Mental Focus and Brain Games For Memory Improvement , livre ebook









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Mental Focus and Brain Games For Memory Improvement helps the reader show how an individual can regain the focus they lost and how to maintain this focus by eliminating or reducing the unwanted distractions. This boxed set is a compilation of books that will help improve one's memory through brain games and exercise. It is an easy read and the instructions outlined are extremely easy to go through and execute. The process requires the individual to prioritize their tasks and to get them done accordingly. It is not as hard as it may seem.
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Date de parution

23 juillet 2014





Poids de l'ouvrage

1 Mo

Table of Contents
Memory Improvement
Part 1: How To Increase Mental Focus
Part 2: Improve Mental Performance
Brain Training
Increase Brain Power
Improve The Power Of The Brain & Memory Naturally With Proven Methods
Memory Improvement: 7 Top Tricks
and Tips to Increase your Mental
Performance and Focus & Do What
Matters Most
By: Jason Scotts

Mental performance is directly linked to mental focus. Being able to harness your brain’s ability to focus will help you complete your task more efficiently. It can also make your daily activities easier and enjoyable. It is important to stay mentally focused and to understand whatever action you will need to take to achieve your goals. Improving mental performance can be a challenging task but it is essential for your wellbeing.
This book is divided into two parts. Each part covers seven ways on how you can increase your mental performance and mental focus.
Part 1- How to increase mental focus.
The first part of this book informs you about the importance of having mental focus. Bringing focus into your life can help you live the life you want to live. Lack of focus can lead you farther from your personal and professional goals. This part of the book also provides effective tips that you can implement in your life to achieve better focus.
A mental focus will enable you to understand every action you need to take in order to achieve your goal. When life gets difficult to navigate through, keeping your mind focused will motivate you to go further.
Part 2- Improve Mental Performance
After you have learned how to bring focus into your life, you will find it much easier to improve your mental performance.
In the second part of this book, you will discover the importance of improving your mental performance. When you start to achieve a higher level of mental performance you will find yourself being able to accomplish your goals more quickly that you had expected. You will also feel confident about your decisions. It is very risky not to understand the pros and cons of every decision you make. Increasing mental capacity by being mentally focused is important to make sure that you don’t have to second guess every decision you make.
The second book will also provide you with ways on how to improve your mental performance. Studies show that the best way to exercise the mind is by using it often. Don’t just learn new things, you must also constantly use this knowledge or you will lose it. You can also try out different brain activities to improve your mental performance just like using abbreviation and enhancing visualization.
You should also be able to change you bad habits to effectively improve your mental performance. The second part of this book teaches you on how to be conscious of your thoughts and be able to identify and change your bad habits. This book also covers a list of supplements and medications which you can try for yourself.
Through this book, you will also learn how important physical exercise is to the brain. Studies show that regular exercise is needed to keep the mind functioning well. You can find a physical activity that you can enjoy to improve both your physical and mental health.
There are a lot of ways to improve your focus and mental performance and being able to do so will help you achieve better things in life.
Part 1 How To Increase Mental Focus: 7 Top Ways To Find Your Focus Zone & Do What Matters Most
Having mental focus is important at every level of your life. Being focused has a direct impact on your life and the way that you live. Not having proper mental focus can make it tough to reach any personal or professional goals that you may have.

What exactly is mental focus? Having proper mental focus means that you always have a purpose, or goal, in mind. Becoming focused is more than just having a goal in mind that you would like to accomplish. Having true mental focus in your life will help you to have balance in all parts of your life. When you have good mental focus you will find yourself accomplishing your goals and making progress much more quickly than ever before. The result will be more happiness and fulfillment in your life.
The answer to why mental focus is important is not very complicated, however there are levels different levels to complete mental focus that all work together to help you to become a focused individual.
The Big Picture
Having a main focus in your life is very important if you want to be truly mentally focused. A main focus, or purpose, will give you guidance and meaning to all of your actions and behavior. If things get hard or tough along the way, keeping your life’s purpose in mind will help you to stay motivated and on the correct path.
If you do not have a main focus in your life right now, it is okay. Oftentimes, it will take many years for your focus to become clear. If you are just beginning to understand the importance of mental focus, all you need is an idea. What are you passionate about? What do you believe in? What kind of person do you want to be? These are questions that you should ask yourself and find the answer to because these answers will be where your mental focus will begin.
The fun thing about this journey is that you do not have to necessarily focus on just one thing. Many people have more than one interest in their life and it can keep things interesting to have focus on multiple things. The important thing to remember about having more than one focus is that you want to make sure that your respective focuses are not polar opposites. Put another way: it will be easier and more enjoyable to stay mentally focused if your interests are in harmony with each other. Whatever actions you take should potentially be able to work for the betterment of both goals.
Sharpening Your Focus
After you realize the importance to having a life purpose and how it relates to progressive mental focus, you can begin to sharpen your focus to more short-term goals. Accomplishing short-term goals is what will give you the fuel to keep going when times get tough. Going through tough times will happen but instead of getting discouraged, you can use this time to re-focus and strengthen your goals. Accomplishing short-term goals will also provide positive affirmation that you are on the right path. It is important to keep your focus in all things that you do. No actions should be done “just because” because that would mean that you have lost your focus. Actions done without a goal in mind can actually be detrimental your big goal.
Those who have felt that they aren't able to concentrate well and don't have the focus that they need to get things done may wonder what they can do to sharpen mental focus. It is never fun to be unable to get things done at work or school, and those who can't focus may not be able to get ahead. There are also others who fear that they are losing a lot of their memory and concentration as they get older. There are things that people can do to sharpen their mental focus and start performing better in their everyday lives.
There are some medications that are designed for people who have ADHD which can help improve mental focus. They work to improve the pathway of nerves within the brain, as well as get more oxygen to the brain. Also, those who have an imbalance of certain chemicals within the brain can use these medications to improve the situation. These take a few weeks to take total effect, and those who start them will have an easier time learning and paying attention to things for a longer period of time.
There are other options for those who are trying to get things done. It is important to stay in area that is designated for getting things done. If work has to be done on a computer it is important to remove temptation. That includes keeping away from social media websites and taking games off the computer. It is also important to try to find the right style for getting things done. Some need to have total quiet while they are working, but others function better when there is some background noise. Listening to music helps some, and others might just want the fan going. It is also important to take breaks every once in a while. Stepping back and doing something different about every half an hour helps people to stay focused when they go back to work.

It is also important to have the area designated for working to be clean and well lit. This helps people to stay focused on the task at hand. When sitting down to get something done, it is important to make a list of all of the items that are going to be needed. This saves time wondering if there is something missing, and keeps people from spending time looking for things that they didn't get when they sat down. Making a list is very important, and it can give people all of the preparation that they need to get everything done.
Those who want to get better at remembering things for work or at school. Going over things before going to bed can help people continue to go over them and remember them better the next day. There are also games that people can get for their computer or phone which help to improve their memory and sharpen their mental focus. It is also important to set specific goals about what needs to be remembered. This could include remembering several chapters in a book by a certain date or getting a specific amount of work done in several hours.
Getting enough sleep and exercise can help those who are trouble concentrating throughout the day. Even drinking some caffeine can help

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