My Tibetan Childhood , livre ebook









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In My Tibetan Chldhood, Naktsang Nulo recalls his life in Tibet's Amdo region during the 1950s. From the perspective of himself at age ten, he describes his upbringing as a nomad on Tibet's eastern plateau. He depicts pilgrimages to monasteries, including a 1500-mile horseback expedition his family made to and from Lhasa. A year or so later, they attempted that same journey as they fled from advancing Chinese troops. Naktsang's father joined and was killed in the little-known 1958 Amdo rebellion against the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the armed branch of the Chinese Communist Party. During the next year, the author and his brother were imprisoned in a camp where, after the onset of famine, very few children survived.The real significance of this episodic narrative is the way it shows, through the eyes of a child, the suppressed histories of China's invasion of Tibet. The author's matter-of-fact accounts cast the atrocities that he relays in stark relief. Remarkably, Naktsang lived to tell his tale. His book was published in 2007 in China, where it was a bestseller before the Chinese government banned it in 2010. It is the most reprinted modern Tibetan literary work. This translation makes a fascinating if painful period of modern Tibetan history accessible in English.
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Date de parution

05 novembre 2014





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2 Mo

My Tibetan Childhood
translation provided by
A N G Û Ś Ç A  G   àd
Ś O NA m  HA m O
edited and abridged by
A N G Û Ś Ç A  G   
with a foreword by
 H E    H A  A   A m A ,
 E N Z  N G YA Ś O
a foreword by
 A   H    Z  N G E 
and an introduction by
 O  E   A  N E  
m éà Çôô
W h e n I c e S h at t e r e d S t o n e
Nàŝà Nûô
duke university pressDurhà àd Lodo 2014
© 2 0 1 4 D u k e U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s All rîghŝ réŝéréd Prîéd î hé Uîéd Sàéŝ of Aérîçà o àçîd-fréé àér ∞
D e s i g n e d b yNààlîé F. Sîh T y p e s e t i nMîîo Pro b yCoérlîe
library of congress cataloginginpublication data Naktsang Nulo. My Tibetan childhood : when ice shattered stone / Naktsang Nulo; translation provided by Angus Cargill and Sonam Lhamo; edited and abridged by Angus Cargill ; with a foreword by the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, a foreword by Ralph Litzinger, and an introduction by Robert Barnett pages cm Includes index. isbn9780822357124 (cloth : alk. paper) isbn9780822357261 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Naktsang Nulo. 2. Children—China—Tibet Autonomous Region—Biography. 3. Tibet Autonomous Region (China)—History—1951–i. Cargill, Angus.ii. Title. ds786.n951'.5055092—dc23 [327 2014 b] 2014009913
on the cover:The author and his brother in Chinese clothing at their first government school. Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University in the City of New York.
Ç O N  E N  Ś
foreword  é 14 àà àà, éz Gàŝô x
foreword  à zé x
introduction A Nôé ô Çôéx à Śïçàçé  ôé àé x
translators’ note 
author’s preface 1
prelude é Çàé Gôû 9
one ô ô é wé éà Gàŝŝàŝ 1
two A Çôô  Héŝé, àŝ, à môŝ 49
three  Yà Çààà ô é Hô Ç ô àŝà 1
four wéŝŝ ô màŝŝàçé ô Oû àç Jôûé ôû éŝôàé àçéŝ 11
five ôûé à ŝôé, Śààô à Śûà 1
appendix Gûé ô Aé à Çàé Çàéŝ ô Oà 269
glossary 21
index 2
F O  E wO  
The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso
my Tîbéà chîldhoodŝ é àûôôà ô à ôû éà à  éŝçéŝ é ûà ééŝŝô ô é  Çéŝé ôçéŝ  é 1950ŝ. é àû-ô éŝôà éŝŝé é ééŝ é éŝçéŝ  ŝ ôô, à é éçôŝ é çôç à ŝàôà. ôà, ô à é éé éôé éà ô çà éçôû éŝé ŝà ééŝ ô éŝôà éxééçé. Çà éçôéçôŝ ŝûç àŝ éŝé àé ô éà àûé ô ô ô é ééàôŝ ô éàŝ ô à ô ûéŝà é éçé ŝô ô é ô éôé û àŝô ô éàéŝ àôà ô àé ééŝé  à àçûà àéé  é. ŝ ôô, ôà é  éà, àŝ éàé àŝàé ô Ç-éŝé. Nô,  àŝ éé àŝàé ô Eŝ. éàéŝ ô ô Çéŝé à Eŝ ô àé àéà àà  à ôô àçé  é àé 1950  éçôzé à ŝ éŝçé éé; ô ôéŝ  à é à ééàô. Eé à,  à ŝûé é çàô ô éŝé éçôéçôŝ  çôçé éàéŝ ô é jûŝçé ô é çàûŝé ô é à éà é ô é ûŝ é ŝûô.
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