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This guide will walk you through five definitive moves that will improve business competitiveness! Why? Because you will learn about your organizations current position in the market place, and you will deeply explore the inner workflows and processes of your organization. This will then allow you to discover an untapped treasure trove of valuable data on your resources and capabilities that has not yet been realized or fully exploited. If you're planning a pivot of you're organization, or any part of it, your plan, in effect your strategy, is going to be akin to working blind, without the priceless data yielded in these five moves.In fact this strategic model will be extremely useful for any entity planning on pivoting and implementing competitive change, to their status quo. Five moves to checkmate is essential for leaders at all levels, and in all organizations and businesses that seek to attain, or retain their competitive advantage. Five moves to checkmate will also assist University and college educators, as well as students wishing to develop their business knowledge and acumen in strategic studies.What you will learn in 'Five Moves To Checkmate' is the importance of making sure you gather all the relevant external and internal data available to you. This data will then be categorized and deposited into well-known and proven strategic templates. Once these strategic templates are completed, the fifth move will connect all the data into a well known and widely used master strategic guide. This guide will be highly valuable in aiding your organization to successfully implement a strategic plan, maximizing your competitive advantage and winning your checkmate.
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30 septembre 2021

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2 Mo

Simple Strategic Planning
Five Moves to Building a Competitive Advantage: How to Manage Disruption to Your Business
Published by Gatekeeper Press
2167 Stringtown Rd, Suite 109
Columbus, OH 43123-2989
Copyright 2021 by Phil Wilton
All rights reserved. Neither this book, nor any parts within it may be sold or reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
The cover design, interior formatting, typesetting, and editorial work for this book are entirely the product of the author. Gatekeeper Press did not participate in and is not responsible for any aspect of these elements.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2021941818
ISBN (paperback): 9781662907456
eISBN: 9781662907463
Thanks to the following people who made this book possible.
Winnie Deloayza
My friend and confidant who sat for many hours reading through this book page by page until we felt we had the message right. Winnie questioned my thoughts, my writing, and often my punctuation. Thank you, Winnie. You are a diamond.
Professor Edward M Cupoli
Also my friend and confidant Ed whose initials just happen to be EMC. He squared me away when I was talking through and sketching on paper bags in coffee shops my theory of the tri-matrix data-gathering process. He casually indicated that I had a great product there. And that was all I needed to realize I could publish my theory for the benefit of others.
Harvard Business School for their permission to use some of their material.

Table of Figures
Strategic Moments
A guide to building a competitive strategy
Move One
Two Critical Factors
1. History is Important
2. Know Where You Are!
The Business S Curve
Why Strategic Plans Fail
Strategic Failure Matrix
Workflows and Processes
Move Two
Building an All-Inclusive Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Matrix
Building a (SWOT) Matrix
Understanding the SWOT Matrix
SWOT Matrix: Basics
Analyzing the Basic SWOT
SWOT Matrix: Enhanced
SWOT Controls
Completed Tessei SWOT
Tessei SWOT Analysis
Reviewing the SWOT
Factors to be Aware of on Your First Pass at a SWOT
What To Do With the First SWOT Matrix
Explicit Knowledge
Tacit Knowledge
Significant Contributors
Brainstorming the SWOT
Accountable Reporting
Objectives. Strategy. Tactics - A Measuring Model
Move Three
Understanding the Resource-Based View of Strategy, also known as the VRIO
Building a Resource-Based View Matrix
What Is Competitive Advantage? Part 1
Resources and Capabilities
The VRIO s Relation to Strengths and Weaknesses
Understanding Value
Understanding Rarity
Understanding Imitability
Understanding Organization
Move Four
Understanding Five Forces
Five Forces
What Is Competitive Advantage? Part 2
Building the Five Forces Matrix
Understanding Market Impacts Through Five Forces
Competitive Rivalry
Internal Competitive Rivalry
Buyers and Suppliers
Entry Barriers
Move Five
Connecting the Three Matrices and Enhancement of the SWOT
Connecting the Tri-Matrix - It s as Easy as One, Two, Three
Integrating the V.R.I.O. into Strengths and Weaknesses
Integrating the Five Forces into the Opportunities and Threats
The Rules of the Game
Trading Nationally and Internationally
Additional Business Factors That Will Help Planning
External Forces and Workflows
Comparative Advantage
Using Comparative Advantage in Business
What is Opportunity Cost?
Rules of The Game
Discussion for International Business
Formal Institutions
Formal Institutional Links
Informal Institutions
Institutions and Decision-Making
Decision-Making Theory
Language, Religion, Education, and Social Structure
Social Structure
Institutional Business Benefits and Constraints
Salient One-Two Liners to Remember
References (other)
About the Author

