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Publié par
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01 décembre 2017
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Date de parution
01 décembre 2017
Ka-Ching Idea$ for Kids!
Business for Kids
Children’s Money & Saving Reference Books
Speedy Publishing LLC
40 E. Main St. #1156
Newark, DE 19711
Copyright 2017
All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any way or form or by any means whether electronic or mechanical, this means that you cannot record or photocopy any material ideas or tips that are provided in this book
I f you need a new bike or want a cool new computer game, you don’t have to ask your parents to get it for you. You could earn the money yourself! Here are cool business ideas that could help you raise the funds you need.
Business basics
A t its simplest, you make money like this: you provide something somebody else values. It could be a thing like an ice cream cone or a service like repairing something that’s broken. The person who values what you offer pays you for it. You charge enough to cover the cost of the materials you needed to create the thing, any unavoidable costs related to the thing, and the time it took you to do it. Easy!
B ut before you start, make sure that starting up your business is not going to cause you problems. Some kids in Ottawa, the capital of Canada, decided to set up a lemonade stand along the edge of the Rideau Canal, a popular park in the middle of the city. Then they found out that you had to get a permit to sell things in a city park. They almost got arrested!
Y our parents can help you figure out whether what you want to do requires a permit or some other document. They can also help you think out what’s involved in what you want to do.
F or instance, they may be worried if you want to use your bike to deliver packages for a store: what if somebody tries to rob you?
baby sitter