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Nerstrand School
Social Studies, Science,
and Health Curriculum
For Kindergarten (Prairie),
Multiage Grade 1 through 3 classrooms (Savannah),
and Multiage Grade 4 and 5 classrooms (Woodlands)
(Including suggestions for integrating Social Studies and Science
within the Music and Physical Education curricula)
Developed by Nerstrand School Teachers
Funded by a
Federal Dissemination Grant
Sept. 2003-Sept. 2005
Prairie (Kindergarten) Science
I. History and Nature of Science
I.B. Scientific Inquiry
• Seasonal Changes
• Wood and Paper
• Recycling
• Fabric
II. Physical Science (no standard for it)
• Wood and Paper
• Recycling
• Fabric
III. Earth and Space Science
III. B. The Water Cycle, Weather and Climate
• Seasonal Changes
IV. Life Science
IV.B. Diversity of Organisms
IV.G. Human Organisms
The Five Senses (expanded)
Prairie (Kindergarten) Social Studies
I. United States History
I.A. Family Life, Today and in the Past
• Family
• Friendship
• Me…and My Place in the World
II. Minnesota History
(No standards for Kindergarten)
III. World History
III.A. Family Life, Today and in the Past
• Family
• Friendship
• Me…and My Place in the World
IV. Historical Skills
IV.A. Concepts of Time
IV. B. Historical Resources
• Family
• Me…and My Place in the World
V. Geography
V.A. Concepts of Location
• Daily Life in the Classroom
• Map Unit
• Embedded throughout units of study
VI. Economics
VI.A. Economic Choices
VI.B. Producers and Consumers
• Math mini-unit
• My place in the Community/World
VII. Government and Citizenship
VII. A. Civic Values, Skills, rights and Responsibilities
VII. B. Beliefs and Principles of U.S. Democracy
VII. Governmental Institutions and Processes
• Daily Life in the Classroom
• My Place in the Community
Prairie Science (Kindergarten)
Seasonal Changes (Kindergarten)
History of Nature and Science: I.B. Scientific Inquiry
Earth and Space Science: III. B. The Water Cycle, Weather and Climate
*NOTE: Yellow highlighted Standards and Benchmarks MUST BE TAUGHT at the prescribed time to
assure the given skill is appropriately addresses at some time in a student’s educational process.
Standards I.B. Scientific Inquiry:
1. The student will raise questions about the natural world.
III. B. The Water Cycle, Weather and Climate:
2. The student will observe weather changes.
The student will develop an understanding of seasonal changes and explain the
effect these changes have on trees, animals and the way we dress.
Scientific Inquiry: Benchmarks
1. The student will observe and describe common objects using simple tools.
III. B. The Water Cycle, Weather and Climate:
2. The student will chart daily and seasonal changes in weather.
• Three seasonal fieldtrips to Riverbend Nature Center
• Weather watching/charting
Learner • Month by month scrapbook of weather
Activities • Magazine pictures representing season changes in seasonal boxes
• Painted trees to reflect seasons
• Class books
• Seasonal art projects
• Seasonal Cooking Activities
1. Use a variety of hands-on experiences throughout the school year to help students Teaching
discover the changes that take place and the effect those changes have on plants, animals Strategies
and people.
2. Daily weather charting in math
Resources Literature:
• Class books made by the kindergarteners
• The Season of Arnold’s Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons
• Run-Jump-Whiz-Splash by Verna Rosenberry
• Discover Seasons by Diane Iverson
• The Turning of the Year by Bill Martin
• When Autumn Comes by Robert Maass
• Dear Rebecca, Winter Is Here by Jean Craighead George
• That’s What’s Happening When It’s Spring! By Elaine Good
• Sunflower House by Eve Bunting
• Is That You, Winter? By Stephen Gammell
• The First Snow by David Christiana
• When it Starts to Snow by Phillis Gershator
• Wild Horse Winter by Tetsuya Honda
• Stranger in the Woods by Carl Sams and Jean Stoick
• Ongoing observations and anecdotal notes Assessments
• Student contribution to class book
• Interactive worksheets (charting)
1. Three seasonal fieldtrips to River Bend Nature Center Significant
2. Production of Class Books related to season changes (take pictures of same outdoor Tasks and
scene in different parts of the year)
3. Ongoing charting of weather
4. Seasonal Art projects
Physical Science:
Wood and Paper (Kindergarten)
History and Nature of Science: I. B. Scientific Inquiry
I.B. Scientific Inquiry: Standard
1. The student will raise questions about the natural world.
The student will develop an understanding of classifying objects according Outcomes
to shape, color, size, and texture.
