649 pages

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This Country of Ours the Story of the United States , livre ebook


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649 pages
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Four years have come and gone since first you asked me to write a Story of the United States lest you should grow up knowing nothing of your own country. I think, how ever, that you are not yet very grown up, not yet too proud and great to read my book. But I hope that you know something already of the history of your own coun try. For, after all, you know, this is only a play book. It is not a book which you need knit your brows over, or in which you will find pages of facts, or politics, and long strings of dates. But it is a book, I hope, which when you lay it down will make you say, I'm glad that I was born an American. I'm glad that I can salute the stars and stripes as my flag. Yes, the flag is yours. It is in your keeping and in that of every American boy and girl. It is you who in the next generation must keep it flying still over a people free and brave and true, and never in your lives do aught to dim the shining splendour of its, silver stars.



Publié par
Date de parution 27 novembre 2019
Nombre de lectures 0
EAN13 9780243651498
Langue English
Poids de l'ouvrage 13 Mo

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