Sold in the city , livre ebook









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Jubilee Readers is a reading scheme initiated by NMI Education to encourage a reading culture in Cameroon and beyond. It cuts all through early learning to adult literature. They are relevant for use in the classroom as well as for general reading. The themes treated are carefully selected and meant to be entertaining, attention-holding while valorizingAfrican cultural values.
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Date de parution

01 janvier 2011



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3 Mo

Sold in the City
Lucas Ntang Tasi
Sold in the City Fiction
Copyright ©
All rights reserved. No reproduction or transmission of this publication without written permission from the publisher and author. The author asserts his right to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the copyright law.
First Published 2011 © Nmi Education P.O. Box 31267 Yaounde - Cameroon Email: Website:
Project Manager :Mela Fokam Gisèle Typesetter & Cover designer : Ndjofang Bagzé Raymond Illustration : Nmi Education, Ebodé Patrice
ISBN: 9956-580-03-1
Contents Foreword....................................................................v.ii Chapter 1  Ticha, Ngefor and Mechi.........................................9 Chapter 2 Ticha dies......................................................................27 Chapter 3 Ngwashi courts Ngefor.............................................39
Chapter 4 Ngwi moves to live with Nah...................................5..1
Chapter 5 Ngwi is sold..................................................................63
Chapter 6 Ngwi's journey to Douala..........................................7..5
Chapter 7 Ngwi and Mrs Lobe in Douala................................87
Chapter 8 in Douala..................Ngwi and Mrs Ndoumbe .....9.9
Chapter 9 Ngwi and Tchatchouang..........................................1..0.9
Chapter 10 Nah suspects Ngwi of“Nyongo”.............................1..21 Chapter 11 Nah disowns Ngwi...................................................1..3.1
Chapter 12 Ngwi has a Baby...................................................1..4..3... Chapter 13 Tchatchouang Ranks His Wives....................1..5..5..... Chapter 14 Ngwi's Vision.........................................................1..6..7....
Chapter 15 Ngwi Emerges Victorious...............................1..7..7......
 Written by Lucas Ntang Tasi,Sold in the Cityis a satire of a prevailing phenomenon in modern cities today. It recounts the story of a young girl hired out to the city by the aunt. Child trafficking is an ongoing phenomenon around the world. While many parents who pushed by hardship willfully send their children to the cities to do household jobs, Ngwi had the misfortune that she lost both parents and was sold out by Auntie Nah to Douala.Sold in the Cityis about a young girl caught in the web of death, suffering, and emotional distress. She is hired out for wages that she never got. As she moves from job to job, she gets raped in the midst of all the suffering. But later gets married to Tchatchouang and starts living happily. Tchatchouang's parents bring a wife for him in accordance with their tribal norms. Is this polygamy an exit door for the peace that Ngwi and Tchatchouang enjoy?  Visibly a seasoned orator, Lucas Ntang Tasi narrates his story in a very interesting and captivating manner with such details that glues the reader to the pages. Then he feeds that reader's mind with values that upholds. That is how he shows Ngwi successfully fighting child trafficking through her NGO, Empowerment Centre, which lands her an award to recognize the success of her struggle. Hardwork propels Ngwi into a new status of a wealthy lady that Auntie Nah is frightened! Tribal and arranged marriages are definitely a thing of the past as we see the issues that polygamy causes in the Ngwi's parents' home with Ngefor and the departure of Tchatchouang's peace when his parents bring him a wife.  Though set in a contemporary Cameroonian township, this story depicts most societies in developing countries where poverty is prevalent. The reader is definitely pleased to see that Ngwi and Tchatchouang finally visit Auntie Nah with gifts and they experience a reconciliation that Auntie Nah certainly badly needs to wipe away the guilty of selling Ngwi. Sold in the Citywill appeal to persons throughout the world.
The Publisher.
Chapter One
Ticha, Ngefor and Mechi
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