Framed by War , livre ebook









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An intimate portrait of the postwar lives of Korean children and women Korean children and women are the forgotten population of a forgotten war. Yet during and after the Korean War, they were central to the projection of US military, cultural, and political dominance. Framed by War examines how the Korean orphan, GI baby, adoptee, birth mother, prostitute, and bride emerged at the heart of empire. Strained embodiments of war, they brought Americans into Korea and Koreans into America in ways that defined, and at times defied, US empire in the Pacific. What unfolded in Korea set the stage for US postwar power in the second half of the twentieth century and into the twenty-first. American destruction and humanitarianism, violence and care played out upon the bodies of Korean children and women. Framed by War traces the arc of intimate relations that served as these foundations. To suture a fragmented past, Susie Woo looks to US and South Korean government documents and military correspondence; US aid organization records; Korean orphanage registers; US and South Korean newspapers and magazines; and photographs, interviews, films, and performances. Integrating history with visual and cultural analysis, Woo chronicles how Americans went from knowing very little about Koreans to making them family, and how Korean children and women who did not choose war found ways to navigate its aftermath in South Korea, the United States, and spaces in between.
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Date de parution

19 novembre 2019





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2 Mo

ramed by War
Nat i on oF Nat i on s : I m m i g r a n t H i story as A m e ri c a n H i story ééà Éô: àé jàçôŝô ôû Éôŝ: àé jàçôŝô à éé Śôôŝ
Beyond the Shadow of Camptown: Korean Race for Citizenship: Black Orientalism Military Brides in America and Asian Uplift from Pre-Emancipation to j-éô ûNeoliberal America éé éà jû Feeling Italian: The Art of Ethnicity in America Entitled to Nothing: The Struggle for hôàŝ j. éàôImmigrant Health Care in the Age of Welfare Reform Constructing Black Selves: Caribbean ŝà Śû-éé à American Narratives and the Second Generation The Slums of Aspen: Immigrants vs. the ŝà . çEnvironment in America’s Eden ŝà Śû-éé à à à àû éô Transnational Adoption: A Cultural Economy of Race, Gender, and Kinship Arab America: Gender, Cultural Politics, Śàà . ôôand Activism àé àé Immigration and American Popular Culture: An Introduction Social Death: Racialized Rightlessness and jéfé éç à àçé ûthe Criminalization of the Unprotected ŝà àé Çàçô From Arrival to Incorporation: Migrants to the US in a Global Era Love and Empire: Cybermarriage and Éé  Éô àà, àŝà é, àCitizenship across the Americas Āà . àû éç Āàà Śçàéfé Migrant Imaginaries: Latino Cultural Global Families: A History of Asian Politics in the US-Mexico Borderlands International Adoption in America Āçà Śç Çààçô Çàéé Çéà Çô The Force of Domesticity: Filipina Migrants Who’s Your Paddy? Racial