Figure 1
The Final Judgment from the Book of the Dead
Figure 2
The business S curve.
Figure 3
Strategic failure matrix
Figure 4
First steps in building a SWOT. Source: Author
Figure 5
Outline of the basic SWOT matrix. Source: Author
Figure 6
Enhanced SWOT matrix. Source: Author
Figure 7
Source: Authors design and inputs from Harvard s Tessei case study
Figure 8
The second step of completing a SWOT with RBV
Figure 9
Gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage. Adapted by author
Figure 10
The Resource-Based Views VRIO
Figure 11
The meaning of VRIO
Figure 12
Resource Attributes
Figure 13
The VRIO s migration into the S W
Figure 14
Social Complexity Comparisons
Figure 15
The Five Forces matrix
Figure 16
The Five Forces migration to the O T. Source: Author
Figure 17
Defining your market. Source: Author
Figure 18
Factors that affect market competition. Source: Author
Figure 19
Entry barrier scenarios. Source: Author
Figure 20
The completion process of the tri matrix. Source: Author
Figure 21
Building a Master SWOT. Source: Author
Figure 22
Integrating the RBV into the Master S W. Source: Author
Figure 23
The integration of VRIO and Five Forces into the Master SWOT. Source: Author
Figure 24
Depicts the initial process for completing the Tri-matrix. Source: Author
Figure 25
Rules of the Game. Devised by Author
Figure 26
Society s Rules of the Game, Devised by Author.
Figure 27
High/Low context of cultures.
Figure 28
Institutional Icebergs. Source: Author
Figure 29
Languages by native tongue. Design: Author
Figure 30
Languages used in global business. Design Author
Figure 31
Number of countries with an official language. Design: Author
Figure 32
Popular languages used on the Internet. Design: Author
Figure 33
Top seven global religions. Design: Author
Figure 34
Host and home country benefits and constraints. Source and design: Author

Strategic Moment 1
Self Disruption
Strategic Moment 2
BP s Loss of Tacit Knowledge
Strategic Moment 3
Measuring with O.S.T.
Strategic Moment 4
Value of Buying/Selling
Strategic Moment 5
Southwest Airlines
Strategic Moment 6
Strategic Moment 7
Social Complexities
Strategic Moment 8
Value Disruption
Strategic Moment 9
Internal Organization Rivalry
Strategic Moment 10
Switching Costs (sunk costs)
Strategic Moment 11
Semiconductor Manufacturing Pivot
Strategic Moment 12
Comparative Advantage
Strategic Moment 13
Institutional Effects
Strategic Moment 14
Langauage Miscommunication

This book will navigate businesses through disruptive-as well as small and large challenges-in an organization s lifecycle. This will be achieved through a simple yet highly selective data-gathering processs from both inside and outside of your organization. This data will lead to a better understanding of your internal competitive advantage capabilities, and your external market competitiveness. This data-gathering process will set the benchmark on how all organizations will plan for change in the future.
Yes, it s all about planning for your strategy. It s about gathering the right data on your internal resources and capabilities, as well as your competitiveness outside in the market place, and the resulting marketplace effects on your organization.
At some point, your organization is going to be disrupted. This can be either by your competition or from within your own organization. Or, what is known as an inflection point may hit your business. At the time of writing this book, the COVID-19 pandemic has been inflected upon the world and many businesses. Inflection points are outside uncontrollable events or competitive situations that impact your current business model, disturbing the normal workflows and processes within your organization.
When this inevitability happens, you will need to look extensively inside your business to recapture and improve upon the application and use of your resources and capabilities. You will also need to examine the effects of external forces on your organization, known as the market competition, and identify how to combat or mitigate those external forces to enable your organization to gain or regain a competitive advantage, in effect, delivering your organization s profitability. That, in plain English, means you will have to develop a strategy. A strategy is neither a document nor a forecast but rather an overall approach, based on a diagnosis of a challenge. The most important element of a strategy is that your strategy is a coherent viewpoint about the forces at work that are affecting your business and not a random plan. 1
The Five Moves section of this book will guide you through five definitive moves that will improve your organization s competitiveness. Why? Because on this journey, you are going to truly learn about your current organization. You will be discovering an untapped treasure trove of valuable data both within and outside of your organization. If you re planning a pivot of your whole organization, or any part of it, your plan, in effect, your strategy is akin to working blind without the priceless data-gathering process that these five moves will deliver for you.
The data-gathering process described in part one fully outlines and categorizes each step of your journey, in that all data that you will discover and identify as good and the not so good attributes will be extremely helpful to you and the organization. The beauty of this is that once the data-gatheri

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