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Provides a systematic examination of Chineseness against current national and international backgrounds

This book examines the complexity of Chineseness in China and the Chinese diaspora. Using critical sociolinguistic and discourse analytical approaches, the chapters reveal the power dynamics and ideologies underlying the varied ways Chineseness is performed, represented and contested. Together they highlight four perspectives on Chineseness: the multiplicity of Chineseness, aspirational Chineseness, chronotopes of Chineseness and the cultural politics of Chineseness. It is argued that Chineseness is best understood as an ideologically-constructed variable, the articulation of which is deeply embedded within the dynamics of neoliberal globalization, rising nationalism, persistent Western hegemony, and shifting global geopolitics.


Chapter 1. Shuang Gao: Introduction: Chineseness as Competing Discourses

Chapter 2. Jing Huang: Chineseness in Diaspora: Multilingualism, Heteroglossia and Fluid Ethnicity

Chapter 3. Luke Lu: When ‘Chineseness’ Is Not Preferred: Accounts of Academically Elite Students from China in Singapore’s Schools

Chapter 4. Elaine Chung and Xuan Wang: Joseonjok YouTubers: Translating Vernacular Chineseness in South Korea

Chapter 5. Jessica Birnie-Smith: Framing Chineseness and Indonesianness on the Periphery

Chapter 6. Eric S. Henry: Narrating the Future Self: Strategic Stylisation and Cosmopolitan Stancetaking in Chinese IELTS Preparation Classes        

Chapter 7. Shuang Gao: Coffee, Social Space and Middle-Class Romance: Customer Writings in an Independent Coffee Shop in China

Chapter 8. Mingyi Hou: The Authenticity, Cultural Authority and Credibility of Weibo Public Intellectuals

Chapter 9. Xiaoxiao Chen: ‘Foreigners’ in One’s Own Land: Analysing Touristic Representations of Chineseness in the New York Times          

