Dalí and artworks 1904-1989 , livre ebook









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Painter, designer, creator of bizarre objects, author and film maker, Dalí became the most famous of the Surrealists. Buñuel, Lorca, Picasso and Breton all had a great influence on his career. Dalí's film, An Andalusian Dog, produced with Buñuel, marked his official entry into the tightly-knit group of Parisian Surrealists, where he met Gala, the woman who became his lifelong companion and his source of inspiration. But his relationship soon deteriorated until his final rift with André Breton in 1939. Nevertheless Dalí's art remained surrealist in its philosophy and expression and a prime example of his freshness, humour and exploration of the subconscious mind. Throughout his life, Dalí was a genius at self-promotion, creating and maintaining his reputation as a mythical figure.
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Date de parution

04 juillet 2023





Poids de l'ouvrage

1 Mo

Victoria Charles

and artworks
( 1904-1989 )
© 2022, Confidential Concepts, Worldwide, USA
© 2022, Parkstone Press USA, New York
© Image-Bar www.image-bar.com
All rights reserved. No part of this may be reproduced or adapted without the permission of the copyright holder, throughout the world.
Unless otherwise specified, copyright on the works reproduced lies with the respective photographers. Despite intensive research, it has not always been possible to establish copyright ownership. Where this is the case, we would appreciate notification.
ISBN: 978-1-78160-960-6
A Couple with Their Heads Full of Clouds
Anthropomorphic Beach
Atavism at Twilight
Atomic Melancholy, Uranic Idyll
Basket of Bread
Cenicitas (Little Cinders)
Christ of Saint John the Cross
Cover of Minotaure No. 8
Cubist Self-Portrait
Dalí from the back Painting Gala from the back Eternalised by Six Virtual Corneas Provisionally Reflected in Six Real Mirrors (unfinished)
Debris of an Automobile Giving Birth to a Blind Horse Biting a Telephone
Dematerialisation of the Nose of Nero
Design for the Ball in the Dream Sequence in “Spellbound”
Design for the Set of the Ballet Tristan and Isolde
Desintegration of the Persistence of Memory
Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate, One Second before Awakening
Dutch Interior (Copy after Manuel Benedito)
Equestrian Portrait of Carmen Bordiu-Franco
Family Scene
Festival at San Sebastián
Fighting the Minotaure
Figure at a Window
Figure on the Rocks (Sleeping Woman)
Fried Eggs on the Plate without the Plate
Gala and the Angelus of Millet Preceding the Imminent Arrival of the Conical Anamorphoses
Gala’s Castle at Púbol
Geodesic Portrait of Gala
Geological Destiny
Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man
Girl from the Back
Hallucinogenic Toreador
Honey is Sweeter than Blood
Illuminated Pleasures
Impressions of Africa
Landscape near Cadaqués
Leda Atomica
Mad Mad Mad Minerva
Mae West’s Face which May Be Used as a Surrealist Apartment
Masochist Instrument
Meditation on the Harp
My Wife, Nude, Contemplating Her own Flesh Becoming Stairs, Three Vertebrae of a Column, Sky and Architecture
Napoleon’s Nose, Transformed into a Pregnant Woman, Walking His Shadow with Melancholia Amongst Original Ruins
Night and Day Clothes of the Body
Partial Hallucination Six Apparitions of Lenin on a Grand Piano
Penya-Segats (Woman on the Rocks)
Poetry of America, the Cosmic Athletes
Port of Cadaqués at Night
Portrait of a Girl in a Landscape
Portrait of Ana María
Portrait of Gala with Two Lamb Chops Balanced on Her Shoulder
Portrait of Hortensia, Peasant Woman from Cadaqués
Portrait of José M. Torres
Portrait of Lucia
Portrait of Luis Buñuel
Portrait of Maria Carbona
Portrait of My Father
Portrait of Paul Eluard
Portrait of the Cellist Ricardo Pichot
Portrait of the Vicomtesse Marie-Laure de Noailles
Profanation of the Host
Raphaelesque Head Exploded
Remorse or Sunken Sphynx
Satirical Composition (“The Dance” by Matisse)
Scene in Cabaret
Seated Girl from the Back
Self-Portrait in the Studio
Self-Portrait with the Neck of Raphael
Soft Construction with Boiled Beans – Premonition of Civil War
Soft Heads with Egg on a Plate without a Plate, Angels, and Soft Monsters in an Angelic Landscape
Soft Self-Portrait with Fried Bacon
Study for Honey is Sweeter than Blood
Study for the Backdrop of the Ballet Tristan Insane (Act II)
Study for the head of “The Madonna of Port Lligat”
Suburbs of Paranoiac-Critical Town: Afternoon on the Outskirts of European History
Sun Table
Sun, Four Fisherwomen of Cadaqués
Surrealist Poster
The Angelus of Gala
The Anthropomorphic Cabinet
The Architectonic Angelus of Millet
The Bleeding Roses
The Burning Giraffe
The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus (The Dream of Christopher Columbus)
The Enigma of Desire – My Mother, My Mother, My Mother
The Enigma of Hitler
The Enigma of William Tell
The Eye – Design for “Spellbound”
The Girl of Ampurdán
The Great Masturbator
The Horseman of Death
The Invisible Man
The Knight of Death
The Last Supper
The Lugubrious Game
The Madonna of Port Lligat
The Madonna of Port Lligat
The Maximum Speed of Raphael’s Madonna
The Old Age of William Tell
The Persistence of Memory
The Railway Station at Perpignan
The Sick Child (Self-Portrait in Cadaqués)
The Spectre of Sex Appeal
The Temptation of Saint Anthony
The Weaning of Furniture-Nutrition
The Wounded Bird
Three Young Surrealist Women Holding in Their Arms the Skin of an Orchestra
Tuna Fishing
Unsatisfied Desires
Untitled (William Tell and Gradiva)
Velázquez Dying behind the Window on the Left Side out of which a Spoon Projects
Vertigo Atavism after the Rain
Wind Palace
Woman at the Window at Figueras
Woman with a Head of Roses
Wounded Soft Watch
“In view of the tangle of riddles, Dalí has emerged to conquer the world of painting, and out of this fight has brought us something more valuable than gold. He has opened up new horizons to spread them before us, but above all has given us something more tangible: Salvador Dalí.”
– Julien Green
c. 1921. Oil on canvas, 36.8 x 41.8 cm. The Salvador Dalí Museum, St Petersburg (FL)
August 1, death of Dalí’s elder brother, Salvador Galo Anselmo, at the age of two from gastroenteritis.
May 11, birth of Salvadore Felipe Jacinto Dalí in Figueras, a small fishing village in Spain. The family name, unusual in Spain, stems from the Catalan word “adalil”, which in turn has its roots in the Arabic and means “leader”.
Dalí’s grandmother Maria Ana Ferrés and aunt Catalina moved into Dalí’s family home.
Dalí’s oldest existing works are dated from 1914.
Aged twelve, Dalí was sent on holiday to the “Mulí de la Torre” estate of some family friends, the Pitchots, a few kilometers from Figueras, a place which became a place of magic for the then young Salvador.
In winter, Dalí took part in a group exhibition of artists from Figueras. In the local newspaper, the fourteen-year-old was celebrated as an up-and-coming “master painter”.
Summer spent in Cadaqués, his father’s birthplace on the Costa Brava, in a little holiday house.
February 6, death of Felipa Doménech, Dalí’s mother. The father promptly married his deceased wife’s sister, Catalin, who had already been living in his household for the last eleven years.

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