I Av ,o -f-CCL^ , ,"^^^ ^^H^'-\/¿^'¿Á.L , ^í^2-».*/-4^yíúí^^'A-iI .-V',//)J-/-^'SPANISH AND ENGLISHDICTIONARY.AND ENGLISHSPANISHDICTIONAHY,lEn ^iuo ^arts:AND ENGLISH—II. ENGLISH AND SPANISH.I. SPANISHTHE FIRST PARTE SPANISH WOEDS, WITH THEIR PKOPEB ACCENTS,EVERY NOUN, WITH ITS GENDER.THE SECOND PART,' WORDS, CONTAINS1 CORRESPONDEN!AT THE END OP BOTE PARTS IS AFFIXED,A OF USUALLIST CHRISTIAN AND PROPER NAMES,NAMES OF COUNTRIES, NATIONS, ETC.BY F. C. MEADOWS, M.A.OF THE UNIVERSITY" NEW FRENCH PRONOUNCI;I DICTIONARY,LONDON:PRINTED FOR THOMAS TEGG, CHEAPSIDE.73,MJ)CCC.XLIILPREFACE.The present intercourse between this country and Spain, and its foreignpossessions, being established on a broad basis, the utility of this new-Dictionary will, it is hoped, obtain and share that distinguished patron-age, which an enlightened nation never fails to bestow on labours con-ducive to general improvement, and already conferred eminently on itsAuthor for other national works of a similar nature. Its size, theaccurate and distinct definition of words, their great increase—all thesecombined advantages will prove highly beneficial to those who visitthose countries either for pleasure, or civil, or mercantile pursuits.In offering this new work to the public, the chief object of the Au-thor has been to remove the many imperfections encountered in theDictionaries extant, and facilitate the acquirement of a language bothsublime itand useful. In will ...