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Kenya's War of Independence restores Kenya’s stolen history to its rightful place, stripped of colonial interpretations. In this expanded and revised version of his 1986 booklet, Kimaathi, Mau Mau's First Prime Minister of Kenya, Durrani covers Mau Mau’s resistance to colonialism and neo-colonialism and reflects on its ideology, organisation and achievements. He sees Mau Mau in the larger context of Kenya’s war of independence and looks at the influence of organised, radical trade unions as the engine of resistance, linking economic with political demands of working people. Additional chapters document the post-independence resistance by the underground December Twelve Movement-Mwakenya. Durrani captures the dynamism of transition from colonialism to neo-colonialism: “Imperialism replaced colonialism, African elites replaced White Settlers, neo-colonial government replaced colonial government. Resistance changed from the War of Independence to War of Economic Independence. Worker and peasant resistance is evident once again. History is on the march”.
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08 février 2018

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Kenyas War of Independence restores Kenya’s stolen history to its rightful place, stripped of colonial
interpretations. In this expanded and revised version of his 1986 booklet, Kimaathi Mau Maus First
Prime Minister of Kenya Durrani covers Mau Mau’s resistance to colonialism and neo-colonialism
and re ects on its ideology, organisation and achievements. He sees Mau Mau in the larger context
of Kenya’s war of independence and looks at the in uence of organised, radical trade unions as the
engine of resistance, linking economic with political demands of working people. Additional
chapters document the post-independence resistance by the underground December
Twelve Movement-Mwakenya.
Durrani captures the dynamism of transition from colonialism to neo-colonialism: “Imperialism
replaced colonialism, African elites replaced White Settlers, neo-colonial government replaced
colonial government. Resistance changed from the War of Independence to War of Economic
Independence. Worker and peasant resistance is evident once again. History is on the march”.
e movement Mau Mau was radicalised by a militant leadership that emerged from the trade union
movement in Nairobi the fact is that without their participation a sustained revolt would
not have been possible” Š Newsinger ”2006–‚
is booklet along with such classic accounts as Barnetts and Njamas Mau Mau From Within is a
€tting tribute to the pioneers in the struggle against imperialism and their martyred leader Dedan
Kimaathi” Egil Hjelmervik Fight Racism Fight Imperialism …1993‰ Š Review of Durranis Kimaathi
Mau Maus First Prime Minister of KenyaŒ
Compensation for what happened may be paid an apology may be given but the lives lost the villages
burnt the reign of terror the British imposed in a colonial era that was rapidly approaching
the sunset will never be forgotten” Š Jeremy Corbyn ”2012–‚
Shiraz Durrani, a British-Kenyan library science professional, is noted for his writings on the social
and political dimensions of information and librarianship. His other books include Never Be Silent
Publishing and Imperialism in Kenya 18841963 (2006); Information and Liberation Writings on the
Politics of Information and Librarianship (2008); Progressive Librarianship Perspectives from Kenya
and Britain 1979-2010 (2014). In 2016, Durrani edited Makhan Singh A Revolutionary Kenyan
Trade Unionist‚ He is currently compling another book to be published in 2018: Pio Gama Pinto,
„e Assasinated Hero of the AntiImperialist Struggle in Kenya 19271965‚
By Shiraz Durrani
450 1
Shiraz Durrani
Kenya’s War of IndependenceKenya’s War of Independence
Mau Mau and its Legacy of Resistance to Colonialism and
Shiraz Durrani
P.O Box 62501-00200
Nairobi. Kenya;
Distributed Worldwide by:
African Books Collective
PO BOX 721
Oxford, OX1 9EN
Copyright ©: Shiraz Durrani 2018
ISBN 978-9966-1890-1-1 (Paper)
ISBN 978-9966-1890-2-8 (eBook)