I.B. Scientific Inquiry: Benchmarks
1. The student will observe and describe common objects using simple
• Foss Science Kit – Wood and Paper
• Observe different kinds of wood Learner
• Compare properties of different wood found in the classroom Activities
• Observe how wood interacts with water
• Transform wood using sand paper
• Create particle board from sawdust and wood shavings
• Observe different properties of paper
• Determine the usefulness of different kinds of paper.
• Observe how paper and water interact
• Make recycled paper
• Use paper mache’
• Weave paper
• Assemble wood and paper into sculptures
Teaching Provide a variety of experiments using scientific methods and literature to
Strategies help students discover the properties of wood and its uses.
Resources • From Wood to Paper by Wendy Davis
• Floating and Sinking by Honey Anderson and Meredith Thomas
• Homes: Around the World by Margaret Hall
• Paper, Paper, Everywhere by Gail Gibbons
• The Piñata Maker by George Anmacona
• Sadako by Eleanor Coerr
• Tool Book by Gail Gibbons
• Tools by Ann Morris
• Wood by Kate McGough
• Wood: Would You Believe It! By Catherine Chambers
• Mighty Tree by Dick Gackdenbach
• Tulip Builds a Birdhouse by Dale Gottleib
• Ongoing observations of students at work
• Anecdotal notes of student accomplishments
• Paper/pencil activities such as drawing responses
Significant 1. Make recycled paper
Tasks and 2. Experiments where students discover properties of wood
Projects 3. Make paper and wood sculpture
Earth and Space Science:
Recycling (Kindergarten)
History and Nature of Science: I.B. Scientific Inquiry
I. B. Scientific Inquiry: Standard
1. The student will raise questions about the natural world.
The student will develop an understanding of the necessity of recycling Outcomes
and conservation.
Benchmarks I. B. Scientific Inquiry:
1. The student will observe and describe common objects using simple tools.
• A recycling symbol hunt Learner
• Recycling relay Activities
• Songs and finger plays
• Package comparisons
• Treasures from Trash
• Newspaper hats
Teaching *Use a variety of hands-on experiences and literature throughout the
Strategies school year to help students discover the importance of conservation and
how they can help through recycling.
*Visit recycling center
Resources • Big Book – Where Does All the Garbage Go?
• Thinking Green in My Home by Ann Bogart
• Old Red Rocking Chair by Phyllis Root
• Jennie’s Hat by Ezra Jack Keats
• Peter’s Chair by Ezra Jack Keats
• Aunt Ippy’s Museum of Junk by Rodney Greenblatt
• Amazing Earth Adventures by The KSE Group
• Things I Can Make With Newspaper by Sabine Lohf
Assessments • Ongoing observations of class discussion and student participation
• Anecdotal notes
• A Recycling Symbol Hunt
Significant 1. Recycling symbol hunt
Tasks and 2. Ongoing recycling in the classroom
Projects 3. Sort recyclable items
Life Science:
The Five Senses (Kindergarten)
IV. B. Diversity of Organisms
IV. G. Human Organism
Standard IV. B. Diversity of Organisms
1. The student will understand that there are living and nonliving things.
IV. G. Human Organism
2. The student will understand that people have five senses that can be used to learn
about the environment.
Outcomes The student will develop an understanding of our five senses and describe the way in
which they help us learn about our world.
Benchmarks 1. The student will compare and contrast living and nonliving things
2. The student will know simple ways that living things can be grouped.
3. The student will observe and describe the environment using the five senses.
• Mystery Objects Activities
• Writing Poems
• Foods we love to taste
• Five Senses book