Science of Waves and Surfboards , livre ebook









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Dive in and discover the science behind surfing! Surfers use science to select the right surfboard and to understand the motion of waves. This high-interest book features a hands-on STEAM activity and uses real-world examples to teach the content.
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Date de parution

01 octobre 2018

Nombre de lectures






Poids de l'ouvrage

2 Mo

L isa St eel e MacDo nal d
© 2019 Smithsonian I nstitution. e na me “Smithsonian ” and the Smithsonian
logo are register ed trad emarks owned by the Smithsonian I nstitutio n.

Contributing A uthor
Heather Schultz, M.A.
Consultan ts
Jeffrey Brodie
Supervisor y Museum Program Specialist, L emelson Center for the
Study of Invention & Innovation
National Museum of American History
T amieka Grizzle, Ed.D.
K–5 STEM Lab Instructor
Harmony Leland Elementary School
Stephanie Anastasopoulos, M.Ed.
TOSA, STREAM Integr ation
Solana Beach School District
Publishing Credits
Rachelle Cracchiolo, M.S.Ed., P ublisher
Conni Medina, M.A.Ed., Managing Editor
Diana Kenney , M.A.Ed., NBCT, Series Developer
June Kikuchi, Content Director
Vér onique Bos , Creative Director
Robin Erickson, Art D irector
Seth Rogers, Editor
Mindy Duits, Senior Graphic Designer
Smithsonian Science Education Center
Image Credits: pp.2–3 lmspencer/Shutt erstock; p.4 (left) © Smithsonian;
p.5 (insert) Public Domain; p .6 (bottom), p.8 (bottom), p .14 T imothy J.
Bradley; p.7 Digital Media Pro/Shutterst ock; p.11 Courtesy Cancock/Stab
Magazine; p.12 (left) Jorge A. Russell/Shutterstock; p .12 (right) Courtesy of
Russell and Nina Love/calsurfpix; p.15 Kirk Wester/Shutterst ock; p.18 EQRoy/
Shutterstock; p.20 Ev erett Collection/Newscom; p.21 P ublic Domain via
Wikimedia; p.22 North W ind Picture Archives/Alam y ; p.23 (t op) Guerilla /
Alamy; p.24 (top) Allen J. Schaben/L os Angeles T imes via Getty I mages; p.24
(bottom) Joel Guy; all other images from iStock and/or Shutterstock.
Library of Congress Ca taloging-in-Publication Data
Names: MacDonald, Lisa, author .
Title: The science of waves and surfboards / Lisa Steele MacDonald.
Description: Huntington Beach, CA : T eacher Created Materials, [2019] |
Includes index. | Audience: Grade 4 to 6. |
Identifiers: L CCN 2018005463 (print) | L CCN 2018016083 (ebook) | ISBN
9781493869459 (E-book) | ISBN 9781493867059 (pbk.)
Subjects: LCSH: Surfing--Juvenile literatur e. | Surfboards--Juvenile
literature. | Ocean wa ves--Juvenile literatur e. | W ave -motion, Theory
of--Juvenile lit erature. | Sports sciences--Juvenile literature .
Classification: L CC GV839.55 (ebook) | L CC GV839.55 .M24 2019 (print) | DDC
L C record available at https://lccn.loc .gov/2018005463
© 2019 Smithsonian Institution. T he name “Smithsonian”
and the Smithsonian logo are register ed trademarks
owned by the Smithsonian Institution.
5301 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
www.tcmpub .com
IS B N 978-0-7439-2172-5
© 2019 T eacher Created Materials, Inc.

T a b l e of C o n te n t s
Catc h ing a W av e .................................................. 4
e Sci en ce of S u r  ng ......................................... 6
A na to m y of a S ur  oard .................................... 1 4
Sur ng t h ro ug h t he Y ea rs ................................ 22
Sur f ’ s U p! ............................................................ 26
STEA M Cha l len ge ............................................. 28
Glo ssa r y .............................................................. 30
Ind ex .................................................................... 3 1
Ca ree r Ad v ice .................................................... 3 2









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