Diet and Weight Loss Motivation Guide (Boxed Set) , livre ebook









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It is very common to struggle with weight loss, and it can be common to not fully understand where to start to meet any weight loss goals. Diet and weight loss guides can be very helpful in providing a process on how to lose weight. This will allow someone to have a reference, and this can be very encouraging and positive in the process. A guide should be catered to specific needs in order to help those that need to lose weight to finally discover the right solution
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22 juillet 2014

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Table of Contents
Effective Weight Loss Solution
Diet and Weight Loss
Diet and Weight Loss Introduction
Section 1: Wheat Free Cookbook
Section 2: Gluten Free Vegan
Gluten Free Vegan Conclusion
Vegan FAQ’s
Gluten Free FAQ’s
Lose Pounds The Easy Way
About The Author
Chapter 1- The Complete Assessment To Your Weight Loss Plan
Chapter 2- You Are What You Eat: Dropping Pounds Eating
Chapter 3- Beating Fat With Fats And Grains
Chapter 4- Burn Baby Fat Burn
Chapter 5- Different Diets: Do They Work
Chapter 6- The Final Steps To Weight Loss
Effective Weight Loss Solution: The DASH Diet
Effective Methods To Lower Blood Pressure
By: Wendy Jarich

Chapter 1- What Is the Dash Diet and How Does It Work?
The DASH Diet, short for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, is a diet regime and program designed to reduce blood pressure and curb bad cholesterol. Clinically tested, it has been chosen as the healthiest, premiere diet for diabetes for the past three years. The DASH Diet was selected by an expert panel of physicians, sponsored and endorsed by the US News & World Report for its effectiveness in improving overall health by the application of healthy food groups.
In short, it works and this is good news for an estimated 50 million people in the United States and roughly 1 billion worldwide. Studies have indicated that it has effectively reduced blood pressure and has shown positive results in combating or slowing the development of kidney disease, kidney stones, heart disease, several types of cancers and heart failure. In addition to the medical gains, the DASH Diet has shown to be a positive weight loss treatment program that works with only slight modifications, giving the program twofold benefits.
How the DASH Diet Works For Health
The DASH Diet is specifically tailored for people who have pre-hypertension (high normal blood pressure) and hypertension. The National Institute of Health has shown studies that blood pressure was significantly reduced in patients in as little as 14 days. The diet is based on low salt intake and consists of an eating plan that is rich in vegetables, fruits, lean meat protein, non-fat or low-fat dairy products and natural whole grains. Fats are kept to low or moderate amounts while the fiber content is high and beneficial as a digestive aid. Of the three diet plans studied by the NIH, the DASH Diet contained more vegetables and fruits, including nuts and beans, than the others. The diet is rich in magnesium, calcium and potassium, vitamins and minerals proven to help combat high blood pressure and reduce harmful cholesterol.
The DASH Diet has been shown to reduce diastolic blood pressure by 3 mm Hg in patients with pre-hypertension and systolic blood pressure by a factor of 6 mm Hg for the same group. Patients with hypertension had drops of 11 for systolic and 6 for diastolic. The blood pressure drops were not aided by any weight loss change, with a plan that amounted to 1600 to 3100 calories of intake. Further studies indicated that when sodium levels were reduced to 1,500 mg per day, a reduction of 8.9/4.5 mm Hg resulted. The lower sodium levels have shown the greatest reduction in blood pressure for both the hypertensive and pre-hypertensive subjects, with the greatest reduction for the hypertensive group.
The correlation between blood pressure and cardiovascular disease is directly related to instances of risk associated with heart failure, kidney disease and stroke. Increments of 20 mm Hg (systolic) or 10 mm Hg (diastolic) doubles the chances of cardiovascular disease over the entire blood pressure range for adults that are 40 to 70 years of age. By reducing high blood pressure, stress is lessened on the arteries, veins and capillaries in addition to decreasing the workload on the associated organs. Coupled with exercise and weight loss, the Dash Diet lessens the chance of contracting diabetes and lowers insulin resistance. The result is better overall health and a more positive response to medication for any age, lifestyle or ethnic group.

