Create an Electronic Thesis or Dissertation Using Adobe Acrobat








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Create an ETD Using Adobe Acrobat
Cr eate an
Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
® ®® ®Using Adobe Acrobat
Tutorial created by Ohio State University, Technology Enhanced Learning & Research
With support from Adobe Systems


This tutorial was created to help you learn how to convert your own thesis or
dissertation into a PDF file using Adobe® Acrobat® Standard or Professional. This Tip
lesson was written for Acrobat 6.0 Standard or Professional. However, you should To avoid any difficulty
easily be able to duplicate the following steps in later versions of Acrobat. You must navigating through
have the software installed on your computer to create a PDF file. Adobe Reader®, the tutorial, open
the tutorial using the which is freely available for downloading from the Adobe Web site, can only be used
stand-alone version to read a PDF file. You cannot use it to create a PDF file.
of Adobe Acrobat
rather than opening
The tutorial consisits of five lessons, each containing exercises to help you complete the Acrobat files via
specific tasks. Each exercise links to a corresponding demo movie so you can see Internet Explorer.
the task performed. To view the demo, either click on the button by each
exercise title or click the corresponding bookmark in the
navigation pane. Your browser will open to display the View Demo
movie page. Click the play button to begin the demo.
Create an ETD Using Adobe Acrobat:
Lesson 1: Read an ...
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ÊÊÊÊCreate an EDTU isgnA odebA obcratIn odtritcuno
 Introduction  This tutorial was created to help you learn how to convert your own thesis or dissertation into a PDF file using Adobe®Acrobat®Standard or Professional. This lesson was written for Acrobat 6.0Standard or Professional. However, you should easily be able to duplicate the following steps in later versions of Acrobat. You must have the software installed on your computer to create a PDF file. AdobeReader®, which is freely available for downloading fromthe Adobe Web site, can only be used to read a PDF file. You cannot use it to create a PDF file. The tutorial consisits offive lessons, each containing exercises to help you complete specific tasks. Each exercise links to a corresponding demo movie so you can see the task performed. To view the demo, either click on the button by each exercise title or click the corresponding bookmark in the navigation pane. Your browser will open to display theView Demo movie page. Click the play button to begin the demo. Create an ETD Using Adobe Acrobat: Lesson 1: Read an ETD Lesson 2: Create a PDF File Lesson 3: Modify a PDF File Lesson 4: Add PDF Navigation to an ETD Lesson 5: Add Multimedia
Create an    Electronic Thesis or Dissertation Using Adobe®Acrobat® Tutorial created by Ohio State University, Technology Enhanced Learning & Research With support fromAdobe Systems
 Tip To avoid any difficulty navigating through the tutorial, open the tutorial using the stand-alone version of Adobe Acrobat rather than opening the Acrobat files via Internet Explorer.
ÊÊÊÊCreate an ETD Using Adobe Acrobat Lesson 1: Read an ETD
Read an Electronic Thesis or Dissertation  In this section,you will be introduced to methods for downloading and browsing through an Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD). An ETD is anTip electronic representation of a graduate student’s thesis or dissertation. Itcan beThis lesson was converted into a special document,called a PDF file,which is prepared for onlinewritten for Acrobat reference using Adobe®Acrobat®software. In addition to containing all of the6.0Standard or information available in the paper version, such as figures, tables, footnotes, andProfessional. However, references, the PDF file also may include additional electronic resources,includingyou should easily be navigation aids,multimedia presentations, and features that allow greater accessibility etacilpud ot elabet rspi  nalcise stethe exer for people with disabilities.versions of Acrobat. By creating an ETD for your thesis or dissertation, you also will benefit from increased access to your research from anywhere in the world, as well as help alleviate the cost of paper and shelf space where collections of these documents are housed. Researchers and scholars visiting an ETD site such as OhioLink,, can search by institution, author, keywords, and other criteria and then view an abstract of a document before deciding whether to download the entire file locally. We will use an ETD authored by Heidi F. Wick housed at the OhioLink site for demonstration purposes in thislesson. Other collections of ETDs may have different search keys or download procedures. In the exercises that follow, you will learn how to:
1. Download an ETD 2. Browse through an ETD 3. Navigate to specific content within an ETD 4. Search an ETD
ÊÊÊÊCreate an ETD Using Adobe Acrobat Lesson 1: Read an ETD
Exercise 1 – Download an ETD In this exercise,you will learn how to find and download an ETD fromView Demo the OhioLink repository. 1. Start your browser and open a connection todte/udeww.owink.hiol. 2. On the page that appears, you will see categories for Finding and Submitting ETDs as well as links to information about ETDs and other ETD sites. Under “Finding ETDs” click on theKeyword searchoption.
