'TT"^.HARVARD UNIVERSITYLibrary of theMuseum ofComparative ZoologyMCZVolume 135 1992LIBRARY2 7 1993JAN%^.--^Çv?HARVATijdsc' fi)j voorEntomologieA journal of systematic and evolutionaryfientomology since 1858it-^OLOG^i'Ptri%O^^Q3RPublished by the Nederlandse Entomologische VerenigingEntomologieTijdschrift voorentomology since 1858A Journal of systematic and evolutionaryScopeThe Tijdschrift voor Entomologie' (Netherlands Journal of Entomology) has a longpublication of original papers on insect taxonomy and systematics.tradition in thefauna of the Palaearctic andThe editors particularly invite papers on the insectevolutionaryIndo-Australian regions, especially those including aspects e.g.phylogeny and biogeography, or ethology and ecology as far as meaningful forinsect taxonomy. Authors wishing to submit papers on disciplines related totaxonomy, e.g. descriptive aspects of morphology, ethology, ecology and appliedto contact the editorial board before submitting.entomology, are requestedallows.Usually, such papers will only be published when spaceEditorsvan Nieukerken (elected 1986) and van Tol (1985)E.J. J.Co-editorsA. W. M. Mol 1 990) and R. T. A. Schouten ( 1 990)(Advisory boardM. Brancucci (Basel), N. E. Stork (London) and M. R. Wilson (London).Entomologie' is published in two issues annually by theThe 'Tijdschrift voor'Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging' (Netherlands Entomological Society),Amsterdam.Editorial ...