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04 novembre 2021
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Hornblower and His Majesty
by C. S. Forester
First published in 1940
This edition published by Rare Treasures
Victoria, BC Canada with branch offices in the Czech Republic and Germany
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except in the case of excerpts by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.
Hornblower and His Majesty
C. S. Forester
Introducing the gallant hero of "Beat to Quarters,"Captain Hornblower, in the first of a seriesof grand adventures. This time, the fightingsea dog runs away—but not to fight another day
"Mind you, Sir Horatio," saidDr. Manifold, "I think this treatmentof His Majesty is unwise, veryunwise."
"Indeed, Doctor?" said Hornblowerpolitely.
"At the last consultation of HisMajesty's physicians," said Dr. Manifold,"those of my opinion were just outvoted,but I venture to say, Sir Horatio, thatalthough mere numbers were against me—andit was only a trifling majority, youmust remember—all that are mostdistinguished in the world of medicalscience were on my side."
"Naturally," said Captain Hornblower.
"In the matter of accumulated knowledgewe were overwhelmingly superior.But the question of His Majesty's healthwas left to a mere counting of heads.Mark my words, Sir Horatio, thisbusiness of voting by numbers, withoutregard to position in the world, will be thecurse of humanity for centuries to come,unless something is done about it."
"That seems only too likely," saidHornblower. One of his guiltiest secretswas the fact that he fancied himself ademocrat and radical, but in the exaltedcircles in which he moved nowadays hehad little difficulty in concealing it,because everyone he met took it forgranted that he was the opposite.
"A sea voyage for His Majesty!"exclaimed Dr. Manifold contemptuously."Build up his strength! Distract himfrom his troubles! Fiddlesticks! Apatient in His Majesty's unfortunatecondition of mind should be kept low. Itstands to reason. Bleeding, Sir Horatio—someounces twice a week. A thoroughcourse of purgatives with a low diet.Gentle confinement in the dark. Thatwould give His Majesty's unhappy braina chance to clear itself of its humorsand to start again anew—with a tabularasa , a clean sheet, sir."
"There is much in what you say, Doctor."
Hornblower was not lying when hesaid that; it seemed quite a logicaltreatment of insanity in the year 1812. But atthe same time he was moved with pity atthe thought of his poor mad king exposedto that sort of brutality. His instinctsrevolted against it, and his reason toldhim that as the treatment had been triedunsuccessfully for two years now, itmight be as well to experiment with thereverse.
What he was more concerned with, ifthe truth must be told, was the responsibilityof his own position.