Primacy in the Church from Vatican I to Vatican II , livre ebook









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The primacy of the bishop of Rome, the pope, as it was finally shaped in the Middle Ages and later defined by Vatican I and II has been one of the thorniest issues in the history of the Western and Eastern Churches. This issue was a primary cause of the division between the two Churches and the events that followed the schism of 1054: the sack of Constantinople by the crusaders in 1204, the appointment by Pope Innocent III of a Latin patriarch of Constantinople, and the establishment of Uniatism as a method and model of union. Always a topic in ecumenical dialogue, the issue of primacy has appeared to be an insurmountable obstacle to the realization of full unity between Roman Catholicism and the Orthodox Christianity. In this timely and comprehensive work, Maximos Vgenopoulos analyzes the response of major Orthodox thinkers to the Catholic understanding of the primary of the pope over the last two centuries, showing the strengths and weaknesses of these positions.Covering a broad range of primary and secondary sources and thinkers, Vgenopoulos approaches the issue of primacy with an open and ecumenical manner that looks forward to a way of resolving this most divisive issue between the two Churches. For the first time here the thought of Greek and Russian Orthodox theologians regarding primacy is brought together systematically and compared to demonstrate the emergence of a coherent view of primacy in accordance with the canonical principles of the Orthodox Church. In looking at crucial Greek-language sources Vgenopoulos makes a unique contribution by providing an account of the debate on primacy within the Greek Orthodox Church. Primacy in the Church from Vatican I to Vatican II is an invaluable resource on the official dialogue taking place between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church today. This important book will be of broad interest to historians, theologians, seminarians, and all those interested in Orthodox-Catholic relations.
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Date de parution

