6 and 2/3 are not. ·whole numbers together with The their opposites form the set of integers. For example,%3 and +17 are integers whereas 1.6 ,pand 4/3 are not. ·« 5%2 = 3 » reads «Five minus two is equal to three». 5%2 is thedifferencebetween 5 and 2. · Thenumber%2 («negative two») is the opposite of 2. ·|3| is theabsolute value of 3. The absolute valueof a number is the distance between the number and zero or, loosely speaking,“the number without the sign”.For example, |#7| 1;7|%7| 1a7nd|%.#1(%7||%1)| 1)& 2 · 5(read «five square») means 5 5.
 SectionEuropéenne DNL mathématiques, LFT, Laure Helme-Guizon
Useful words Exercise1.: Checkyourprogress.(Parenthesis), Translate the algebraic expressions below into sentences. Produce as many sentences as [brackets] and you can. The wording of the questions of the previous activity might help you.{braces} are grouping symbols: a)+ % 7;b)10 −2×4 ;c)5×(12+20) ;d)2×4 ;e)%[(×(%4!.]Whatever appears inside these symbols considered Operations must be carried out according to a precise order. What is the correct order? grouped together.Exercise3.In-classgameGuesswhatmyexpressionis( 1.Pick an algebraic expression that looks like one in the activity above (it could bey+ %1or(./(1#,!or (1%(1#,!or%|1%)|#)e&tc!&a&nd write it on a piece of paper without letting your neighbour see it. Put the paper face down. 2.Describe your expression with a sentence (in English of course!!!) to your neighbour and he/she will write the corresponding algebraic expression down. When he/she is done, show him/her the paper with your algebraic expression on it: Is it the same one? (It should be!) 3.Now it is your turn to guess your neighbour’s expression: Switch roles. 4.Finally, assess you team: You get one point for each expression written correctly and one extra point for using English only (A single word of French, Malagasy or Spanish and you lose that point!!). What is you score ?. . . . . / 3.
 SectionEuropéenne DNL mathématiques, LFT, Laure Helme-Guizon
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