The DASH Diet for Weight Loss
Although the DASH Diet was primarily designed to reduce high blood pressure and curb harmful cholesterol, it was no accident that its secondary benefit amounted to a sound weight loss regime and guide. With portion modifications and a regular schedule of exercise, it has proven to be a safe, effective way to lose unwanted pounds. It is primarily a carbohydrate diet that is low in sodium and saturated fats. Substitutes for fatty and sodium rich foods consist of vegetables, fresh fruits, lean proteins such as poultry and fish, low and no-fat dairy products and other foods that are not heavily processed. The diet calls for an admitted change in eating habits. However, the suggested menus provide a filling and well-nourished diet that enhances food selection without adhering to strict food groups that could become boring or repetitiously tasteless.
Persons who have postmenopausal weight gain, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome do well on the DASH Diet plan. It is also effective for reducing unwanted weight around the mid-torso. Since excess weight is associated with high blood pressure, the diet stabilizes the blood pressure to normal parameters with every pound that is lost. The diet is designed to be used for a short time, extended period or for a lifetime and can be implemented for an entire family.
The DASH Diet creators have outlined a basic dietary plan for daily intake which creates quick weight loss results and improves overall physical health. Recommended portions include vegetables and fruits, whole grains, excluding bleached grains like white rice or pasta, low or non-fat dairy products, lean poultry and meat with skin and fat removed, moderate amounts of healthy fats and sugars such as avocados and olive oil and servings of seeds, nuts or legumes to provide extra protein.
Two books supplement the diet plan-The DASH Action Plan and the DASH Diet Weight Loss Solution. Contained within the pages are guidelines, menus and routines designed to assist dieters through every phase of the program. The books include meal plans for 28 days and feature numerous recipes to suit any diet, along with strategies to customize the diet to individual preferences. The diet foods can be eaten during the holidays, on the go or while on vacation.
Exercise is vital to any weight loss program and the DASH Diet is no exception. Specific exercise instructions are emphasized which includes tips on varying degrees of fitness abilities. Users are encouraged to start at beginning or intermediate levels and work their way up to advances stages, gradually progressing in stamina and abilities. The benefits become nearly immediate with improvement in cardiovascular stimulation which is beneficial to the entire body. Regular movement enhances strength in the joints, ligaments and tendons in addition to adding bone mass and strength, an aid in fighting off the symptoms of osteoporosis.
With so many endorsements and clinical tests, the DASH Diet has proven to be an exceptional plan for increased health and weight loss. It will no doubt be responsible for changing millions of lives in the near future.

Chapter 2- What Are the Food Types Used For the Dash Diet?
Healthy eating is the goal behind the DASH diet plan and the types of food that should be consumed are vegetables, fruits, non-fat or low-fat dairy foods, poultry or fish, seeds, nuts and beans (legumes), lean meats, sweets and fats and grains. These foods, except for the nuts, seeds and legumes, should be eaten on a daily basis. So we will take a closer look now at the different types.
Nuts, seeds and legumes group consists of almonds, sunflower seeds, peas, kidney beans, and pistachios, just to name a few and should include four to five servings a week. Although when you look at the calorie and fat content of nuts, it does seem high, which is the reason the suggested serving is limited to weekly servings instead of daily. However, nuts and seeds do contain healthy monounsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids that are good for a healthy heart. Nuts, seeds and beans are a good source for protein, magnesium, potassium and fiber.
Fruits servings should be four to five a day. Fruits are loaded with fiber, magnesium and potassium and are quite low in fat. There are fruits that are available year round and some that are seasonal; you can also enjoy them fresh, frozen, canned and juices. Just make sure that the canned fruits and juices have no added sugar.
It is good to leave the peel on some fruits, such as pears, plums, peaches and apples, because they add extra flavor and these particular fruits contain extra fiber and nutrients. There are many ways to spread out your fruit consumption throughout the day; have them as a snack, as part of a meal or topping to a low-fat dessert. With the exception of avocadoes and coconuts, most fruits are very low in fat.

Vegetables contain fiber, potassium, magnesium and vitamins. The suggested serving is four to five servings a day. They can be eaten fresh, frozen and canned and could be served as a side dish as well as a topping over brown rice or whole wheat pasta. They can also be stir-fried to also include some nuts, seeds, lean meat and fruit for a meal in itself. Tomatoes, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, broccoli and carrots are just a few of some healthy choices of vegetables.
A good tip to remember when buying canned vegetables is to choose either low-sodium or no salt added as salt makes your body retain water and that leads to high blood pressure.
Grains consist of breads, rice, pasta and cereals and the suggested servings are six to eight servi

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