01 octobre 2013

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Poids de l'ouvrage

8 Mo

P R ï M A C Y ï N T H E C H U R C H F R O M VAT ï C A N ï T O VAT ï C A N ï ï
Prmacy n e Curcrom Vacanï oVacanïï A N O R T H O D O X P E R S P E C T ï V E
Maxmos Vgenopouos
Foreword byHs AHoness Ecumenca Pararc BaroomeW
N ï U P R E S S DeKab, ïL
© 2013 by Norern ïnos Unversy Press Pubsed by Norern ïnos Unversy Press, DeKab, ïnos 60115 Manuacured n e Uned Saes usng acdree paper. A Rgs Reserved Desgn by Saun Asouse
Lbrary o Congress CaaogngnPubcaon Daa Vgenopouos, Maxmos.  Prmacy n e curc rom Vacan ï o Vacan ïï : an orodox perspecve / Maxmos Vgenopouos ; oreWord by Hs AHoness Ecumenca Pararc BaroomeW.  pages cm  ïncudes bbograpca reerences and ndex.  ïSBN 9780875804736 (co : ak. paper) — ïSBN 9781609090982 (ebook) 1. Popes—Prmacy. 2. Epscopacy. 3. Orodox Easern Curc—Reaons—Cao c Curc. 4. Caoc Curc—Reaons—Orodox Easern Curc. 5. Caoc Curc—Docrnes. 6. Orodox Easern Curc—Docrnes. ï. Te.  BX1805.V44 2013  262’.13—dc23 2013012132
ForeWord byHs A-Honess Ecumenca Pararc Baroomew v AcknoWedgmens x
ï N T R O D U C T ï O N3
C H A P T E R O N E Vacan ï 19
C H A P T E R T w O he Aterma o Vacan ï 41
C H A P T E R T H R E E Vacan ïï 72
C H A P T E R F O U R Orodox Reacons o Vacan ïï 96
G E N E R A L C O N C L U S ï O N S 141
Noes 157
Bbograpy 197
ïndex 209
ForeWord Hs A-Honess Ecumenca Pararc Baroomew
ï s W grea deg a We Wecome e pubcaon oPrmacy n e Curc From Vacan ï o Vacan ïï: An Orodox Perspecve by e Grand Arcdeacon o e Ecumenca Pararcae, Very Reverend Doc or Maxmos Vgenopouos. ïndeed, We gree e voume a and no ony as beng e resu o e devoed scoary researc by one o e promsng younger eoogans o our Curc, bu aso as e ocus o mperave debae on one o e mos dvsve eoogca ssues n reaons beWeen e Roman Caoc and Or odox Curces. Moreover, We rejoce n s pubcaon nasmuc as  presens o a Wder readersp e mporan and nsgu conrbuons o recen and conemporary Orodox nkers, Wo are compared and para eed o er nsrumena and nluena Roman Caoc peers and co eagues o e as decades. ïn reang e subjec o prmacy o e experence and oug o e Curc, especay as s deveoped n e Wo aes Vacan Councs, Fr. Maxmos as provded us W a deeper and cearer undersandng o prmacy as e mos conroversa and crca eoogca opc, Wc as nevaby aso deermned e course o e oIca eoogca daogue be Ween our Wo Curces. ï s our erven convcon a e eradcaon o s mpedmen re gardng our undersandng o e concep o prmacy W greay acae our journey oWard uny. Consequeny, e sudy o Curc sory durng e irs mennum o uned Crsendom and relecon on e key me sones o e deveopmen o papa prmacy n e wes, especay durng Vacan ï and Vacan ïï, W provde e oucsone or a reexamnaon o Wa ruy unes us. wa We mus earn s a prmacy s no so muc a concep a afecs specic ndvduas or oIces, bu raer a prncpe a gudes mnsres o servce. ï s ony Wene prmacy o a kenoc eosprevas convncngy
viii F O R E wO R D
n e Curc a We sa no ony be abe o reesabs our deepy desred uny n a, bu aso render ourseves Wory o experencng a a God’s reveaon as promsed o ose Wo ove e Lord, namey “a neW eaven and a neW ear.” ïn s conex,  s We knoWn a e Orodox Curc aaces un damena eccesoogca mporance o e synoda sysem. Togeer W prmacy, synoday consues e backbone o e Curc’s governmen and organzaon. Furermore, as e Jon ïnernaona Commsson on e heoogca Daogue beWeen our Curces expressed n e Ravenna documen o 2007, s nerdependence beWeen synoday and prmacy permeaes a eves o e Curc’s e: oca, regona and unversa. ï s our sncere ope and prayer a s book W provde occason or urer scoary researc and serous relecon on e par o a ose neresed n e sory and essence o eccesoogy and nvoved n e e o e Curc as e vng body o Crs, Wo aone s “e Apa and Omega, e irs and e as” (Rev. 22.13).
Severa peope ave eped me n one Way or anoer o compee s sudy. Frs, ï Woud ke o ank Hs A Honess, e Ecumenca Pararc Bar oomeW, o Wom ï am prooundy graeu or s avng gven me e opporuny o compee my docora dsseraon a Heyrop Coege n e Unversy o London. hrougou e Work, Hs A Honess as pro vded me W Hs aery suppor n couness Ways. To Hs Emnence Meropoan Jon Zzouas o Pergamon, ï am pro oundy anku or nsprng me, or onorng me W e opporuny o ave e engy dscussons noed n e ex, and or s conrbuon o my eoogca ormaon. Meropoan Jon read earer drats o some secons o my ess and ofered some subsana suggesons. Many anks go o my proessor Consanne Dekonsans and aso o my ormer pro essors o e Hg heoogca Scoo n Aens and e heoogca Un versy n Begrade, o Wom ï oWe my eoogca educaon. ï am aso deepy graeu o my supervsor, Reverend Proessor Pau McParan, noW o e Caoc Unversy o Amerca, wasngon, D.C., no ony or readng and rereadng e Woe o s book as  Was Wr en, oferng consrucve and subsana crcsm and gvng me vauabe advce regardng e sape o my researc projec, bu aso or s nsprng ecures on eccesoogy gven a Heyrop Coege, Wc remendousy enrced my eccesoogca nkng. ï ank m especay or s ove and consan suppor rougou. Parcuar anks are due o Hs Emnence Arcbsop o Ausraa Syanos Harkanaks and o Hs Emnence Mero poan o Tyrooe and Serenon Paneemon Rodopouos or er aery suppor and or gvng me vauabe advce n regard o my researc. ï Woud ke o ank Reverend Proessor Hermann Pomeyer, emer usproessor o Fundamena heoogy a e Rur Unversä Bocum, Wo kndy eped me o undersand ceran pons o Vacan ïï’s eacng on papa prmacy and coegay and Wo read drats o ceran secons and ofered consrucve crcsm. Many anks aso go o Hs Emnence Meropoan o
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