3. In the “Search for” box, typenatural horn. The default is the “Any field” option. Leave this field selected. To choose documents with full content, check the box besideOnly retrieve papers with full text available online. Click on theSearch Nowbutton.
4. A window containing the search results appears listing any documents that contain the word “natural” or “horn” or both. Click on the document linkApplying Natural Horn Technique to Modern Valved Horn Performance Practice.
 Tip To avoid any difficulty navigating through the tutorial, open the tutorial using the stand-alone version of Adobe Acrobat rather than opening the Acrobat files via Internet Explorer.
 Tip You also can search byauthoror by university/ department.
ÊÊÊÊCreate an ETD Using Adobe Acrobat Lesson 1: Read an ETD
5. The dissertation abstract is displayed in a new window along with a list of all the accompanying files (in this case, a PDF version of the dissertation and a series of audio files). 6. To see the complete dissertation, you must download all the files listed to your local computer. To download the files, right-click on the first file, and then chooseSave Target Asfrom the pop-up menu that appears.
7. Select an existing destination folder or create a new folder by clicking on theNew Folderbutton. Click onSave. Repeat this procedure  for each of the remaining files, saving all files to this folder.
Continue to Exercise 2
 Tip You must download all the files listed to see the complete dissertation. For this exercise,you may choose to only download Dissertation.pdf and a few of the audio (.aif) files to see how the process works.
Exercise 2 – Browse Through an ETD
ÊÊÊÊCreate an ETD Using Adobe Acrobat Lesson 1: Read an ETD
learn how to open an ETD that you’ve downloaded Iann dt hnisa veixgeartcei steh,r oyuogu hw tilhl e content using different view options. View Demo
1. Start Acrobat and chooseOpenin theFilemenu.
2. Navigate to the directory where you saved the downloaded files in Exercise 1 and double-click onDissertation.pdf.
3. Note there are five main components within the main Acrobat window: theToolbar; theNavigation tabs(or pane, if it is open);the Document pane; theStatus bar; and theHow To window. This main window contains all of the tools necessary to view or edit a PDF document. The first page of the ETD appears in theDocument pane.
4. To move around within the ETD, use the buttons located on theStatus Barthe following functions when you click on them:. The buttons have First page:Takes you to the beginning of the document. Previous page:Takes you to the page before the current page. Next page:Takes you to the page after the current page. Last page:Takes you to the end of the document. Current page:Indicates which page is currently displayed. To quickly jump to another location in the document, click in this box, type the page number, and press Enter.
ÊÊÊÊCreate an ETD Using Adobe Acrobat Lesson 1: Read an ETD
5. You also have the option of changing how pages are displayed within the ETD by clicking on any of the page view buttons located on the Status Bar. Single Page view:Display pages one at a time as you scroll back or forth through the document. Continuous view:Display pages in sequence as if each were connected from the bottom of one page to the top of the next page. Continuous Facing view:Display pages not only continuously from bottom to top, but also side-by-side like in a book with left- and right-facing pages. Facing view:Display pages side-by-side in single sets of right-and left-facing pages. Previous view:Takes you back one view. Next view:Takes you forward one view.
6. To change the onscreen magnification of pages, use the buttons on theZoom Toolbarlocated at the top of theDocument Pane. These buttons have the following functions when you click on them:  Zoom In tool:Not just a single tool, but a set of tools accessible by clicking on the down arrow and selecting an entry from a pop-up menu. The tool that is currently active is displayed. UseZoom Into click on an image or text you want to magnify. Each click increases the magnification. Alternatively, you can drag theZoom Intool to create a marquee around a specific portion of the page. The area inside the marquee will be enlarged to its maximum proportional size. 
 Tip These options are available as choices within theView/ Go Tomenu as well. When applicable, keyboard shortcuts are listed next to the menu option.
 Tip If you can’t see the Page Viewbuttons in the status bar, close theHow To Windowby clicking on theHide Button. Page view options are available as choices within theView/ Page Layoutmenu as well. To reopen the How To Window,go toHelp/How to.../ How To Window.
 Tip See the Acrobat online help files for a description of the other tools available.
ÊÊÊÊCreate an ETD Using Adobe Acrobat Lesson 1: Read an ETD
Actual Size button:Displays the document at 100%. Fit Page button:Resizes the document to fit inside the document window regardless of the size of the window. Fit Width button:Displays all of the document from side to side to eliminate scrolling back and forth while reading. Zoom Out button:Allows you to reduce the magnification level of the entire document; the smallest value is 8.33%. Zoom In button:Allows you to increase the magnification view of the entire document; the largest value is 6400%. Magnification pop-up menu:Allows you to select from preset magnification levels (from 8.33% to 6400%). At the bottom of the list are some settings used to adjust the size of the document relative to the document window (with the exception of the Actual Size setting). As you saw above, all of these settings also appear as buttons on theZoom Toolbarbecause they are so commonly used.Fit Visibleappears only in the Magnification pop-up menu; it is similar to Fit Width, except the document’s margins are ignored and only the content isdisplayed. 7. Practice moving around in the ETD and changing the way you view it so you can become familiar with the tools described above.
