Catia Benchmark
Wolfgang Dautermann Michael Trzesniowski
November 23, 2006
1 General Information
1.1 Introduction
At FH Joanneum a benchmark for Catia V (currently R14, Windows version,
development since December 2005. This benchmark was driven by the industry
with special cooperation by the AUDI AG.
From the hundreds of Catia functions only a small part had been selected,
and combined into a script without user intervention. As FH Joanneum has
been using CATIA as the standard tool in various lectures since 1999, the nec-
essary models could be selected from the rich pool created by students. The
functions tested include loading of models, graphical representation (including
rotation), 2D drafting, changing a parameter and updating the model, creating
an assembly out of CatParts, cutting planes in DMU and clash computation.
The results are written to a log le, and can be analyzed with an Excel sheet
that creates suitable graphs and arranges the various results into a number of
categories (aka tasks) - namely ”total time”, ” le load”, ” le close”, ”CPU ac-
tivity”and”CPU+graphicactivity”. Thegraphsproducedareshownin2ways
- once using absolute numbers, a second set showing the performance relative
to the BEST result (the fastest results is set to 100
The benchmark is available to the public, as are most of the models used.
The large assembly used for some tests is available on request. Intel GmbH
Germany ...