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01 janvier 1965
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Publié le
01 janvier 1965
Poids de l'ouvrage
1 Mo
Frederick A. Shippey
The Relations of Theology and the Social Sciences according to
Gabriel Le Bras
In: Archives des sciences sociales des religions. N. 20, 1965. pp. 79-93.
Citer ce document / Cite this document :
Shippey Frederick A. The Relations of Theology and the Social Sciences according to Gabriel Le Bras. In: Archives des
sciences sociales des religions. N. 20, 1965. pp. 79-93.
doi : 10.3406/assr.1965.1788
http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/assr_0003-9659_1965_num_20_1_1788THE RELATIONS OF THEOLOGY
dology other omitted Because to not the and Introduction. narrowly students What should Some which ONE France gists will fails problem receive intended The It other noteworthy of to facets scholars goes truly is yield religion the here receive views of on Therefore to important beyond appropriate the urbanization both is but of nature drawing purpose to The Tomes of ignore needed sophisticated Professor adequate central be most one extent Gabriel sides brevity the perspective They exhaustive of side dimensions chiefly of the difficult relations now simple attention et importance the Le overlook of recognition issue II Bras in range the religion present from approach Atlantic alternatives the problems Etudes. between nevertheless completely article problem have of at the perception writings English-speaking his another of discussion French religious in been Ocean discrete the precludes scholarly Such Tomes theology to the Both of gathered problem whereas time resolve Scylla sources in the United already and ecology wholeness of to the types ensuing 3) work and Gabriel provide et relevance discussion sociology in can from others noted II world States fail has social the historical Charybdis However be of exposition and to Le his been Sociology above of the is delimit science brief function and Bras principal sundry of interest religious French accomplished research religion critical considerations Great exploration these The treatment their can This of as important to writings Although endeavor thought Religion Britain matters sociolo disclose society inquiry will metho matter serious efforts be of in
This problem is recognized in the writings of various U.S scholars including Dynes
Fichter Glock Gustafson Lenski Muelder W.W Schroeder Schuyler
Underwood Whitley Robin Williams and J.M Yinger
Elsewhere the excellent researches of Boulard Desroche F.G Dreyfus
Isambert Janunes Labbens E.G Léonard Maître Mehl Pin Poulat Séguy
and others will be evaluated
The writer has in preparation book length manuscript which includes these topics
articles In instances where pertinent observations have been reiterated in
several places the more apt passages only have been retained for scrutiny
Wherever vital summary of closely related remarks could be managed without
violence to the obvious perspectives it was done Wherever recent or
more detailed exposition was accessible this was incorporated into the present
analysis Throughout the study reasonable care has been exercised in order to
discover and to present the French own interesting viewpoints
Therefore the six points discussed hereafter suggest both the broad range of
Le Bras scholarly activity and at the same time they reveal the remarkable
continuum of interest which runs from one discipline to another i.e from
theology to social science or vice versa This analysis yields also suggestive
step-by-step approach which can be applied in the scholarly study of other reli
gious societies or faiths To focus summary into brief scope the general subject
is treated under six headings Theological Assumptions Ecclesiastical Assump
tions Sacramental Assumptions Pratique Religieuse the Embeddedness of
Religious Society and Vitalité Religieuse Finally the present notes can be regarded
only as preliminary to more extensive study of the materials which will be
undertaken later
For more than three decades Professor Le Bras has engaged in studies of
Sociologie religieuse utilizing theological assumptions There never has been
desire to be secretive about the matter In this approach he follows the recommen
dation of Joachim Wach who urges that studies be done by scholars within
faiths Moreover Le Bras makes no attempt either to create or to evaluate
the theology instead he merely receives it from the scholars This
posture of acceptance is defended in two recent comments
Le fondement de toute religion est le corpus dogmatique ensemble de repré
sentation communes ou de vérités révélées 7)
Le psychologue ne comprendra vraiment le problème que il connaît le sens
précis de tous les dogmes de tous les préceptes du catholicisme tels que les explique
la théologie 8)
What Le Bras urges for the psychologist is stressed for other social scientists as
well To comprehend the content of theological dogma one must scrutinize the
answers given to the fundamental questions of the faith These answers when
adequately tested by time and scholarship provide noteworthy theological
assumptions which Le Bras regards as essential in making adequate studies of
Roman Catholicism in France Properly he sees no reason for apology in making
such assumptions he merely states them as any scholar would without passion
Introduction histoire de la pratique religieuse en France et II Paris Presses Uni
versitaires de France 1942 et 1945 Etudes de sociologie religieuse et II Uni de 1956 and numerous articles
In addition Professor Le Bras has published significant books and articles on Roman
Law Canon Law and History Middle Ages)
religious society is best studied by scholar within the faith Consult especially
chapters and IX in Joachim WACH Sociology of Religion which stresses inside studies
Réflexions sur les différences entre sociologie scientifique et sociologie pastorale
Arch de Soc des Relig. 1959
Sociologie religieuse sciences sociales Conférence internat de sociol religieuse Paris
Ed Ouvrières 1955) 10
and without embarrassment Indeed all research activity demands the public
acknowledgement of underlying assumptions
It is apparent from perusal of bis writings that Le Bras accepts the theolo
gical dogma of the religious society as starting point As practising member
of the particular faith under scrutiny he wittingly makes his studies inside
the faith Enormous advantages are evident intimate knowledge of meanings
of structure of administrative process of goals along with the relatively facile
access to both quantitative and qualitative data As result the studies are
carried forward with sympathy precision penetration and responsibility On
the other hand the risks of an inside study need to be weighed also How can
the researcher transcend debilitating naïveté toward the phenomena How
can he be truly objective eschewing temptations to utilize only data which
promote the faith Indeed how can he achieve balanced critical and sophisti
cated evaluation of the religious society which he studies This distressing pro
blem is not new in scholarship or in human history Against formidable back
ground of extensive experience Le Bras believes that the goal of objectivity is
attainable within the faith providing that the indigenous investigator is
willing to work also under the discipline of the social sciences Quite apart
from his personal faith the researcher has an inescapable obligation to be scholarly
Evidently theological assumptions cannot be avoided in the subject area of
sociologie religieuse Such being the case the scholar as Christian must be
willing to function under the required disciplines recognized throughout the
academic world as essential to the data whether history geography sociology
psychology or law
This necessary posture or role must be espoused during the entire
period while the studies are in progress It is evident that both theological assump
tions and the posture of social science are mandatory requirements Both per
spectives are strongly emphasized in the writings of Gabriel Le Bras For him
theology is the fundamental starting point in the study of religious society
Yet by itself it is fruitless orientation until incorporated into an adequate pro
cess of research and analysis Le Bras comment upon the distinction between the
goals of theology and the goals of sociologie religieuse is instructive on this point
Leur des théologiens but est expliquer les dons de Dieu ordre surnaturel
Le nôtre est de décrire ordre naturel des actes du Chrétien dont les docteurs nous
certifient la convenance et efficacité 10)
The closing phrase of the second sentence ..whose fitness and efficacy the
theologians certify indicates the social need or theological assumptions
It is legitimate working orientation which certifies the authentic data of
second set of important assumptions are necessary to the study of reli
gious society according to Professor Le Bras They are ecclesiastical assumptions
Who has not observed that the church imposes certain beliefs certain patterns
of conduct and certain practices upon the adherent Such is true of all great