Maitland's Vertebral Manipulation , livre ebook









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The legacy of Geoff Maitland and his seminal work, Vertebral Manipulation, continues in this eighth edition, with Elly Hengeveld and Kevin Banks leading an international team of experts who demonstrate how to manage vertebral neuromusculoskeletal disorders using the principles and practice of the Maitland Concept. Together, they ensure the heart of the Concept beats on by promoting collaborative decision-making with the patient at centre and emphasizing the art and science of observation, listening, palpation and movement skills.

A key feature of the new edition focuses on a more evidence-based and analytical view of the role of mobilization and manipulation in clinical practice The authors have written in a way that reflects their application of the Maitland Concept and how they have integrated techniques in the light of advancement in professional knowledge. Each chapter stands alone as a ‘master class’.

The text is systematically arranged focusing on detailed assessment, clinical reasoning and re-assessment to determine the physical dysfunction and efficacy of manipulative physiotherapy techniques, while also advocating continuous communication and interaction. Techniques of passive mobilization are also described, specifically designed around the individual patient’s condition.

All the chapters are written from a clinical perspective and review the evidence which informs how to deal with and manage spinal and pelvic pain as they present to the practitioner. Furthermore, each vertebral region (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacroiliac/pelvic) is considered from the point of view of best practice in analysing and hypothesising subjective data, examination, treatment and management of spinal pain conditions.

Brand new to the eighth edition is the addition of a companion website – Maitland’s Manipulation eResources ( – providing access to a range of valuable learning materials which include videos, MCQs, interactive case studies, research links, and bonus chapters

  • World-leading experts provide evidence relating the Maitland Concept to clinical practice
  • Evidence supporting practice
  • Covers both subjective and physical examination
  • Best practice management using mobilization and manipulation
  • Case studies – how and when to integrate the Maitland Concept into clinical practice
  • Chapter-based learning outcomes, keywords and glossaries
  • Companion website – Maitland’s Manipulation eResources (
  • Expert perspectives and supporting evidence
  • Case studies
  • Companion website – – containing:
    • Video Bank of over 480 video clips showing examination and treatment techniques
    • Image Bank of over 1,000 illustrations
    • Interactive case studies
    • Over 200 MCQs
    • Bonus chapters on additional principles and techniques of examination / treatment
    • Weblink references to abstracts

