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Publié par
Date de parution
06 août 2007
Poids de l'ouvrage
1 Mo
Foreword by David Frei.
Chapter 1: Are You Ready for Parenthood?
Why Dogs Are Good for Kids.
Why Kids Are Good for Dogs.
Responsible Dog Ownership.
The Right Dog for You.
The Human-Animal Bond.
Profile: Tom with Susan and Baloo.
Chapter 2: Preschool and Kindergarten: Getting Ready for Dog Ownership.
Puppy/Dog-Proofing Your Home.
Establishing House Rules.
Who’s in Charge, or Who’s on First?
The Importance of Routine.
Profile: Kate and Flash.
Chapter 3: Elementary School: Teaching Household Manners.
Household Manners.
The Three R’s of Dog Training.
Walking Nicely.
Putting It All to Use in Real Life.
Profile: Jamie and Buddy.
Chapter 4: Avoiding Detention.
Developing Respect for (Human) Authority.
Playing Well with Others: The Social Dog.
Separation Anxiety—Home Alone.
Chewing: The House, Not Gum.
Too Much to Say: The Barker.
Excavating: When Your Dog’s a Digger.
Profile: Margo and Raisin.
Chapter 5: Health Class: Care and Feeding.
Nutrition: Chow for the Hound.
Exercise: Run, Spot, Run!
Poop Patrol.
Grooming: Squeaky Clean.
Routine Care: What You Learned in Health Class.
Profile: Katelyn and Jake.
Chapter 6: Vet School: Dealing with Health Problems.
ER—First Aid, Not the TV Show.
Dealing with Aliens—and This Isn’t Science Fiction.
Minor Illnesses.
More Serious Health Problems.
Profile: Becky and Vicky.
Chapter 7: Going for a PhD in Obedience.
Where to Train.
Basic Levels.
Competitive Venues.
Rally Obedience.
Profile: Brie and Blaze.
Chapter 8: Finding Your Roots.
The Draft Dog Sports.
Earthdog Activities: A Job for a Digger!
A-Hunting We Will Go.
Lure Coursing: The Canine Cheetahs.
Profile: Sarah and Sooner.
Chapter 9: Extracurricular Activities: Sports.
Flying through the Air: Disc Chasing.
Flyball—a Team Sport for Ball-Crazy Dogs.
Water Sports.
Tracking: Born to Sniff.
Hiking and Backpacking: Taking to the Great Outdoors.
Profile: Cecilia and Sage.
Chapter 10: Extracurricular Activities: Cultural Experiences.
Breed Showing (aka Beauty Pageants).
Modeling: Junior Showmanship.
Tricks: A Place for the Class Clown.
Freestyle—Dance Class in a Whole New Way.
Profile: Amanda and Ripley.
Chapter 11: Civics Class: Community Service, Being a Good Neighbor, and Giving Back.
The Canine Good Citizen Program.
Doing Therapy Dog Work.
Walking a Walkathon.
Working at Dog Events.
Helping Out at the Humane Society.
Getting Political: Pushing Papers for Power.
Becoming a Foster Parent.
Raising an Assistance Dog.
Profile: Hunter and Smudge.
Chapter 12: Field Trips: Traveling with Your Dog.
Safety in the Car.
Flying High—Taking to the Skies.
Hotel Etiquette.
Campground Etiquette.
The Social Dog.
Boarding—Kennel, That Is, Not School!
Baby (Pet) Sitter—Another Great Option.
Profile: Matt and BooBoo.
Chapter 13: Fine Arts, Home Economics, and Shop Class.
Rubber Stamping.
Other Needlework.
Woodworking and PVC Construction.
Painting and Drawing.
Clay and Pottery.
Kitchen Delights—Doggy Style.
Profile: Holly and Soda Pop.
Appendix A: Recommended Reading.
Appendix B: Organizations.
Appendix C: Internet Resources.
Appendix D: Hobbies and Crafts.
Appendix E: A Good Reminder: A Leash = Love = Life.
Publié par
Date de parution
06 août 2007
Poids de l'ouvrage
1 Mo
Head of the Class
Head of the Class:
A Teen Dog Expert Teaches You to Raise and Train the Perfect Pal
Kate Eldredge with Debra M. Eldredge, DVM
This book is printed on acid-free paper.
Copyright © 2006 by Kate Eldredge and Debra M. Eldredge. All rights reserved.
Howell Book House
Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
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W e would like to dedicate this book to the many wonderful family dogs who have left us and wait at the Rainbow Bridge for us: the large but gentle German Shepherd dog Cyrus; the silly Belgian Tervuren Wiley; Gus, the amazing Labrador Retriever from a shelter; Bubba, the huge but sweet Kuvasz; and Beep, the heart dog of Deb s life. We would also like to dedicate this book to the beloved family dogs whom many of you have known and the ones waiting for you in the future.
Table of Contents
Foreword by David Frei
Chapter 1: A re You Ready for Parenthood?
Why Dogs Are Good for Kids
Why Kids Are Good for Dogs
Responsible Dog Ownership
The Right Dog for You
The Human-Animal Bond
Profile: Tom with Susan and Baloo
Chapter 2: P reschool and Kindergarten: Getting Ready for Dog Ownership
Puppy/Dog-Proofing Your Home
Establishing House Rules
Who s in Charge, or Who s on First?