Expectations and Globalization and the Struggle for Irish American Identity àçé Śààà àéñàŝ jéé ûé ûf Immigrant Rights in the Shadows of Islam Is a Foreign Country: American Citizenship Muslims and the Global Crisis of Authority Éé  àçé à ûf Zàééà éà Rough Writing: Ethnic Authorship in Soft Soil, Black Grapes: The Birth of Italian Theodore Roosevelt’s America Winemaking in California Āà . àûéé Śôé Çôô The Third Asiatic Invasion: Migration and African & American: West Africans in Empire in Filipino America, 1898–1946 Post–Civil Rights America ç àô à àé à ôé Śôéŝ jôŝô
Citizens of Asian America: Democracy and Race during the Cold War Ç -é Çé From the Land of Shadows: War, Revolution, and the Making of the Cambodian Diaspora ààà Û The Cultural Politics of US Immigration: Gender, Race, and Media éà é Whiteness on the Border: Mapping the US Racial Imagination in Brown and White éé éôû Strange Fruit of the Black Pacific: Imperialism’s Racial Justice and Its Fugitives çé Śçéé
The New Immigrant Whiteness: Neoliberalism, Race, and Post-Soviet Migration to the United States Çàûà Śàôŝ-Ś Colonial Phantoms: Belonging and Refusal in the Dominican Americas, from the 19th Century to the Present à àíé Girlhood in the Borderlands: Mexican Teens Caught in the Crossroads of Migration à Śôô Returns of War: South Vietnam and the Price of Refugee Memory ô . û Framed by War: Korean Children and Women at the Crossroads of US Empire Śûŝé ôô
àé  à Korean Children and Women at the Crossroads of US Empire
Śûŝé ôô
N E W Y O R K U N I V E R S I T Y P R E S S é ô
 É   Ô   Û    É  Ś      É Ś Ś é ô .ûéŝŝ.ô © 209  é ô Ûéŝ Ā ŝ éŝéé Ā éàé éŝô ô çàé 2 àŝ ûŝé àŝ “à : Çô à Śééà-ŝ à é ôéà Çé’ŝ Çô,”American Quarterly, ô.  (àç 205): 25–53, © 205 hé Āéçà Śûéŝ Āŝŝôçàô. ôôŝ ô çàé 3 éé éôûŝ ûŝé àŝ “àŝàçîç Āôô: hé ôéà à, ÛŚ ŝŝôàéŝ, à Çô à éàŝ,” Pacific America: Histories of Transoceanic Crossings, éé  ô ûàŝé (ôôûû: Ûéŝ ô àà‘ éŝŝ, 20), –. éééçéŝ ô éé éŝéŝ (Ûŝ) éé àççûàé à é é ô . éé é àûô ô é ô Ûéŝ éŝŝ ŝ éŝôŝé ô Ûŝ à à àé éé ô çàé ŝçé é àûŝç àŝ éàé.
à ô Çôéŝŝ Çààô--ûçàô àà àéŝ: ôô, Śûŝé, àûô. é: àé  à : ôéà çé à ôé à é çôŝŝôàŝ ô ÛŚ éé / Śûŝé ôô. éŝçô: é ô : é ô Ûéŝ éŝŝ, [209] | Śééŝ: àô ô àôŝ: à ŝô àŝ Āéçà ŝô | çûéŝ ôàçà éééçéŝ à é. éîéŝ: LCCN 2090005 | ISBN 984988994 (ç ; à. àé) | ISBN 9849880539 ( ; à. àé) Śûéçŝ: LCSH: ôéà à, 950–953—Çé—Śôçà çôôŝ. | ôéà à, 950– 953—ôé—Śôçà çôôŝ. | ôéàŝ—Ûé Śàéŝ—ŝô—20 çéû. | ôéàŝ—Çûûà àŝŝàô—Ûé Śàéŝ. | ôéà (Śôû)—Éàô à àô—Śôçà àŝéçŝ. Çàŝŝîçàô: LCC E84.K W58 209 | DDC 95.904/2083—ç23 Ç éçô àààé à ŝ://çç.ôç.ô/2090005
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àûàçûé  é Ûé Śàéŝ ô Āéçà
0 9 8   5 4 3 2 
Āŝô àààé àŝ à éôô
For my parents, Moon Sook and Do Keun Woo
List of FiguresPreface ôûçô: Çô à Éé
Part I. Imagined amily rames  . ŝ à é ŝ ô ôéà  2. ÛŚ Ā Çààŝ à é ôéà Çé’ŝ Çô
Part II. International Cold War amilies  3. ŝŝôà éŝçûé à é àŝàôà à ô à  4. ôûç ôé ôéà Āôééŝ
Part III. Erasing Empire  5. é-àçé Çé à é ôéà ôéŝ  . àà ôéà à éŝ  Çôçûŝô: ôé à àéŝ AcknowledgmentsNotesBibliographyIndexAbout the Author
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