Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery Writer , livre ebook









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Gravesend 1920. A famous mystery writer, while searching through the remains of a damaged church looking for story ideas, happens upon a document that was never meant to be found or read. Any knowledge of its contents could change the terms of the treaty that ended the First World War. There is also a change in the hand that writes and records the cases of Sherlock Holmes.
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28 mai 2013

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Front Matter ......................................................î Tîtle Page ......................................................î Publîser ïnormatîon ...................................îî Foreword.....................................................îîî
he Mystery Wrîter ........................................... 1 Tîtle Page, London 1920............................... 1 Capter 1..................................................... 2 Capter 2..................................................... 9 Capter 3................................................... 11 Capter 4................................................... 15 Capter 5................................................... 18 Capter 6................................................... 21 Capter 7................................................... 22 Capter 8................................................... 25 Capter 9................................................... 27 Capter 10................................................. 30 Capter 11................................................. 34 Capter 12................................................. 37 Capter 13................................................. 41 Capter 14................................................. 43 Capter 15................................................. 47 Capter 16................................................. 49 Capter 17................................................. 51 Capter 18................................................. 53 Capter 19................................................. 55 Capter 20................................................. 59 Capter 21................................................. 62 Capter 22................................................. 65 Capter 23................................................. 71
Capter 24................................................. 73 Capter 25................................................. 75 Capter 26................................................. 78 Capter 27................................................. 81 Capter 28................................................. 83 Capter 29................................................. 86 Capter 30................................................. 88 Capter 31................................................. 90 Capter 32................................................. 92 Capter 33................................................. 94 Capter 34................................................. 97 Capter 35................................................. 99 Capter 36............................................... 100 Capter 37............................................... 103 Capter 38............................................... 105 Capter 39............................................... 107 Capter 40............................................... 111 Capter 41............................................... 113 Capter 42............................................... 114 Capter 43............................................... 116 Capter 44............................................... 119 Capter 45............................................... 121 Capter 46............................................... 123 Capter 47............................................... 125 Capter 48............................................... 132 Capter 49............................................... 133 Capter 50............................................... 136
Back Matter .................................................. 141 Notes........................................................ 141 Dedîcatîons .............................................. 143 Save Undersaw ....................................... 145 Also Avaîlable........................................... 146
Fred hursIed
Publiser Information
Fîrst edîtîon pubîsed în 2013 by MX Pubîsîng 335 Prîncess Park Manor, Roya Drîve, ondon, N11 3GX www.mxpubîsî
Dîgîta edîtîon converted and dîstrîbuted în 2013 by Andrews UK îmîted
© Copyrîgt 2013 Fred hursIed
he rîgt o Fred hursIed to be îdentîIed as te autor o tîs work as been asserted by îm în accordance wît te Copyrîgt, Desîgns and Patents Act 1998.
A rîgts reserved. No reproductîon, copy or transmîssîon o tîs pubîcatîon may be made wîtout express prîor wrîtten permîssîon. No paragrap o tîs pubîcatîon may be reproduced, copîed or transmîtted except wît express prîor wrîtten permîssîon or în accordance wît te provîsîons o te Copyrîgt Act 1956 (as amended). Any person wo commîts any unautorîzed act în reatîon to tîs pubîcatîon may be îabe to crîmîna prosecutîon and cîvî caîms or damage.
A caracters appearîng în tîs work are Ictîtîous. Any resembance to rea persons, îvîng or dead, îs purey coîncîdenta. he opînîons expressed ereîn are tose o te autors and not o MX Pubîsîng.
Cover desîgn bywww.staunc.com
Wîe tryîng to make some sense o (and at te same tîme organîze) my coectîon o a tîngs and events Homes reated, ï came across two remarkabe documents bot dated rom 1920. Due to teîr reatîvey sma sîze, eac ad orîgînay been put to use as a common book mark or Agata Crîstîes “he Mouse Trap and Oter Storîes”. Beore tey and te mentîoned book came înto my possessîon, ît woud seem tat bot documents unîque sîgnîIcance ad obvîousy been unknown or overooked by te prevîous reader o te book. he Irst: a persona note tat Dr. Watson ad wrîtten to îs wîe Mary just beore îs passîng at St. Bartoomew’s ospîta askîng er to take up te task (î se ever coose to) o cronîcîng uture Serock Home’s cases. Soud te need arîse and î e (Homes) ever decîded to abandon îs ars and se împosed exîe and take up te roe o consutîng detectîve agaîn. he second: a copy o te obîtuary notîce pubîsed în he Tîmes wîc ad aso been cîrcuated to a te oter promînent ondon, Unîted Kîngdom and Brîtîs Commonweat aternoon news papers contaînîng te detaîs o Serock Homes cose rîend’s untîmey and most unortunate departure rom tîs îe. here was an unknown (at te tîme) tîrd document aso rom 1920. ï ad purcased ît at a recent estate sae. he arge manîa enveope contaînîng te document bore no îdentîIcatîon except or te înîtîas MNW precîsey and wrîtten on te Lap wîc was seaed. Wen ï ater careuy opened ît, te contents însîde certaîny proved to be a most unexpected and wecome addîtîon to my Homes coectîon. ït was an orîgîna, and as ar as ï know never beore seen or read neaty typewrîtten detectîve journa. ït was certaîny worty o submîssîon to te edîtor o te Strand Magazîne. Surprîsîngy enoug, ît was not autored by te ate Dr. Watson
îmse but înstead by îs wîe o many years. Her words are te basîs or te oowîng story.