The Importance of Routine
Profile: Kate and Flash
Chapter 3: E lementary School: Teaching Household Manners
Household Manners
The Three R s of Dog Training
Walking Nicely
Putting It All to Use in Real Life
Profile: Jamie and Buddy
Chapter 4: A voiding Detention
Developing Respect for (Human) Authority
Playing Well with Others: The Social Dog
Separation Anxiety-Home Alone
Chewing: The House, Not Gum
Too Much to Say: The Barker
Excavating: When Your Dog s a Digger
Profile: Margo and Raisin
Chapter 5: H ealth Class: Care and Feeding
Nutrition: Chow for the Hound
Exercise: Run, Spot, Run!
Poop Patrol
Grooming: Squeaky Clean
Routine Care: What You Learned in Health Class
Profile: Katelyn and Jake
Chapter 6: V et School: Dealing with Health Problems
ER-First Aid, Not the TV Show
Dealing with Aliens-and This Isn t Science Fiction
Minor Illnesses
More Serious Health Problems
Profile: Becky and Vicky
Chapter 7: G oing for a PhD in Obedience
Where to Train
Basic Levels
Competitive Venues
Rally Obedience
Profile: Brie and Blaze
Chapter 8: F inding Your Roots
The Draft Dog Sports
Earthdog Activities: A Job for a Digger!
A-Hunting We Will Go
Lure Coursing: The Canine Cheetahs
Profile: Sarah and Sooner
Chapter 9: E xtracurricular Activities: Sports
Flying through the Air: Disc Chasing
Flyball-a Team Sport for Ball-Crazy Dogs
Water Sports
Tracking: Born to Sniff
Hiking and Backpacking: Taking to the Great Outdoors
Profile: Cecilia and Sage
Chapter 10: E xtracurricular Activities: Cultural Experiences
Breed Showing (aka Beauty Pageants)
Modeling: Junior Showmanship
Tricks: A Place for the Class Clown
Freestyle-Dance Class in a Whole New Way
Profile: Amanda and Ripley
Chapter 11: C ivics Class: Community Service, Being a Good Neighbor, and Giving Back
The Canine Good Citizen Program
Doing Therapy Dog Work
Walking a Walkathon
Working at Dog Events
Helping Out at the Humane Society
Getting Political: Pushing Papers for Power
Becoming a Foster Parent
Raising an Assistance Dog
Profile: Hunter and Smudge
Chapter 12: F ield Trips: Traveling with Your Dog
Safety in the Car
Flying High-Taking to the Skies
Hotel Etiquette
Campground Etiquette
The Social Dog
Boarding-Kennel, That Is, Not School!
Baby (Pet) Sitter-Another Great Option
Profile: Matt and BooBoo
Chapter 13: F ine Arts, Home Economics, and Shop Class
Rubber Stamping
Other Needlework
Woodworking and PVC Construction
Painting and Drawing
Clay and Pottery
Kitchen Delights-Doggy Style
Profile: Holly and Soda Pop
Appendix A: Recommended Reading
Appendix B: Organizations
Appendix C: Internet Resources
Appendix D: Hobbies and Crafts
Appendix E: A Good Reminder: A Leash = Love = Life
T his book is intended as a guide to help you and your family enjoy one of the best companions imaginable-a great dog! We have teamed up to help you add a dog to your family and make it a decision you will never regret. I m Kate Eldredge, a kid and a dog owner and trainer. I have enjoyed all of our family dogs all my life, and now I have three dogs of my own. My co-author is Deb M. Eldredge, DVM, my mother and a dog owner as well as a veterinarian. Deb has had dogs for many years: one of her own when she was a child, family dogs as an adult, and her own personal dogs to train. Together, we start by helping you decide whether a dog is right for you, and then which dog to choose and how to prepare for your new family member. This is one of those rare cases where you actually get to choose a family member! We hope to get you off on the right foot, or right paw as it may be, with information on basic care and training.
After you and your dog have the basics down, there is a wonderful world of dog sports and activities awaiting you. We hope that you will be inspired to try some of these dog activities, and we provide guidance and resources to help you along the way. These activities can be done for competition or simply for fun and enjoyment.
Several chapters are dedicated to caring for your dog along with some health information and tips for going places with your dog. We also included some craft and cooking ideas that can be lots of fun on a rainy day. Each chapter also has a section just for parents that includes tips, guidelines, and a few rules.
Dogs really are man s best friend, and we hope that this book will make your relationship with your dog one of the best in your life.
We recently added a new family member, Queezle, a Belgian Tervuren puppy. She is technically my dog, so I am responsible for training and care. Queezle learns very fast and has picked up several habits from our other dogs, including jumping up on the back door when she wants to come inside. Teaching Come was very easy, since she loves treats and praise. Down was a little harder; she has so much energy that often she will launch herself into the air from a Down. She is by far our sweetest dog and very clever. She is benefiting from all that we have learned with our other dogs.
It can be tricky to find time to spend with each dog when you have many dogs, as they all want lots of attention, but we make sure to spend some special private time with each one every day. If nothing else, they get to take turns driving to band practice.
By having dogs, I have had the chance to travel, have learned poise, and have gained confidence and been able to achieve many goals in 4-H and open dog showing. I h