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Discussions of globalization usually focus on political, economic, and technological transformations, but fail to recognize how we experience these processes in our daily lives, including our most intimate acts and practices. In this volume, anthropologists and sociologists draw on long-term ethnographic research on love, gender, and sexuality in a broad range of regions to discuss how global forces shape marriage, commercial sex, the political economy of intimacy, and lesbian and gay expressions of companionship.

The richly-textured ethnographies provoke a series of questions about emerging vocabularies for friendship and romance; the adoption of cultural forms from faraway places; the emergence of new desires, pleasures, and emotions that circulate as commodities in the global marketplace; and the ways economic processes shape public and private expressions of sexual intimacy.

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Date de parution

25 janvier 2008





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LOVEAND GLOBALIZATION Transformations of Intimacy in the Contemporary World
Mark B. Padilla, Jennifer S. Hirsch, Miguel MuñozLaboy, Robert E. Sember, and Richard G. Parker,Editors
Love and Globalization
Transformations of Intimacy in the Contemporary World
Mark B. Padilla, Jennifer S. Hirsc, Miguel Muñoz-Laboy, Robert E. Sember, and Ricard G. Parker
Vanderbilt University Press Nashville
©  Vanderbilt University Press All rigts reserved First edition 
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his book is printed on acid-free paper made from % post consumer recycled paper. Manufactured in te United States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Love and globalization : transformations of intimacy in te contemporary world / Mark B. Padilla ... [et al.]. — st ed.  p. cm. Includes bibliograpical references. ISBN ---- (clot : alk. paper) ISBN ---- (pbk. : alk. paper) . Intimacy (Psycology)—Cross-cultural studies. . Sex—Cross-cultural studies. . Love—Cross-cultural studies. . Interpersonal relations—Cross-cultural studies. . Globalization—Social aspects—Cross-cultural studies. I. Padilla, Mark, – HQ.L  .--dc 
Introduction: CrossCultural Reflections on an Intimate Intersection Mark B. Padilla, Jennifer S. Hirsc, Miguel Muñoz-Laboy, Robert E. Sember, and Ricard G. Parker
Part I: Love and Inequality
Neoliberalism and the Marriage of Reputation and Respectability: Entrepreneurship and the Barbadian Middle Class  Carla Freeman
Tourism and Tigueraje: The Structures of Love and Silence among Dominican Male Sex Workers  Mark B. Padilla
“If there is no feeling . . . ”: The Dilemma between Silence and Coming Out in a WorkingClass Butch/Femme Community in Jakarta  Saskia E. Wieringa
Part II. Love, Sex, and the Social Organization of Intimacy
“Love Makes a Family”: Globalization, Companionate Marriage, and the Modernization of Gender Inequality  Jennifer S. Hirsc
The Strange Marriage of Love and Interest: Economic Change and Emotional Intimacy in Northeast Brazil, Private and Public  L. A. Rebun
A Fluid Mechanics of Erotas and Aghape: Family Planning and Maternal Consumption in Contemporary Greece  Heater Paxson
Loving Your Infertile Muslim Spouse: Notes on the Globalization of IVF and Its Romantic Commitments in Sunni Egypt and Shia Lebanon139  Marcia C. Inorn
Part III: Fantasy, Image, and the Commerce of Intimacy
Playcouples in Paradise: Touristic Sexuality and Lifestyle Travel  Katerine Frank
Buying and Selling the “Girlfriend Experience”: The Social and Subjective Contours of Market Intimacy  Elizabet Bernstein
Love Work in a Tourist Town: Dominican Sex Workers and Resort Workers Perform at Love  Denise Brennan
Romancing the Club: Love Dynamics between Filipina Entertainers and GIs in U.S. Military Camp Towns in South Korea  Sealing Ceng
Love at First Site? Visual Images and Virtual Encounters with Bodies  Nicole Constable
 We gratefully acknowledge te support of key institutions and individuals wo made important contributions to te preparation of tis volume.  he initial meeting tat provided a point of departure for tis book was eld at Columbia University in April , wit support provided by te Ford Founda-tion troug its grant for te project Sexuality, Culture, and Society(Grant #– ; Principal Investigator Ricard G. Parker, PD), based in te Center for Gender, Sexuality, and Healt and te Department of Sociomedical Sciences of te Mailman Scool of Public Healt at Columbia University. At Columbia University, we especially want to tank Mayra Pabon for er elp in organizing tat meeting, and Raul Angeles for is assistance wit te initial preparation of te text for tis volume.  Finalization of te text took place at te University of Micigan, were we want to tank Danya Keene and Lisa Lapeyrouse in te Department of Healt Beavior and Healt Education, te Scool of Public Healt, for teir assistance in meticu-lously editing and reformatting te capters.  Special tanks to Micael Ames at Vanderbilt University Press for is entusi-asm and support for tis book.
Introduction CrossCultural Reflections on an Intimate Intersection
Mark B. Padilla, Jennifer S. Hirsc, Miguel Muñoz-Laboy, Robert E. Sember, and Ricard G. Parker
 Wat is love? A virtue? A form of knowledge? An instinct? And wat does te contemplation of love illuminate about fundamental uman experiences, suc as intimacy, sexual and marital bonding, gender relations, kinsip, consumption, and pleasure? Love, in te framing of Jacques Derrida, is te original and central question of pilosopy, providing a basis for te development of te fields of et-ics, ontology aestetics, and epistemology (Dick and Kaufman ). In a range of different social science disciplines, a growing number of detailed and igly specific etnograpies ave similarly begun to recognize—largely as a result of te influence of feminist analysis and cross-cultural studies of gender and sexuality—tat love is a particularly useful lens for social analysis, providing as it does a glimpse onto te complex interconnections between cultural, economic, interpersonal, and emotional realms of experience. Love, in a word, is olistic. As a master trope as pervasive as it is variable, love is igly productive as a tool for social analysis, revealing some of te most basic ways tat uman societies organize social life, meaning, and intimate experience, as well as ow individuals enact, resist, or transform social discourses of love witin specific cultural and istorical contexts. As Naomi Quinn () as argued in er studies of American constructions of marriage, examining ow love is constructed necessitates an analysis of ow narratives of love connect conceptually to oter domains of experience, suc as work, family, and gender relations. Like cul-tural constructions of gender, love is often “naturalized”—made to appear natural, essential, and immutable troug its representation and reproduction in cultural systems of meaning (Yanagisako and Delaney ). his naturalization makes it all te more powerful in its ability to sape te most fundamental caracteristics of social organization. Because of tis productive quality, cross-cultural examinations of love permit te analyst a privileged position from wic to consider te power and function of cultural, economic, and social forces in saping wat is often de-scribed—at least in te Euro-American West—as one of te most personal of uman experiences.  Wile studies of gender and sexuality ave begun to document te enormous
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