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Chinese Museum Today features a selection of 22 translated articles from three highly influential academic journals in the Chinese museum sector, namely Chinese Museum, Museum, and Southeast Culture, presenting theoretical research, practical exploration, and future vision of Chinese museums. By introducing this book, the Chinese Museums Association (CMA) hopes that readers all around world will continue to be interested in the history and development of Chinese museums. Through effective interaction and communication, museums in China will become cultural institutions at the service of global sustainability and people’s well-being.



1. Riding the Waves and Forging Ahead: 40 Years in Retrospect and the Outlook for the Chinese Museums Association ............ 2

Liu Shuguang and An Laishun

2.Promoting High-quality Development of Museums Through the Museum Grading Process: Results and Data Analysis of the Fourth National Museums Grading................................ 22

Li Jinguangand Ai Jingfang


ⅱ THEORY................................................................................39

3. Local Museums: Missions, Characteristics and Strategies ...... 40

Yan Jianqiang and Shao Chenhui

4. Defining Museum Collections: Material Evidence or Cultural Heritage?............................................................... 52

Song Xiangguang

5. How to Be “Relevant” for Chinese Museums to Foster Visitors’“Empathy”: Taking Coronavirus Exhibitions as an Example........................................................................58

Zheng Yiand Luo Yunqing


6. Storytelling with China’s Cultural Objects ................................ 72

Lu Jiansong

7.Expression of the Lofty Values of World Heritage Through Exhibitions ................................................................ 84

Fan Jiayuand Yan Haiming

8. Museums Shaping and Interpreting Traditional Cultural Symbols : Curators’ Notes to Life Aesthetics in Jiangnan ........ 96

Cai Qin

 MANAGEMENT................................................................. 107

9.Evaluating Museums’ Contribution to Tourism in the Context of Culture-Tourism Integration............................................... 108

Liu Zehua

10.Reflections on Free Access Policy to Chinese Museums..... 118

He Xiaolei

11. Museums as Tourist Attractions and Their Development Trends ........................................... 126

Zeng Xiaoyin and Zhang Chaozhi

  TECHNOLOGY................................................................. 137

12.Preliminary Study on the Core System of a “Smart Museum” ......................................................... 138

Zhang Xiaopeng

13.Reconstructing the Order of Discourse: Innovative Mechanisms for Online Museum Exhibitions ....................... 150

Lyu Rui


14. Risk Management and Multi disciplinary Collaboration in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Chinese Museums ... 162

Wang Xudong

15.Conservation Cycle: A Working Model Based on the China National Silk Museum .................................... 174

Zhao Feng

16.Research on the Size and Structure of Collections of Museums in China.......................................................... 190

Liu Shuzheng


17. The Definition and Under standing of Museum “Field Trip” ... 206

Zhou Jingjing and Guo Chuanhui

18.Reflections on a Museum’s Educational Activities for Family Visitors................................................................ 216

Deng Zhuo

19. Museum Services in the Context of Culture-Tourism Integration: New Concepts and New Approaches .............. 228

Qian Zhaoyue

20.Developing a New Museum-School Partnership Model in China..............................................................................240

Guo Meixia

  INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION .................................. 257

21.Symbolism and Professionalism: Two Faces of Exhibition Diplomacy ...................................................... 258

Kong Da

  ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE AND MUSEUM..................... 269

22. The Development of Archaeo logical Site Museums in China..............................................................................270

