How to Talk Dirty to Get You both in the Mood for Sex & Make Your Wildest Fantasies Come True! , livre audio






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Mature readers only.How to Talk Dirty to Get You both in the Mood for Sex & Make Your Wildest Fantasies Come True!This book will help you save time, energy and money as it gives you all the most important techniques and strategies for you to have the mind-blowing sex you deserve!Are you a closet naughty girl wanting to brush up on your dirty talking skills? Or do you want to be one, but just not sure how to do it? Have you ever wanted to talk dirty to your man, but just wasn't sure what to say much less how and when to say it?Many couples are looking for ways to enliven their sex life, which eventually lost its sting. Or maybe it's just a desire to try something new. In both cases, this book is something that definitely solves this problem. People do not realise how the power of words can change their lives - both sexual and social. Practising dirty talk in your bedroom not only can enliven relationship with your partner, but also can help you feel more relaxed, more open and as a result - happier.This book will teach you how to open up your mouth and voice what you want, what you love, and exactly how you want it, in the most attractive way possible. Ready to up your sexual skill level, improve your sex life and add a little more spice when the clothes come off? You deserve it!
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Date de parution

01 janvier 2018





Poids de l'ouvrage

100 Mo

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