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Practical Keys to Transforming the World around YouIn a world where evil dominates the headlines, we are often left wondering, Will good really triumph over evil? Or are we hurtling toward oblivion?It's here, during this very hour--when political chaos seems to reign and the media persecutes anyone who disagrees with them--that God is searching for men and women who long for an infusion of boldness that possesses their souls, who will take a stand and be a voice for the Kingdom. His vision for the future is not bleak, and he is readying a heavy rain of transformation and revival. Here is the guidance and inspiration you need to become a vessel that catches the downpour of the Spirit's rain--and helps release God's Kingdom like a flood.
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Date de parution

02 août 2016





Title Page
Copyright Page
© 2010, 2016 by Kris Vallotton
Published by Chosen Books
11400 Hampshire Avenue South
Bloomington, Minnesota 55438
Chosen Books is a division of
Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Previous edition published by Regal Books as How Heaven Invades Earth
Ebook edition created 2016
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2016931539
ISBN 978-1-4412-2968-7
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the New American Standard Bible®, copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. ( www.Lockman.org )
Scripture quotations identified MESSAGE are from THE MESSAGE. Copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Scripture quotations identified NKJV are from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations identified KJV are from the King James Version of the Bible.
“Kris sounds a clear prophetic call to embrace change. Throughout the pages of this book he commissions us to make earth like heaven. You will receive an impartation of supernatural faith and courage as you journey through the pages of this book and become part of the Kingdom mandate to transform society.”
Ché Ahn, apostle, Harvest Apostolic Center; apostolic leader, HRock Church
“Kris charges ahead with the spirit of Caleb and Joshua to say that God has given us the greatest opportunity ever to bring in His Kingdom with power and love, integrity and victory. Heavy Rain will motivate new Christians, students and old saints alike to shake off that which hinders, and run for God. I learned so much; I am reading this book again.”
John Arnott, Catch the Fire Toronto
“Our very good friend Kris Vallotton has written a positive, detailed vision of the church as an effective catalyst for world transformation through the demonstration of both power and love. He and his church have transformed our own family and ministry by genuine apostolic love and friendship, and we are so encouraged by this. Thought-provoking, and controversial in places, he makes a strong case for the Church to set out to improve the world rather than let the devil steal our future. This is our present mandate as Christians and leaders, even as we look forward to the last days, when God will glorify Himself and bring back His Son in magnificent power and majesty.”
Rolland and Heidi Baker, founding directors, Iris Global
“Kris Vallotton lives what he writes. He is the revolutionary who puts fire in my bones. He is gifted to understand human relationships and the dynamics that trigger revival. I am glad he is on our side. In this book he explains revelatory truth, but more importantly, he imparts fire. Don’t just read this. Catch it!”
Harold R. Eberle, founder, Worldcast Ministries
“ Heavy Rain is a perspective of the spiritual world we live in that is like seeing from Google Earth. It will draw the reader into Kris’s core messages of the last couple of years. He does a masterful job assembling a collage of snapshots that build a highway of revelation to what the Spirit is doing in this coming apostolic age. True to form, Kris will challenge you to think outside the lines as he introduces numerous new dynamics that are in play in this generation. Read this book with an expectation of transformation.”
Danny Silk, senior leadership team, Bethel Church, Redding, California, and Jesus Culture, Sacramento, California; founder, Loving on Purpose; author, Developing a Culture of Honor and Loving Our Kids on Purpose
“No one can read a work out of Bethel Church, Redding, California, without the awareness of the culture and atmosphere in which it was produced. I was recently privileged with the opportunity of spending a week around Bethel, its leaders, its people, its students and servants, where the culture of honor is well-known. You would be interested to know that my report is that it is real and universally atmospheric.
“To know Kris Vallotton is to be acquainted with honor and to see and sense this atmosphere. Hard-hitting, direct and prophetic, but oh so gentle, the author of this book lives what he writes. If one is offended by what is written within these pages, it is probably in part because of the lack of acquaintance with Kris himself. Another consideration for offense is dealing with entrenched traditions that are being hammered herein.
