COMMENTTHE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER ISSUE NO 143 | NOVEMBER 2002The ReportNew Archbishophe College’s annual Reportfor 2001-2 has just beenTpublished. Articles thisyear include a history of theMaughan Library; a round-up ofmodern languages work on gen-visits King’s der issues; views from studentsand lecturers about what makesa good teacher of medicine; anhe Most Revd Dr Rowan Dr Williams suggested that dimension of the search for truth outline of developments in filmWilliams, Archbishop of Wales, ‘wisdom, righteousness and holi- through higher education gave theory; an account of King’sTpreached at the Opening of ness are not modular’, both the us a real challenge at the start of involvement in the assessmentYear Service on 25 September in life of faith and ‘the life of the the academic year. With a of science learning outsidethe College Chapel at the Strand mind’ experience ‘moments of packed Chapel it was a splendid schools, and a description of aCampus. Dr Williams, who will loss when we don’t know what College occasion.’ project to collect and digitise take up his duties as Archbishop we are talking about’ – and then Also last month, the wife of historical records of the clergy.of Canterbury next year, was a wisdom and holiness are the gift the present Archbishop of Can- Last year’s Report was awardedkeynote speaker at the College’s of God to us. terbury (and alumnus of King’s), a silver medal for an institutionalMillennium Festival of Medi- During the ...