Obama Wins, Ramapo Roars








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Obama Wins, Ramapo Roars
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SPORTS: Men and Women’s XC Finish 3rd in NJAC’s ~ page 13
A & E: Black Student Union Engages Campus ~ page 8
THE RAMAPO NEWS A publication by the students for the Ramapo College community THURSDAY, November 6, 2008 XXXII No. 8
photo by Edna Negron Ramapo students celebrate in the Trusteeʼs Pavilion after Obamaʼs victory is announced. An all-day election watch, The American Dream: Accountability, Elections and You, was sponsored by the American Democracy Project, Minority Faculty Association and Student Activities. Nation Elects First African-American President This article was reported by Natasha A rena, historic event. Vice President-elect Joe Biden plan on creat-A nnmarie Baldasare, Lauren Cordaro, Kayla Emily Marlow, a sophomore, sat in the ing a new American Opportunity Tax Credit. Howard, A shley Kromrey, Jonathan Milam Trustees Pavilion with a map of the United This new plan will give students $4,000 in and Katie S obko. It was written by Lauren States, coloring each state red or blue as the exchange for community service. Obama and Bruins and Jenna Moonjian. results came in. Biden plan on pursuing clean energy, invest-“Certain people wouldn’t vote black in ing $150 billion over 10 years – a plan that On Tuesday, young voters came out in these states,” said Marlow, pointing to states could open up millions of new jobs for force seeking change after eight years of on her map. “Obviously these states don’t young Americans. Republican rule that is ending with America want change and difference. The state our President-elect Obama plans on putting involved in two conflicts and a spiraling country’s in with the Bush administration, it more hybrid cars on the roads, lowering financial crisis. matters what happens next. Obama is taxes for people who purchase energy effi-Seeking change, voters elected Democrat change.” cient vehicles, and making sure that the Barack Obama, the first African-American to But what does Obama plan to change? amount of carbon in fuel is lowered to a occupy the White House, in celebratory What does his presidency guarantee? Will national standard. He wants to reduce gas scenes replicated nationwide and on Ramapo College students see a better and emissions and make sure more energy comes Ramapo’s campus. A chant of “Change! brighter tomorrow? from renewable resources. Change!” rang out in the Trustees Pavilion For the average college student, the next Obama will also be confronted with the at “Election Watch 2008” on Tuesday four years will be turning points in their ongoing war in Iraq. Obama said he plans to evening, as a large group of the student body individual lives. From graduation to entering work with both the military commanders in watched the results together. Despite oppos- the business world, Obama has laid out a Iraq and the Iraqi government to safely get ing viewpoints on this change, the Ramapo plan for young Americans. With tuition American troops out within 16 months. community came together to celebrate this costs increasing year after year, Obama and See OBAMA on page 5
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