Partner 5 ueve laboratoire informatique, biologie intégrative et








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Partner 5 : UEVE Laboratoire Informatique, Biologie Intégrative et Systèmes Complexes, Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne The UEVE’ IBISC Laboratory (Computer Science, Integrative Biology and Complex Systems Lab.) results from the fusion of two Computer Science Website research units of the University of Evry. Respectively the LSC (Complex Systems Lab.) and the LaMI Website (Computer Science Methods Lab.). The Augmented Reality and Collaborative Work UEVE Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne (AR/CW) team of IBISC -CNRS laboratory has as scientific objective to raise an important lock related Laboratoire Informatique, Biologie Intégrative et Systèmes Complexes (IBISC-CNRS FRE 2873) to 3D real time registration of the virtual world onto the real one. This registration assumes a calibration • Partner number : 5 of real and virtual points of view and an automatic • Type : Research laboratory recognition of real environment. Moreover, this • Country : Evry, France research area induces an ergonomic problem of information presentation to the user (when and how use the Augmented or Mixed Reality). In the last 5 years, the Augmented Reality and Collaborative Work group has focused its activities on mobile AR and particularly deals with the direct vision problems induced by using see-through HMDs. Among these problems the predictive visual display is investigated. Furthermore, research on multi-user and collaborative A/MR is investigated.
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Partner 5 : UEVE Laboratoire
Informatique, Biologie Intégrative et
Systèmes Complexes, Université
d’Evry Val d’Essonne
The UEVE’ IBISC Laboratory (Computer Science,
Integrative Biology and Complex Systems Lab.)
results from the fusion of two Computer Science
research units of the University of Evry. Respectively
the LSC (Complex Systems Lab.) and the LaMI
(Computer Science Methods Lab.).
The Augmented Reality and Collaborative Work
(AR/CW) team of IBISC -CNRS laboratory has as
scientific objective to raise an important lock related
to 3D real time registration of the virtual world onto
the real one. This registration assumes a calibration
of real and virtual points of view and an automatic
recognition of real environment. Moreover, this
research area induces an ergonomic problem of
information presentation to the user (when and how
use the Augmented or Mixed Reality).
In the last 5 years, the Augmented Reality and
Collaborative Work group has focused its activities
on mobile AR and particularly deals with the direct
vision problems induced by using see-through
HMDs. Among these problems the predictive visual
display is investigated.
Furthermore, research on multi-user and
collaborative A/MR is investigated. So this research
deals with the study and development of software
architectures devoted to A/MR collaborative
environments. These architectures must take into
account the visual perception, interaction and
communication modalities. The collaboration can
take place around a real or augmented prototype, in
the same place, or at different places.
Facilities at UEVE include the Evr@ platform (a
large 3x2.5 m work-wall with stereo display and
optical tracking for tracked stereoscopy and 3D
UEVE Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne
Laboratoire Informatique, Biologie Intégrative et Systèmes Comple
Partner number
: 5
: Research laboratory
: Evry, France
Copyright © 2006 The Venus consorsium All rights reserved.
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