Wu Jian and Li Gang

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Date de parution

02 novembre 2023





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129 Mo

ChineseMuseumsTODAY Edited by Chinese Museums Association
L i u S h u g u a n gt h ei s P r e s i d e n t o f C h i n e s e M u s e u m s A s s o c i a t i o n , the Chair of the Chinese N a t i o n a l C o m m i t t e e , Inter national Council of Museums (ICOM-China), the Editor-in-Chief of the journalChinese Museum, and a researcher.
His previous positions include the Director of the China Academy of Cultural Heritage, Director of the State Conservation Centre of Underwater Cultural Heritage, and Deputy Administrator of the National Cultural Heritage Administration. He specializes in research into archaeology, heritage conservation, underwater heritage and world heritage.
He was awarded the Ufficiale dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia by the Italian Government in 2021.
Chinese Museums TODAY
Chinese Museums TodayFeatures a seectîon oF 22 transated artîces From three hîghy înluentîa academîc journas în the Chînese museum sector, nameyChinese Museum,Museum, andSoutheast Culture, presentîng theoretîca research, practîca exporatîon, and Future vîsîon oF Chînese museums. By întroducîng thîs book, the Chînese Museums Assocîatîon (CMA) hopes that readers a around word wî contînue to be înterested în the hîstory and deveopment oF Chînese museums. Through efectîve înteractîon and communîcatîon, museums în Chîna wî become cutura înstîtutîons at the servîce oF goba sustaînabîîty and peope’s we-beîng. About the Chinese Museums Association Chînese Museums Assocîatîon (CMA, Formery The Chînese Socîety oF Museums) was Founded în 1982 and oicîay joîned the Internatîona Councî oF Museums (ICOM) în 1983. Sînce then, CMA has taken a keen înterest în new îdeas and practîces oF înternatîona museum deveopment, whîe strîvîng to întroduce the constructîon and deveopment oF Chînese museums to the înternatîona communîty.
ISBN: 978-2-7598-3477-8
9 782759 834778
Illustration:Shaanxî Hîstory Museum Desîgned by Zhang Jînqîu, Xu Rong(Chîna Northwest ArchîtecturaDesîgn and Research Instîtute Co. Ltd)39 809 m² th Schedued to open to pubîc on May 18 2024 Photo granted by Shaanxî Hîstory Museum
ChineseMuseumsTODAY Edited by Chinese Museums Association
Edited by Chinese Museums Association
ISBN: 978-2-7598-3477-8 (print) and 978-2-7598-3478-5 (ebook) Jointly published with Sciences Press. The printed edition is not for sale in Chinese mainland. Customers in Chinese mainland please order the print book from Science Press. ISBN of the Science Press edition: 978-7-03-076443-0
All rights relative to translation, adaptation and reproduction by any means whatsoever are reserved, worldwide. In accordance with the terms of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 41 of the French Act dated March 11, 1957, “copies or reproductions reserved strictly for private use and not intended for collective
use” and, on the other hand, analyses and short quotations for example or
illustrative purposes, are allowed. Otherwise, “any representation or reproduction
– whether in full or in part – without the consent of the author or of his
successors or assigns, is unlawful” (Article 40, paragraph 1). Any representation
or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, will therefore be deemed an
infringement of copyright punishable under Articles 425 and following the
French Penal Code.
© Science Press and EDP Sciences 2023
The development of Chinese museum sector has a history of more than 100 years. In the past decade, various categories of museums in China have made continuous progress in the construction of venues and facilities, collection conservation and research, exhibitions and free admission, meeting the needs of the public, and promoting cultural communication over the world. By the end of 2022, the total number of registered museums in China reached 6 565, ranking among the top in the world. Around 34 000 on-site exhibitions, and nearly 230 000 educational activities were held throughout the year, receiving 578 million visitors. Moreover, almost 10 000 exhibitions, and over 40 000 educational programs were launched online. Obviously, visiting museums has become the most substantial, fundamental, and lively component of the rich and
colorful cultural life of Chinese people. 40 years ago, in 1983, the Chinese Museums Association (CMA) officially joined the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Since then, we have been paying close attention to the new ideas and practices of international museum development, meanwhile making
efforts to introduce the construction and development of Chinese museums to the global community. We are pleased to see that over the past 40 years, the museum sector has increasingly grown into the major channel for cultural exchanges between China and the world, making positive contributions to foster public understanding DQG SUHVHUYLQJ FXOWXUDO GLYHUVLW\ DV ZHOO DV WR EULGJH SHRSOH·V PLQG globally.
Chinese Museums Today, edited by CMA, selected and translated 22 articles from three highly influential academic journals in the Chinese museum sector, namelyChinese Museum,Museum, andSoutheast Culture. The book is now published worldwide by EDP Sciences, a branch of China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. (CSPM). Museum professionals and public readers all over the world who are passionate about the area are welcome to take a look at the latest presentations of theoretical research, practical exploration, and future vision of Chinese museums. We are also sincerely expecting that people around the world to continue to take an interest in Chinese museums, so that our museums will develope into cultural institutions serving global
Thanks to all the authors for their active contributions to this book,
and thanks to the Tencent Foundation for their strong support.
Liu Shuguang
President of Chinese Museums Association
Chair of ICOM-China
st August 31 , 2023
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