Libraries and Enlightenment , livre ebook









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Books are written to entertain and to inform, and during the Enlightenment, accounts of other worlds became popular as trade routes, scientific and leisure travel to faraway places made the world seem smaller. Books on 'outer worlds', classified in libraries as historia, were very important in conveying distinct perceptions of peoples, places and cultures to readers. These encounters fed into a general eighteenth-century interest in individualization, progress and tolerance.
Libraries and Enlightenment. Eighteenth-Century Norway and the Outer World explores how the broader world was presented to a Norwegian audience by means of both statistical analysis of books on 'the other' in Enlightenment libraries, and a consideration of how peoples were portrayed in the works. Book distribution was very uneven, and the views promoted particularly by bestsellers were as multifaceted as the Enlightenment itself as the texts expressed both prejudice and admiration.
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30 octobre 2014





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Lîbrarîes and Enîgtenment
Lîbrarîes and Enîgtenment Eîgteent-Century Norwayand te Outer Word
Gîna Da
Aarus Unîversîty Press |a
Lîbrarîes and Enîgtenment © Gîna Da and Aarus Unîversîty Press Typeset by Anette Ryevad, Ryevad GraIsk Cover desîgn by Jørgen Sparre Frontîspîece o Ludvîg Hoberg’sIntroductîon tî de ornemste europæîske Rîgers Hîstorîer, prînted în Copenagen în 1711. Provîded by Te Roya Lîbrary, Denmark. E-book production byNarayana Press, Denmark
ïSBN 978 87 71248173
Aarus Unîversîty Press Langeandsgade 177 DK – 8200 Aarus N www.unî
Pubîsed wît te Inancîa support o
he Researc Councî o Norway
ïNTERNATïONAL DïSTRïBUTORS Gazee Book Servîces Ltd. Wîte Cross Mîs Hîgtown, Lancaster, LA1 4XS Unîted Kîngdom www.gazeebookservî
ïSD 70 Enterprîse Drîve Brîsto, CT 06010 USA www.îsdîstrîbutî
Preace ïntroductîon
Part One he Word în Lîbrarîes
1. he îdea o îstory 2. he art o cassîIcatîon 3. ïncusîons, excusîons and major patterns o book dîssemînatîon 4. Words nearby and words dîstant
Part Two he Word în Books
5. Arîca (Joannes Rask and Georg Høst) 6. Asîa (Carsten Nîebur and Pau Lucas) 7. Russîa (Adam Oearîus, Peter von Haven) 8. Amerîca (Jens Krat, Antonîo de Soís/Bîrgîtte Lange)
Concusîon Bîbîograpy Appendîx ïndex
7 9
29 42
54 69
87 110 139 164
197 205 214 220
Wîe workîng onBooks în Eary Modern Norway(Brî, 2011), ï became aware o te îg number o books portrayîng non-European peopes and cutures încuded în Norwegîan eîgteent-century book coectîons. Fortunatey, ï was granted a post-doctora scoarsîp by te Researc Councî o Norway, wîc enabed me to punge urter înto te many quîte exotîc books deaîng wît ar away words. Wîe carryîng out tîs researc, ï was attaced to te Depart-ment o Arcaeoogy, Hîstory, Cutura Studîes and Reîgîon, Unîversîty o Bergen, and ï woud îke to tank my coeagues tere or endorsîng my project, wît specîa tanks to Mona Farstad, ïngvîd Gîus, Rîcard Natvîg, Karsteîn Hopand and Lîsbet Mîkaesson wo sowed me partîcuar encouragement. ï’ve aso been greaty înspîred by proessors Nîs Gîje and Carotte Appe, wo deserve my proound gratîtude or a te knowedge tat over te years tey ave wîîngy sared wît me. ï’m aso îndebted to Ursua Pîîps and Rona Jonston Gordon or te varîous types o assîstance tey ave gîven me aong te course o tîs project. Today, ï work at te Regîona State Arcîves o Bergen, were ï ave te peasure o beîng surrounded by knowedgeabe co-workers and an ever-înspîrîng eader, Yngve Nedrebø. Needess to say, ï’m aso îndebted to rîends and amîy, past and present, wo over te years ave supported me and sown înterest or my work. hank you a!
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Locatîon îs we estabîsed as a key to prîntîng and book dîstrîbutîon. ïn 2010 te edîtors oGeograpîes o te Book, Mîes Ogborn and Cares Wîters, ooked back to Lucîen Febvre and Henrî-Jean Martîn’sL’Apparîtîon du îvreo 1958 and recaptured ow prîntîng presses spread across western Europe în dîstînct patterns ormed by economîc and poîtîca împetuses înterînked wît 1 te înteectua-reîgîous cîmate(s) o te day. Books, tey argue, can aso be understood în terms o a specîIc geograpy o productîon: prîntîng practîces were oten unstabe processes dependent on oca actors tat încuded te varîous networks o suppy and dîstrîbutîon. he book as îts own geograpy, mapped as we expore not just îts pysîca text wît îts words and sentences, 2 but aso îts paratext, încudîng îts cover, tîte page, and preace.
Ogborn and Wîters învestîgate te teme ‘geograpy and books’ în Mîes Ogborn and Cares W. J. Wîters (eds.),Geograpîes o te Book (Farnam: Asgate, 2010); see în partîcuar teîr “ïntroductîon: Book Geograpy, Book Hîstory,” 1-25. Wen dîscussîng textua stabîîty, Ogborn and Wîters poînt to te posîtîons o Eîzabet L. Eîsensteîn, wo în er now cassîche Prîntîng Press as an Agent o Cange: Communîcatîons and Cutura Transormatîons în Eary-Modern Europe(Cambrîdge: Cambrîdge Unîversîty Press, 1979) advocates or te revoutîonary împact o prîntîng, and Adrîan Jons, wo în îshe Nature o te Book: Prînt and Knowedge în te Makîng(Cîcago: Unîversîty o Cîcago Press, 1998) poînts to te very înstabîîty o te prîntîng process even ong ater Gutenberg’s înventîon. On te geograpy o te book îtse, Ogborn and Wîters draw our attentîon to Wîîam H. Serman, “On te hresod: Arcîtecture, Paratext, and Eary Prînt Cuture,” înAgent o Cange: Prînt Cuture Studîes ater Eîzabet L. Eîsensteîn, eds. Baron, Lîndquîst and Sevîn (Amerst and Boston: Unîversîty o Massacusetts Press, 2007), 67-81. Here Serman stands în te tradîtîon o Gérard Genette,Paratexts. hresods o Interpretatîon(Cambrîdge: Cambrîdge Unîversîty Press, 1997) and Jerome J. McGann, he Textua Condîtîon(Prînceton: Prînceton Unîversîty Press, 1991). A recent enterprîse tat eaborates on te compex process o bookmakîng îs Rîcard B. Ser’s muc ceebratedhe Enîgtenment & te Book. Scottîs Autors & heîr Pubîsers în Eîgteent-Century Brîtaîn, Ireand & Amerîca(Cîcago & London: Unîversîty o Cîcago Press, 2006). Lîgt îs sed on te reatîonsîp between texts as materîa objects, book cîrcuatîon, and consumptîon as we as on economîc excange byAutorsîp, Commerce and te Pubîc. Scenes o Wrîtîng, 1750-1850(New York: Pagrave Macmîan, 2002) edîted by E. J. Cery, Caroîne Frankîn and Peter Garsîde.
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