Serlock Holmes
he Mystery Writer
As reated rom te persona notes o Mary N. Watson
ondon, 1920
Capter 1
To begîn et me întroduce myse to te reader wo may not know me, ï am Mary N. Watson Dr. Jon Watson’s wîdow. ï was întroduced to Serock Homes a number o years ago în “he Sîgn o Four.”ï ad engaged îs detectîve servîces concernîng a amîy matter and tat was aso te Irst tîme ï met my uture usband. On tîs occasîon, te detectîve ad ormay întroduced îmse as Mr. Serock Homes and aready knowîng o îs reputatîon ï addressed îm wît te esteem and respect e was due. hîs orma rîtua o greetîng was ater transormed wen e came to spend îs Irst Crîstmas day (at our învîtatîon) wît my usband and me. Jon în îs narratîve o “he Terrîble Secret” expaîns te cange best.
ï remember te Irst Crîstmas just ater our weddîng as ormal întroductîons were beîng made. ï started to use te amîlîar (to me) way ï ad always addressed my rîend as part o te întroductîon to my wîe. But someow ï could see tat se wouldn’t tînk ît proper to be so personal and would eel awkward în usîng my comortable and amîlîar term wenever addressîng Holmes. Holmes sensîng my îmmedîate socîal dîlemma and Mary’s dîscomort perceptîvely eased te sîtuatîon by serenely statîng “My broter Mycrot addresses me as Serlock and you sould as well.” Wen te întroductîons went te oter way, ï wasn’t sure î ï sould use my wîe’s Irst name or stay wît te more tradîtîonal “Mrs. Watson.” Mary no doubt ollowîng Holmes relaxed attîtude towards names în întroductîons and stated “our close rîends know me as Mary and so may you.”
Beore ï begîn my account o te oowîng afaîr, ï must assure te reader tat ï wî not be makîng any attempt to copy or emuate în
any way te wrîtîng stye or detectîve skîs o my ate usband. ï am certaîny not as an accompîsed or experîenced wrîter, nor do ï ave te same deductîve skîs tat Jon possessed. Wît Jon sarîng and goîng troug îs journas wît me and ater goîng back on my own to read and study tem agaîn ï ave come to earn ow to accuratey observe ten record (wîtout bîas) te crîtîca acts and events as tey unod. Aso as a resut o my soîtary eforts ï now ave a better understandîng o te basîcs o deductîve reasonîng. hîs cronîce you are about to read came to pass soey as a consequence o a promîse ï made to my dyîng usband and because Serock came to me and to my rîend’s aîde and assîstance wen we needed îm, despîte te cîrcumstances e was în at te tîme. Pease note: to any ong tîme devoted oower amîîar wît wat as been reerred to or known as te “Serock Homes Canon” te oowîng narratîve may seem somewat unamîîar as în beîng wrîtten by a woman. You wî no doubt mîss seeîng and readîng suc amîîar terms my usband used troug out îs wrîtîng suc as “Homes” and “my rîend” în te text o my account wen specîIcay reerrîng to Serock. ï beîeve because o my prîvîeged and unîque rîendsîp ï can ofer a dîferent perspectîve and vîew o te consutîng detectîve rom te one tat everyone as come to assocîate wît Jon’s wrîtîng ater a tîs tîme. hîs wî în part be reLected by ow ï reer to te consutîng detectîve trougout and ï pray te reader ave patîence wît tîs new orm untî te ast word o te narratîve as been read and wî bear wît me în my dîferent and unîque stye o journaîsm. Fînay ît soud be mentîoned tat tîs serîes o events was ormay recorded we ater te matter at and ad come to a successu concusîon. ï tougt ît most împroper at te tîme and too muc o a remînder to Serock o te roe Jon ad payed as îs Boswe by avîng me oow te detectîve around makîng entrîes înto a journa every tîme e uttered a word or perormed some actîon.
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