Advertising and Promotion: The Ultimate Guide to Online Advertising, Discover the Ins and Outs of Online Advertising and How it Can Help Get Maximum Exposure for Your Business , livre audio






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Advertising and Promotion: The Ultimate Guide to Online Advertising, Discover the Ins and Outs of Online Advertising and How it Can Help Get Maximum Exposure for Your Business

There is an old saying that says “It pays to advertise.” In those long ago days before computers, businesses could open out in the real brick and mortar world in small towns and never pay for one word of advertising. But those days are gone. If you are to have any kind of business on the internet, advertising is just a given. Because you might have the world’s greatest product but if you don’t advertise on the internet, nobody will be able to find out about you at all. Internet advertising serves two purposes: it tells the world that you have a product and then it tells the world how to find you, your website and your product.

This audiobook will teach you all about online advertising for your business, how it works, the benefits and advantages, and how to do it.

This audiobook will discuss the following topics:

-Internet and the World of Online Advertising

-Free Rapid Online Advertising Methods That Work

-Low-Cost Rapid Online Advertising Methods That Work

-Lousy Advertising Methods You Must AVOID

-And many more!

Advertising does pay and you need to find the right mixture of paid and free advertising that will best serve your needs. To learn more, scroll up and click “add to cart” now!

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Date de parution

06 janvier 2022





Poids de l'ouvrage

36 Mo

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