Transgender Marxism , livre ebook









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The first collection of its kind, Transgender Marxism is a provocative and groundbreaking union of transgender studies and Marxist theory.

Exploring trans lives and movements, the authors delve into the experience of surviving as transgender under capitalism. They explore the pressures, oppression and state persecution faced by trans people living in capitalist societies, their tenuous positions in the workplace and the home, and give a powerful response to right-wing scaremongering against ‘gender ideology’.

Reflecting on the relations between gender and labour, these essays reveal the structure of antagonisms faced by gender non-conforming people within society. Looking at the history of transgender movements, Marxist interventions into developmental theory, psychoanalysis and workplace ethnography, the authors conclude that for trans liberation, capitalism must be abolished.


Introduction - Jules Joanne Gleeson and Elle O'Rourke

1. Social Reproduction and Social Cognition: Theorizing (Trans)gender Identity Development in Community Context - Noah Zazanis (reproductive health research assistant, New York)

2. Trans Work: Employment Trajectories, Labour Discipline and Gender Freedom - Michelle O'Brien (New York University)

3. Judith Butler's Scientific Revolution: Foundations for a Transsexual Marxism - Rosa Lee (editor at Viewpoint Magazine)

4. How Do Gender Transitions Happen? - Jules Joanne Gleeson

5. A Queer Marxist Transfeminism: Queer and Trans Social Reproduction - Nat Raha (University of Sussex)

6. Notes from Brazil - Virginia Guitzel (philosophy student, Federal University of ABC)

7. Queer Workerism Against Work: Strategising Transgender Labourers, Social Reproduction & Class Formation - Kate Doyle Griffiths (lecturer, Brooklyn College and editor of Spectre Journal)

8. The Bridge between Gender and Organizing - Farah Thompson (Black, bisexual trans woman who does tech while living in San Diego)

9. Encounters in Lancaster - JN Hoad (DIY transsexual in the North West of the UK)

10. Transgender and Disabled Bodies - Between Pain and the Imaginary - Zoe Belinsky (independent scholar)

11. A Dialogue on Deleuze and Gender Difference - The Conspiratorial Association for the Advancement of Cultural Degeneracy (Cultural Degeneracy and Sacrilege - a pseudonymous dialogue between friends)

12. Seizing the Means: Towards a Trans Epistemology - Nathaniel Dickson (PhD candidate, University at Bufflalo)

13. 'Why Are We Like This?' The Primacy of Transsexuality - Xandra Metcalfe (psychoanalytic communist and noise artist based in Melbourne)

14. Cosmos Against Nature in the Class Struggle of Proletarian Trans Women - Anja Heisler Weiser Flower (artist living in San Francisco)

Afterword: One Utopia, One Dystopia - Jordy Rosenberg (Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Notes on Contributors


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Date de parution

20 mai 2021





Transgender Marxism
‘A terrific collection of essays – I couldn’t put it down.’
—Kathi Weeks, author ofThe Problem with Work
‘Is there a transgender Marxism? This pioneering co llection shows that the answer is there are many – inspired by psychoanalysis, uni on organising, queer communities, Black struggles and more. Material rea lities matter, tremendously, in trans lives; and trans experiences can change our t hinking about both capitalism and liberation.’
—Raewyn Connell, author ofGender: In World Perspective
‘What lives and thinks on through the staggering fa ilures of contemporary trans visibility and rights-based claims? This stunning c ollection answers in the collective form of a transgender Marxism. We find o urselves remade, hungrier and braver, in this book. Trans becomes in these pages the vibrant event of a historical materialism from below, intimate and urg ent.’
—Jules-Gill Peterson, Associate Professor of Englis h and Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies at the University of Pittsburgh and the author ofHistories of the Transgender Child
‘Refusing to cast trans subjects as either figural others or exemplary proletarians, this timely and powerful collection of essays carve s out a space for accounts of self-knowledge to ask how gender nonconformity can survive in a capitalist context. With stunning sophistication and insights,Transgender Marxism challenges capitalism’s social foundations in gende red patterns of property, work, and entitlement to develop new forms of sociality b eyond the family and its dyadic sexual division.’
—Petrus Liu, Associate Professor of Humanities at Y ale-NUS College and author ofQueer Marxism in Two Chinas
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