Continue to Exercise 3 
 Tip These options are available as choices within the View menu as well. When applicable, keyboard shortcuts are listed in this location.
Exercise 3 – Navigate to Specific Content In this exercise, you will learn how to go to a specific location within an ETDView Demo using links or bookmarks. Unlike the methods described in Exercise 2, these navigational aids must be added to an ETD by the document’s author. Using bookmarks to navigate: 1. You will be looking at the same file you downloaded in Exercise 1. OpenDissertation.pdf. 2. Go to theNavigation Paneon the left side of the Acrobat window. Click on theBookmarkstab.
4. Clicking on a bookmark allows you to quickly move to a specific location within the document. Try expanding theTable of Contentsbookmark and then click onIntroduction. The page where the ETD’s Introduction is located now appears.
 Tip Bookmarks appear as a Table of Contents populated with hierarchical entries linked to specific locations within a document.
3. A list of bookmarks appears. Any nested bookmarks are preceded by either ‘+’ or a ‘-’ in a small box. Click on ‘+’ or ‘-’ to expand or collapse bookmarks.
 ETDna daeR :1 nosse Latobcr AbeÊÊÊ etaerCÊ UTD Eando Angsi
ÊÊÊÊCreate an ETD Using Adobe Acrobat Lesson 1: Read an ETD
Using links to navigate: 1. Use the method you learned above to go directly to the “List of Figures” onpage 16. 2. To give yourself more room to view the ETD, close the PaneNavi ation on the left side of the Acrobat window by clicking on the button. 3. Select thehand toolfrom the toolbar at the top of the Acrobat window and move it over the linked text “Figure 2.2”. Notice that the cursor changes into a pointing finger. Click on the link.
4. See how Figure 2.2 on page 36 is now displayed.
5. Click on the button to return to the previous location in the ETD.
Continue to Exercise 4
 Tip Links provide a way to move quickly to a particular location within a document. When you click on a link, you can go to another point in the document, to another PDF file, or even to a web page.
ÊÊÊÊCreate an ETD Using Adobe Acrobat Lesson 1: Read an ETD
Exercise 4 – Search an ETD In this exercise, you will learn to use the Acrobat®search tool to findView Demo a specific word or phrase within a document. 1. Open theDissertation.pdffile. 2. If theNavigation Paneon the left side of the Acrobat window is open, click on the button to close it to give yourself more room to view the ETD. 3. Click on theSearchbutton from the toolbar at the top of the Acrobat window. TheSearch PDFpane opens. 4. TypeBeethovenin the box under “What word or phrase would you like to search for?” Click on theSearchbutton.
5. A list of search results appears. Click on any link displayed to go to the referenced point within the ETD. 6. Click on theNew Searchbutton to go back to theSearch PDF pane.
 Tip When you do a search, do not enclose the word or phrase in quotation marks unless you want Acrobat to search for instances that include the quotes.
ÊÊÊÊCreate an ETD Using Adobe Acrobat Lesson 1: Read an ETD
7. Notice the heading “Where would you like to search?” You can search the current PDF document or,alternatively, all PDF documents, by choosing a location from the associated pop-up menu. You also can qualify your search by checking one or more of the following options: Whole words only:Limit the search results to instances of the exact word or phrase you enter.  Case-Sensitive:Limit the search results to words that match the case (upper or lower) of the word you enter.  Search in Bookmarks:Include text in the Bookmarks Pane as well as in the document.  Search in Comments:Include text in Comments as well as in the document (most ETDs probably will not include comments).
8. Notice there is a link called Advanced Search Options at the bottom of the Search PDF pane. Clicking on this link displays the following additional options so you can further refine your search criteria. Return results containing:Choose betweenMatch Exact word or phraseorMatch Any of the wordswhen searching for a word or phrase. For example, if you specify “Beethoven symphony” as the search words, the Match Exact word or phrase option would find only instances of the words “Beethoven symphony.” The Match Any of the words option would find any instances of “Beethoven,” “symphony,” or “Beethoven symphony.”  Use these additional criteria: Stemmingapplies only if you are searching a single document. When this option is checked, the search will find words that contain part of the search word (e.g., a search for “Beethoven” would result in any occurrences of “beet” and Beethoven). 
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