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Publié par
Date de parution
13 octobre 2020
Audience: Readers of Ijeoma Oluo, author of So You Want to Talk About Race, Kendi, How to Be an Anti-racist; progressive, sex-postive, environmental, and social justice communities and organizations; typical ex-hippie or new-age enthusiast who is clueless as to what accommodations people of color or disabled people need to feel safe and comfortable; employers working to build diversity in their companies
Academic: State universities including: Kansas State University, Colorado State University, and Michigan State University
International: Assimilation policies have been used globally in most colonized countries. Africa, South America, Asia/Pacific audiences will appreciate this book.
Canada: Equally relevant to reconciliation, inclusion, and diversity movements in Canada
Meet the new Black friend you never had
As a Black organizer, community, business, and organization leaders often ask: "How do I get diversity in my group?" The thing is, the work is real, but it's a minefield out there. And even progressive leaders can still, perhaps unknowingly, be racist and uphold oppressive systems.
In The Token, your new token Black friend, Crystal Byrd Farmer, acts as the bridge between majority white organizations that are dedicated to social justice and "diverse" people in community they want to recruit, across identities of race, LGBTQ, education, socioeconomic status, and disability.
With a blunt style that pulls no punches, Crystal tells you how it is, calling you out on tokenism, while extending a hand to help your organization make real transformative change toward diversity and inclusion. Coverage includes:
This no-nonsense, provocative, humorous, and accessible guide is for all well-meaning people leading progressive organizations who acknowledge the need for diversity but don't know where to start.
1. I'm Your New Black Friend
Preparing for Change
2. Team Members
3. The Resistance
Why This? Why Now?
The Willfully Blind
My Time to Shine
Doing The Work
4. Diversity Training
5. Community Feedback
6. Identity: My Privilege Is Better Than Yours
My Identities
The Workbook: Identity and Privilege
7. Implicit Bias: Life as a Mega Stuf™ Oreo©
The Workbook: Implicit Bias
8. Microaggressions, or, It's Just a Compliment!
The Workbook: Microaggressions
9. Majority Culture: What's Yours Is Mine
The Workbook: Majority Culture
Discussion for Tokens With Leadership
Creating Culture Conscious Meetings
10. The Invitation
11. The Location
12. Introductions
13. Ground Rules
14. Conversation and Conflict
15. Saying Good-bye and Feedback
16. The Workbook: Making Community-Wide Change.
Limits to Inclusion — It's Not About You Until It Is
17. A Space for Us
18. How Not to Recruit Leaders
19. Keep On Keepin' On
Tools and Resources
About the Author
About New Society Publishers
Publié par
Date de parution
13 octobre 2020