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Date de parution

22 août 2013





Poids de l'ouvrage

23 Mo

Maitland's Vertebral Manipulation
Management of Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders Volume 1
Edited by Elly Hengeveld MSc BPT OMTsvomp Clin Spec fisioswiss/MSK IMTA Member Oberentfelden, Switzerland Kevin Banks BA MMACP MCSP SRP IMTA Member Chartered Physiotherapist, Rotherham, UK Consulting Editor Matthew Newton HPC Reg, MCSP, MMACP, MIMTA Teacher, International Maitland Teachers' Association Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Practitioner, Doncaster, UK
Edinburgh London N ew York O xford Philadelphia S t Louis S ydney Toronto 2014
Content Strategist:Rita Demetriou-Swanwick Content Development Specialist:Sheila Black Project Manager:Anne Collett Designer:Christian Bilbow Illustration Manager:Jennifer Rose
Table of Contents
Cover image
Title Page
Biography Geoffrey Douglas Maitland MBE AUA FCSP FACP (Monograph), FACP (Specialist Manipulative Physiotherapist) MAppSc (Physiotherapy)
In Memoriam: Kevin Banks (1959–2012)
Glossary Chapter 1 The Maitland Concept: assessment, examination and treatment of movement impairments by passive movement Chapter 2 Clinical reasoning: from the Maitland Concept and beyond
Chapter 3 Communication and the therapeutic relationship
Chapter 4 Management of cervical spine disorders: a neuro-orthopaedic perspective
Chapter 5 Management of thoracic spine disorders
Chapter 6 Management of lumbar spine disorders
Chapter 7 Management of sacroiliac and pelvic disorders
Chapter 8 Sustaining movement capacity and performance
Appendix 4 Recording References
1 The Maitland Concept A personal commitment to the patient A mode of thinking: the primacy of clinical evidence
Techniques Examination Assessment Conclusion References
2 Clinical reasoning Introduction Clinical reasoning and evidence-based practice
Critical thinking and clinical reasoning
Importance of skilled clinical reasoning to expert practice
Clinical reasoning and the bio-psychosocial model of health and disability
Clinical reasoning as a hypothesis-oriented and collaborative process
Clinical reasoning and knowledge
Clinical reasoning and cognition/metacognition
Skilled questioning important to critical thinking and learning
Skilled questioning important to clinical practice Facilitating application of bio-psychosocial practice: clinical reasoning strategies and hypothesis categories Hypothesis categories
Pattern recognition
Complexity of clinical reasoning
Errors of clinical reasoning
Improving clinical reasoning: learning through clinical reasoning
We are all imposters References
3 Communication and the therapeutic relationship Introduction Therapeutic relationship
Communication and interaction
The process of collaborative goal setting
Critical phases of the therapeutic process
Verbatim examples Conclusion References
4 Management of cervical spine disorders Introduction Epidemiology of neck, head and facial pain
Common syndromes of the cervical region and their presentations
Clinical reasoning and the bio-psychosocial model
A definition for pain
Pain mechanisms
Input dominant mechanisms
Pain associated with changes in the nervous system
Centrally mediated mechanisms
The brain and pain
Output mechanisms
Examination of the cervical region
Physical examination
Palpation of peripheral nerves
Neurodynamic testing
Pre-cervical spine treatment screening – implications for examination
The treatment of the cervical region
Treatment with reference to neurodynamics References
5 Management of thoracic spine disorders Introduction: thoracic spine and the Maitland Concept Clues in the subjective examination to thoracic spine involvement
Improvement of signs and symptoms in areas remote from the thoracic spine after passive mobilization of the mid-thoracic spine region
Thoracic mobilization/manipulation: when to incorporate techniques to directly address neurodynamic signs/symptoms in the healing process of a lumbar disc lesion
Analysis of role of detailed examination in determining when to use thoracic passive mobilization techniques and associated interventions
Examination and treatment techniques References
6 Management of lumbar spine disorders Introduction Demedicalization and conceptualization of NSLBP
Scope of practice of physiotherapists regarding NSLBP
Clinical reasoning
Examination of the lumbar spine: subjective examination
Physical examination Passive accessory intervertebral movements (PAIVMs) Examination of motor control impairment
Mobilization and manipulation treatment techniques
Case studies References
7 Management of sacroiliac and pelvic disorders Introduction Applied theory and evidence supporting practice
Clinical reasoning
Subjective examination
Planning of the physical examination (‘structured reflection’)
Physical examination
Treatment Common clinical presentations References
8 Sustaining functional capacity and performance Introduction Role of passive movement in promotion of active movement and physical activity Functional restoration programmes and self-management
Cognitive behavioural principles
Conclusion References
1 The maitland concept
2 Clinical reasoning
3 Communication and the therapeutic relationship
4 Management of cervical spine disorders
5 Management of thoracic spine disorders
6 Management of lumbar spine disorders
7 Management of sacroiliac and pelvic disorders
8 Sustaining functional capacity and performance
Peripheral manipulation
Appendix 1 Movement diagram theory and compiling a movement diagram A contemporary perspective on defining resistance, grades of mobilization and depicting movement diagrams The movement diagram: a teaching aid, a means of communication and self-learning Pain Resistance (free of muscle spasm/motor responses)
Muscle spasm/motor responses
Compiling a movement diagram
Example – range limited by 50%
Clinical example – hypermobility
Treatment References
Appendix 2 Clinical examples of movement diagrams Hypermobility Scheuermann's disease
The spondylitic cervical spine Reference
Appendix 3 Examination refinements and movement diagrams Varied inclinations and contact points Sagittal posteroanterior movements in combined positions Diagrams of different movements on a patient with one disorder
Appendix 4 Recording Introduction Asterisks Conditions Some remarks with regards to recording
Recording of subjective examination findings
Recording of physical examination findings
Active movements
Passive movements
Recording of treatment interventions Information, instructions, exercises, warning at the end of a session Recording of follow-up sessions
Retrospective assessment
Written records by the patient
Conclusion References
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