Chapter 10. Lionel Wee: Commentary


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Date de parution

09 septembre 2021





Poids de l'ouvrage

2 Mo

Unpacking Discourses on Chineseness
ENCOUNTERS Series Editors: Ana Deumert,University o Cape Town, South Arica, Zane Goebe,University o Queensland, Australiaand Anna De Fîna, Georgetown University, USA. The Encounters serîes sets out to expore dîversîty în anguage rom a theoretîca and an appîed perspectîve. So the ocus îs both on the înguîs-tîc encounters, înequaîtîes and strugges that characterîse post-modern socîetîes and on the deveopment, wîthîn socîocutura înguîstîcs, o theo-retîca înstruments to expaîn them. The serîes wecomes work deaîng wîth such topîcs as heterogeneîty, mîxîng, creoîzatîon, b rîcoage, cross-over phenomena, poyîngua and poycutura practîces. Another hîgh-prîorîty area o study îs the învestîgatîon o processes through whîch înguîstîc resources are negotîated, approprîated and controed, and the mechanîsms eadîng to the creatîon and maîntenance o socîocutura dî-erences. The serîes wecomes ethnographîcay orîented work în whîch contexts o communîcatîon are învestîgated rather than assumed, as we as research that shows a cear commîtment to cose anaysîs o oca mean-îng makîng processes and the semîotîc organîsatîon o texts. A books în thîs serîes are externay peer-revîewed. Fu detaîs o a the books în thîs serîes and o a our other pubîcatîons can be ound on http://www.mutîîngua-matters.com, or by wrîtîng to Mutîîngua Matters, St Nîchoas House, 31–34 Hîgh Street, Brîsto BS1 2AW, UK.
Unpacking Discourses on Chineseness
The Cultural Politics o Language and Identity in Globalizing China
Edited by Shuang Gao and Xuan Wang
MULTILINGUAL MATTERS Brîsto • Bue Rîdge Summît
DOI https://doî.org/10.21832/GAO3825 Lîbrary o Congress Cataogîng în Pubîcatîon Data A cataog record or thîs book îs avaîabe rom the Lîbrary o Congress. Names: Gao, Shuang, edîtor. | Wang, Xuan, edîtor. Tîte: Unpackîng Dîscourses on Chîneseness: The Cutura Poîtîcs o Language and Identîty în Gobaîzîng Chîna/Edîted by Shuang Gao and Xuan Wang. Descrîptîon: Brîsto, UK; Bue Rîdge Summît: Mutîîngua Matters, 2021. | Serîes: Encounters: 20 | Incudes bîbîographîca reerences and îndex. | Summary: “Thîs book examînes the compexîty o Chîneseness în Chîna and the Chînese dîaspora. Usîng crîtîca socîoînguîstîc and dîscourse anaytîca approaches, the chapters uncover the power dynamîcs and îdeoogîes underyîng varîed constructs o Chîneseness”—Provîded by pubîsher. Identîfiers: LCCN 2021022370 (prînt) | LCCN 2021022371 (ebook) | ISBN 9781800413825 (hardback) | ISBN 9781800413832 (pd) | ISBN 9781800413849 (epub) Subjects: LCSH: Socîoînguîstîcs—Chîna. | Language and cuture—Chîna. | Chînese anguage— Socîa aspects. | Chînese anguage—Dîscourse anaysîs. Cassîficatîon: LCC P40.45.C6 U57 2021 (prînt) | LCC P40.45.C6 (ebook) | DDC 306.44/0951—dc23 LC record avaîabe at https://ccn.oc.gov/2021022370 LC ebook record avaîabe at https://ccn.oc.gov/2021022371
Brîtîsh Lîbrary Cataoguîng în Pubîcatîon Data A cataogue entry or thîs book îs avaîabe rom the Brîtîsh Lîbrary.
ISBN-13: 978-1-80041-382-5 (hbk)
Multilingual Matters UK: St Nîchoas House, 31–34 Hîgh Street, Brîsto BS1 2AW, UK. USA: NBN, Bue Rîdge Summît, PA, USA.
Websîte: www.mutîîngua-matters.com Twîtter: Mutî_Lîng_Mat Facebook: https://www.acebook.com/mutîînguamatters Bog: www.channevîewpubîcatîons.wordpress.com
Copyrîght © 2021 Shuang Gao, Xuan Wang and the authors o îndîvîdua chapters.
A rîghts reserved. No part o thîs work may be reproduced în any orm or by any means wîthout permîssîon în wrîtîng rom the pubîsher.
