Investing in Yourself , livre audio






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This is a must-listen audiobook for anyone considering higher education or looking to understand the value of a college degree. Written by Dr. David K. Ewen, an esteemed educator with several decades of professional experience in the field, this book offers profound insights into the positive aspects and significance of a college education.
In his audiobook, “Investing in Yourself”, Dr. Ewen draws on his extensive knowledge and experience to provide a comprehensive overview of the many benefits of attending college. He explores the ways in which a college education can enhance an individual's intellectual, social, and personal growth, as well as their career prospects and earning potential.
With compelling arguments and real-life examples, Dr. Ewen demonstrates the importance of a college education in today's rapidly changing world. He highlights the ways in which a college degree can provide individuals with critical thinking skills, a deep understanding of diverse cultures, and the ability to adapt to new challenges and opportunities.
Moreover, "Investing in Yourself" offers practical advice and strategies for maximizing the benefits of a college education. Dr. Ewen offers guidance on selecting the right college, choosing a major, and navigating the challenges of higher education.
Overall, "Unlocking Your Potential" is an enlightening and inspiring book that offers invaluable insights into the importance of a college education. It is a must-read for anyone considering higher education or looking to understand the many ways in which a college degree can enhance their lives and career prospects.

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Date de parution

03 juillet 2023





Poids de l'ouvrage

119 Mo

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