“Honor is inseparable from favor, respect and acceptance. When one chooses honor, as has the whole Bethel team, these qualities are inevitable and real.
“Yes, you will be challenged, shocked, and, if open-minded, you will be beneficially stretched. Reading Heavy Rain likely will be similar to being in a pouring rain, a cold-water-in-your-face experience coupled with a blurred view of one’s surroundings. But when the rain is over and the view clears, you will be different!”
Jack Taylor, president, Dimensions Ministries, Melbourne, Florida
“The Church as most Americans think of it may help some individuals, but it cannot be a viable means to reform our society. Why? Heavy Rain is the most insightful book I have yet encountered that answers that question. The creative suggestions that Kris Vallotton makes for correcting our past weaknesses and reforming our churches are powerful, positive and productive. I want to be part of the exciting kind of Church that I read about here, and I believe you will agree!”
C. Peter Wagner, founder and chancellor emeritus, Wagner Leadership Institute
“And it shall be in the last days,” God says, “that I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind.”
Acts 2:17
I dedicate this book to my children’s children’s children’s children. Though we will not meet until we get to heaven, I wanted you to know that I had you in mind as I wrote every word of this book, and I continue to hold you in my heart. You will become the answer to my prayers and the fulfillment of my prophecies. By the time you read this book, I will be watching you from heaven (see Hebrews 12:1).
Cover 1
Title Page 3
Copyright Page 4
Endorsements 5
Epigraph 7
Dedication 9
Foreword by Bill Johnson 13
Acknowledgments 17
Introduction: The Reason 19
1. Re-forming the Church 25
2. The Kingdom Is a Family Affair 35
3. From a Hierarchy to an Heir-archy 47
4. Apostle Covering and Angel Help 53
5. The Emerging Apostolic Age 63
6. Ecosystems 83
7. “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!” 99
8. Secret Agent Man 113
9. ISIS 123
10. The Tipping Point 145
11. Unreasonable Courage 157
12. The Land of the Giants 177
13. Iron Sharpens Iron 195
14. Casting Vision and Capturing Hearts 209
15. Impregnating the Cosmos 225
16. It’s a Wonderful World 247
Notes 265
About the Author 269
Other Books and Messages by Kris Vallotton 271
Back Ads 273
Back Cover 275
The disciples expected Jesus to establish His earthly Kingdom at any moment. They were counting on Him to take Israel back to the rightful place of influence it once had under Kings David and Solomon. Cities and nations would then live in the fulfillment of a much-anticipated promise under the glorious reign of their Messiah. This thought captured so much of the disciples’ attention that they were vying for top honors in His Kingdom. There was a flaw in their thinking, and therefore in their expectations, so Jesus told them a story—a parable (see Luke 19:11–17).
He told them about a landowner who gave a mina (a sum of money) to each of his ten servants. They were to invest that money and make a profit for their master so that upon his return he could gather his earnings. When the first servant came to him, he reported that the master’s mina had earned him ten more minas. Then the landowner did something very unusual. He told the servant he was now in charge of ten cities. In one moment the faithful servant became a ruler.
This parable answered at least two of the issues the disciples had not seen clearly. The first was that they were looking for a sudden event to make Jesus ruler of cities and nations, but Jesus took them to the process of stewardship. Simply speaking, He taught them that correctly stewarding what God puts in our hands increases our influence over humanity—specifically cities. Second, it reveals how we get personal promotion: through faithfulness in whatever God assigns to us. Going from a servant to a governor is quite a promotion. And when that promotion brings the influence of the King of kings through that servant to a whole city, we see a practical manifestation of the Kingdom on earth.
This story reveals how simple the subject of the Kingdom can be. And that is the message of Heavy Rain . My dear friend and author Kris Vallotton has done a great job capturing the heart of God for the Church in these last days. You will not find any charts, predictions about the Antichrist, discussions on the tribulation or any of the other hot-button subjects. Instead, this is a book about heart, God’s heart. And that discovery is what shapes our attitude, focus and priorities more than any other. That is what excites me about this book: Kris puts his attention on where we have responsibility, not where we have curiosity. His insights are consistent with the theme of the Gospel that “whatever is not from faith is sin.” We must be wary of any teaching of the last days that does not require faith to obtain what God promises.
We live at a time when it s

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