The poîcy o Mutîîngua Matters/Channe Vîew Pubîcatîons îs to use papers that are natura, renewabe and recycabe products, made rom wood grown în sustaînabe orests. In the manuacturîng process o our books, and to urther support our poîcy, preerence îs gîven to prînters that have FSC and PEFC Chaîn o Custody certîficatîon. The FSC and/or PEFC ogos wî appear on those books where u certîficatîon has been granted to the prînter concerned.
Typeset by Nova Techset Prîvate Lîmîted, Bengauru and Chennaî, Indîa. Prînted and bound în the UK by the CPI Books Group Ltd.
To Jan Blommaert
Contrîbutors îx Introductîon: Chîneseness as Competîng Dîscourses 1 Shuang Gao Chîneseness în Dîaspora: Mutîînguaîsm, Heterogossîa and Fuîd Ethnîcîty 13 Jing Huang When ‘Chîneseness’ îs Not Preerred: Accounts o Academîcay Eîte Students rom Chîna în Sîngapore’s Schoos 38 Luke Lu Joseonjok YouTubers: Transatîng Vernacuar Chîneseness în South Korea 57 Elaine Chung and Xuan Wang Framîng Chîneseness and Indonesîanness on the Perîphery 80 Jessica Birnie-Smith Narratîng the Future Se: Strategîc Styîsatîon and Cosmopoîtan Stancetakîng în Chînese IELTS Preparatîon Casses 106 Eric S. Henry Cofee, Socîa Space and Mîdde-Cass Romance: Customer Wrîtîngs în an Independent Cofee Shop în Chîna 126 Shuang Gao The Authentîcîty, Cutura Authorîty and Credîbîîty o Weîbo Pubîc Inteectuas 146 Mingyi Hou
viii Unpacking Discourses on Chineseness
9 ‘Foreîgners’ în One’s Own Land: Anaysîng Tourîstîc Representatîons o Chîneseness în theNew York Times Xiaoxiao Chen 10 Commentary Lionel Wee  Index
Jessica Birnie-Smith obtaîned a PhD în Lînguîstîcs rom Monash Unîversîty în 2018 and îs currenty workîng as a ecturer în Lînguîstîcs at La Trobe Unîversîty. Her thesîs examîned how ethnîc Chînese youth enacted chronotopîcay condîtîoned Chînese and Indonesîan îdentîtîes through înguîstîc practîce în înteractîon. Her recent research învestîgates how members o margînaîsed and perîphera communîtîes construct and negotîate beongîng to oca and transoca spaces. She îs especîay înter-ested în exporîng new approaches to studyîng how socîa meanîng emerges rom înteractîon between înguîstîc practîce, the context în whîch practîce îs sîtuated as we as speaker îdentîtîes.
Xiaoxiao Chen dîd her PhD în Lînguîstîcs at Macquarîe Unîversîty în Austraîa rom 2009 to 2013. Beore that, she had been a ecturer în Engîsh în the Schoo o Engîsh and Internatîona Studîes at Beîjîng Foreîgn Studîes Unîversîty. Sînce 2013, she has been teachîng în the Schoo o Foreîgn Languages at Renmîn Unîversîty o Chîna. From 2004 to 2005, she was a vîsîtîng academîc at the Department o Lînguîstîcs at Grîith Unîversîty în Austraîa. She was a Fubrîght vîsîtîng schoar în the DeWîtt Waace Center or Medîa & Democracy and the Sanord Instîtute o Pubîc Poîcy at Duke Unîversîty în the USA rom 2008 to 2009. She has pubîshed în înternatîona journas such asMultilinguaandDiscourse & Society. Her research înterests încude socîoînguîstîcs o tourîsm, crîtîca dîscourse anaysîs and medîa studîes.
Elaine Chungîs a ecturer în Chînese Studîes at Cardîf Unîversîty, UK. She recenty competed her PhD at SOAS, Unîversîty o London. wîth a project on transnatîona South Korean stardom în Chînese screen medîa. Her research înterests îe în the transnatîona poîtîcs o East Asîan popuar cutures. Her essays on Chînese-Korean fim and teevîsîon co-productîon have appeared în varîous edîted voumes, încudîngThe Rise o K-Dramas(McFarand, 2019),Asia-Pacific Film Co-Productions(Routedge, 2019)
x Unpacking Discourses on Chineseness
andSino-Enchantment: The Fantastic in Contemporary Chinese Cinemas(Edînburgh Unîversîty Press, 2021).
Shuang Gaoîs a socîoînguîst workîng at the Unîversîty o Lîverpoo, UK. Her research uses înguîstîc ethnographîc methods to under stand socîa change în contemporary Chîna, ocusîng on tourîsm mobîîtîes, îdeoogîes o Engîsh, anguage and îdentîty, and gobaîsatîon. She îs the author o Aspiring to be Global: Language and Social Change in a Tourism Village in China(Mutîîngua Matters, 2019).