To all those who lost their limbs, livelihoods and lives in the struggle for the
liberation of Kenya.
To those who have continued the struggle to this day.
To the youth of Kenya, East Africa, and the world who are seeking solutions to
ending exploitation, domination, oppression, inequality, and unjust distribution of
resources of the planet.
May the future bring justice and liberation.May the future bring justice and
The picture shows armoured cars parading the streets of Nairobi during the general
strike of 1950, when the Kenya Government used tear gas, baton charges, Auster
“spotter” aircraft, R.A.F. planes, Bren-gun carriers, armoured cars and police in
order to break the strike and destroy the East African Trade Union Congress.
Picture and caption from WFTU (1952).
Photos from Nazmi Durrani photo collection; WFTU (1952); Umoja;
Kenya National Archives; Mwakenya; Africa Events, Kenya Committee
for the Release of Political Prisoners; Khamis Ramdhani; Oswaggo;
Saleh Mamon and the Kenya Land and Freedom Depository for permission
to reproduce the Timeline; Various sources as listed in Appendices for
Kimani Waweru for research support.
Cover Design by Heavyconcious Art Movement -
Design and Layout by Vincent Uba
Cell: +254724 592 309.
AWF African Workers Federation (1947)
COTU Central Organisation of Trade Union
DTM December Twelve Movement
EAA East African Association (1921) formerly: Young Kikuyu
EATUC East African Trade Union Congress (1949)
Homeguards Colonial Government created the Homeguards made up of
loyalists to colonial government. By 1954, the numbered
25,000 and were issued with rifes and shotguns. Many used
their power to abuse civilians, but the Colonial Government
overlooked atrocities committed by Homeguards as they
represented African opposition to Mau Mau. (Maxon and
Ofcansky, 2000)
KAIF Kenya Anti Imperialist Front
KASU Kenya African Study Union (1944)
KAU Kenya African Union (1946)
KCA Kikuyu Central Association (1926); Proscribed in 1940;
reactivated as KAU
KDC Kenya Defence Council (1953)
KFL Kenya Federation of Labour
KFLA Kenya Land and Freedom Army
KKM Kiama Kia Muingi
KP Kenya Parliament (1954)
KPU Kenya Peoples’ Union (1966-69)
LTUK Labour Trade Union of Kenya
LTUEA Trade Union of East Africa (1937)
MWAKENYA Muungano wa Wazalendo wa Kukomboa Kenya (Union of
Patriots for the Liberation of Kenya).
NFD North Frontier District/Province
NPP Northern Peoples’ Party
ODK Organisation for Democracy in Kenya (Sweden)
5PALIAct Progressive Library and Information Activists’
Group (details at:
Passive Wing The term often used to describe those who supported armed
resistance led by Mau Mau. The preferred term in this book
is “people’s forces” which includes all those who were part
of Mau Mau but did not engage in armed resistance, e.g. see
the roles under the section “Women”.
People’s Forces See “Passive Wing” above.
Settlers Refers to Settlers from Britain and other European countries
and from Southern Africa who settled in Kenya. The terms
“White Settlers” and “European Settlers” are also used in
this book.
SYL Somali Youth League
TJRC Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission
TUC British Trades Union Congress
Uhuru Independence
UKENYA Umoja wa Kupagania Demokrasia na Umoja Kenya
(Britain); Movement For Unity and democracy in Kenya (Britain)
UMOJA United Movement for Democracy in Kenya
USA United States of America (often incorrectly referred to as
West Asia Sometimes incorrectly referred to as “Middle East”
YKA Young Kikuyu Association (1921). Changed to EAA
The author is aware that the correct Gĩkũyũ spelling for Kimathi and
Kimathi wa Waciuri should be “Kĩmathi” and “Kĩmathi wa Waciũri,”
respectively and would have preferred to use these versions in recognition
of the imperative of indigenous self-naming. However, since most search
engines use the former spelling, this publication has opted to keep to it in
the interest of accessibility.
Abbreviations & Terminology 5
Introduction 11
Foreword by Dr. Willy Mutunga 13
Mau Mau and the Struggle for Land and Freedom 36
Historical Context: Imperialism and Resistance 39
Three Pillars of Resistance 43
Explosion Inevitable - Resistance Before Mau Mau 54
Resisting Colonial Violence 61
Resistance in Northern Kenya: The Somali Nationality 64
Contradictions Sharpen: Settlers & Homeguards Create Chaos 69
The Necessity For Armed Resistance 72
Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? 75
Illustrations 1: Colonial Violence 80
Trade Unions Light A Spark 82
Trade Unions and Mau Mau 82
Organising for Economic and Political Rights 88
Classes and Class Struggle 95
Enter Makhan Singh 102
Kenya’s TUs in the Context of TU Struggles in Africa 108
Workers and Peasants Unite for Armed Resistance 110
Illustrations 2: Trade Unions 113
PART 2: MAU MAU, 1948-1960 115
Mau Mau, The Revolutionary Force 115
Preparations for Armed Struggle 115
The War Begins 120
The Establishment of Liberated Territories 122
The Birth of Kenya Defence Council (1953) 127
7The Kenya Parliament Takes Control - Kimathi is Prime Minister (1954) 133
Elements of Mau Mau Governance 137
Anti-Imperialist Ideology 137
Organisation 140
Strategy 142
Infrastructure 146
Politics of Informati

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