Woman Who Would Be King , livre ebook









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For nineteen years, Debrah 'Madusa' Miceli was a star in professional wrestling - WWE champion Alundra Blayze. She jumped into the world of monster trucks with reckless abandon, earning the nickname 'The Queen of Carnage.' For the first time, Madusa reveals her childhood traumas, her triumphs and tragedies, her loves and heartbreaks. Through four decades of entertaining, in the wrestling ring and on the monster truck circuit, Debrah 'Madusa' Miceli never could sit still. But her desire to learn, grow, and inspire legions of followers masked deep secrets... Her upbringing was a lie from the start, and the dark truths of her childhood, revealed here for the first time, are the earliest examples of Debrah's determination to persevere. Professional wrestling may have been an odd choice for a nursing student, but Madusa went all-in, toughening up in Japan before conquering WWE as Alundra Blayze. She held the WWE Women's belt... until being fired. In the rival WCW, Madusa infamously tossed
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Date de parution

18 mai 2023





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48 Mo

DEBRAh MICELI AND Grég Oivér f o r e w o r d b y Paul Heyman
Cô © Déà Mçé à Gé Oé, 2023 Pûŝé  ECW Péŝŝ 665 Géà Séé Eàŝ Tôôô, Oàô, Cààà m4m 1y2 416-694-3348 / ô@éçéŝŝ.çô
A ŝ éŝéé. Nô à ô ŝ ûçàô à é éôûçé, ŝôé  à ééà ŝŝé, ô àŝé  à ô  à ôçéŝŝ — ééçôç, éçàçà, ôôçô, éçô, ô ôéŝé — ôû é ô é éŝŝô ô é çô ôéŝ à ECW Péŝŝ. Té ŝçà, ûôà, à ŝûô ô ŝ ôô à é éé ô à à ôé éàŝ ôû é éŝŝô ô é ûŝé ŝ éà à ûŝàé  à. Péàŝé ûçàŝé ô àûôzé ééçôç éôŝ, à ô ô àçàé  ô éçôûàé ééçôç àç ô çôé àéàŝ. Yôû ŝûô ô é àûôŝ’ ŝ ŝ àéçàé.
Eô ô é Péŝŝ: Mçàé Hôéŝ Cô éô: Jéé ôŝé Côé éŝ: Mçé Vàà ô çôé àé: Mçé zàç à Aô Néŝé Bàç çôé ôô çôûéŝ WWE Déà Mçé àûô ôô  Aô Néŝé Gé Oé àûô ôô  Géôfé Côé, Sôô é ïéŝ
Tô é éŝ ô é àéŝ, é àûô àŝ éàé éééçéŝ, àçéŝ, éôé, à ôàzàôŝ  ô é éôéŝ ô é. ï ôé ô ôéç é àç ô ôéŝ, ŝé àŝ,  ŝôé ŝàçéŝ, çàé é àéŝ ô çéà éôé à éàŝ ô ééŝ à àçéŝ.
library and archives canada cataloguing in publication Té: Té ôà ô ôû é  : é Màûŝà ŝô /  Déà “Màûŝà” Mçé à Gé Oé.
Nàéŝ: Mçé, Déà, àûô. | Oé, Gé, àûô. ïéIéŝ: Càààà () 20220488827 | Càààà (éôô) 20220488886 isbn 978-1-77041-671-0 (àçôé) isbn 978-1-77852-141-6 (éPû) isbn 978-1-77852-142-3 (PD) isbn 978-1-77852-143-0 (Ké)
Sûéçŝ: CSH: Mçé, Déà. | CSH: Wôé éŝéŝ—Ué Sàéŝ—Bôà. | CSH: Wéŝéŝ—Ué Sàéŝ—Bôà. | CSH: Môŝé ûçŝ. | CSH: Wôé ûç éŝ—Ué Sàéŝ—Bôà. | CSH: Tûç éŝ—Ué Sàéŝ—Bôà. | CGT: Aûôôàéŝ. CàŝŝIçàô: CC GV1196.M53 A3 2023 | DDC 796.812092—ç23
Tŝ ôô ŝ ûé  à  é Gôéé ô Cààà.Ce îvre est inancé en partîe par e ouvernement du Canada. Wé àŝô àçôéé é ŝûô ô é Gôéé ô Oàô ôû é Oàô Bôô Pûŝ Tà Cé, à ôû Oàô Céàéŝ.
printed and bound in canada
printing: Friesens
Dedîcated to my mom who absoutey hates the thouht o thîs book.
To my ather, a man that never knew I exîsted.
To the amîy and rîends that stuck around, not wantîn a thîn.
To careers that neary kîed me emotîonay, inancîay, and spîrîtuay.
To my ans, past, present, and uture, you truy are my enery to contînue.
To a those that are ost, may they be ound and heard.
Most o a, to ove, patîence, and spîrîtua heaîn or hepîn me aways ind a way.
ôéô ïôûçô 1. Gà 2. éŝŝôŝ éàé, S éà 3. Bé 4. éà é Rôéŝ 5. “Dà” 6. Té Jàà Aéûé 7. A Dàéôûŝ Aàçé  WCW 8. Té Qûéé ô Sé-Pôôô 9. A Bàzé ô Gô 10. Méôŝ, Mààéŝ, à Mŝàéŝ 11. Tàŝ à Tàŝ 12. A Néé ô Séé 13. S Dô, Sà ï, à Cà ï U 14. àŝ, Màŝ, Sàŝ, à Sàéŝ 15. A Eéçûé à à Bôô 16. Bàéŝ à û Bàéŝ 17. Té Sô Réàŝ é Sàé 18. M Bô, M Côçé 19. Tûŝ 20. A Hà ô à Càéé 21. Té Tàéàà Aéô Açôééŝ Aôû é Aûôŝ
ix 1 5 8 19 26 39 46 62 68 82 96 108 121 139 179 188 200 213 221 236 243 261 263 267 273
the First time i ever met “Màûŝà” àŝ  Jû 1987. Wé à ô ûŝ éé é  Véé Gàé’ŝ Méàôŝ, Méŝôà–àŝé Aéçà Wéŝ Aŝŝôçàô (AWA), ç à é é àé àôà ô ESPN. Wé é ôôô à àéà éôé ŝ ô àŝ,  àŝ ŝ ôé ô é B 3 ôôôŝ  é Ué Sàéŝ, à ŝ
photo courtesy wwe
Pau Heyman hus Debrah Mîceî at the 2015 WWE Ha o Fame ceremony.
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