Eric S. Henryîs a înguîstîc anthropoogîst and Assocîate Proessor în the Department o Anthropoogy at Saînt Mary’s Unîversîty în Ha îax, Canada. Hîs research îs ocused on the acquîsîtîon and use o goba an-guages în contemporary Chîna, partîcuary Engîsh. Basedon ethnographîc fiedwork în the northeastern cîty o Shenyang, he examînes the confluence o educatîona practîces, dîscourse, neoîbera capîtaî sm and modernîsa-tîon în Engîsh anguage schoos. Hîs work has been pubîshed în journas such asCity & Society,AnthropologicaandLanguage in Society, and he îs the author oThe Future Conditional: Building an English-Speaking Society in Northeast China(Corne Unîversîty Press, 2021).
Mingyi Hou îs a ecturer în dîgîta cuture at Tîburg Unîversîty, the Netherands. Her research înterests încude onîne cuture, ceebrîty and andom, gender studîes and pubîc înteectua studîes. Mîngyî’s research expores the întersectîon o dîgîta medîa, gobaîsatîon and the transor-matîon o modern Chînese cuture.
Jing Huangîs a ecturer în TESOL at the Department o Engîsh Language and Lînguîstîcs, the Unîversîty o Bîrmîngham, UK. Prîor to her current post, Jîng has worked as a research assocîate at the Unîversîty o Bath, or an ESRC-unded project on anguage poîcy and transnatîona amîîes. She has aso taught Engîsh and Chînese or genera and academîc pur-poses în Chîna and the UK or some years. Jîng îs înterested în usîng ethnographîc methods combîned wîth secondary data anaysîs to research socîoînguîstîc practîces o îndîvîduas, amîîes, schoos and communî-tîes. She has partîcuary worked on everyday mutîmoda dîscourses to dîscuss ethnîca îdentîty, îdeoogy în anguage educatîon, and întercu-tura communîcatîon. Her atest pubîcatîons can be ound în the journas oMultilingual and Multicultural Development,Language Teachingand International Journal o the Sociology o Language, as we as în severa edîted books încudîngThe Routledge Handbook o Language and SuperdiversityandTranslanguaging in Everyday Practices.
Contributors xi
Luke Luîs currenty Lecturer at the Dîvîsîon o Lînguîstîcs and Mutîîngua Studîes, Nanyang Technoogîca Unîversîty, Sîngapore. Beore academîa, Luke was a secondary schoo teacher or five years. He has competed a Lînguîstîc Ethnography o academîcay eîte students în Sîngapore, exam-înîng how they dîscursîvey posîtîoned themseves to wîder structures and dîscourses în oca spaces. Hîs recent pubîcatîons on thîs subject încude artîces înAILA Reviewthe and Journal o Language, Identity and Education. He îs prîmarîy înterested în approaches to înteractîona socîo-înguîstîcs and ethnography, pertaînîng to îssues such as t ransnatîona mobîîty, educatîon, anguage rîghts, anguage pannîng and poîcy, and ethnîcîty.
Xuan Wangîs currenty a Lecturer o Chînese Studîes at Cardîf Unîversîty, Unîted Kîngdom. She receîved her PhD în Socîoînguîstîcs rom Tîburg Unîversîty, the Netherands. She has prevîousy worked as a researcher at Maastrîcht Unîversîty, the Netherands and Lecturer o Chînese at Unîversîty o Leuven, Begîum. She has more than 10 pubîcat îons wîth major pubîshers o journas and books.
Lionel Weea înguîst în the Department o Engîsh Language & îs Lîterature, Natîona Unîversîty o Sîngapore. He îs înterested în anguage poîcy (especîay în Southeast Asîa), the grammar o Sîngapore Engîsh, metaphorîca dîscourse and genera îssues în socîoînguîstîcs and prag-matîcs. He sîts on the edîtorîa boards oApplied Linguistics,English World-WideandMultilingual Margins. Hîs recent pubîcatîons încude The Singlish Controversy: Language, Identity and Culture in a Globalizing World(2018) andLanguage, Space, and Cultural Play: Theorizing Afect in the Semiotic Landscape(2019, co-authored wîth Robbîe Goh), both wîth Cambrîdge Unîversîty Press.
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